A Great Tragedy

Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
Matthew 5:4
The letter that follows reflects the great sadness that came over God’s people when news of a killing spree inflicted on a congregation of the Living Church of God was received.
Blow the Trumpet
Proclaiming the Gospel as a Witness
March 13, 2005
In the Churches of God
Re: A Great Tragedy
Dear Brethren,
Less than twenty-four hours ago an unspeakable act of evil was inflicted on a small congregation of God’s Church in Brookfield Wisconsin. It is difficult to imagine the horror that rang out in what must have seemed like an endless stream of gunfire. Such terror is almost beyond comprehension.

At times like this words are just not enough. The grief we all feel is deep and powerful and will be a part of us for the rest of our lives. Like all of God’s people around the world, we at Blow the Trumpet are profoundly saddened by this tragedy and our thoughts and tearful prayers go out to God for His servant, Dr. Roderick Meredith as well as those whose lives were shattered that Sabbath afternoon. May He comfort them and may the promise of His Kingdom sustain the hope that they and we so desperately need.
Dennis Fischer
Blow the Trumpet