Site Directory

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,
and a light unto my path.
Psalm 119:105
As you navigate through our website you will discover numerous places to explore. Currently there are over 1,000 pages addressing the significant issues facing the world, our nation and God’s Church. Furthermore, we are aggressively continuing to build the site and anticipate numerous additions each month. The purpose of this Site Directory is to provide, in one location, a brief list and description of the major sections and wings of Blow the Trumpet.
To the World
This section of our site addresses critical issues facing our world today. It examines them in light of Jesus’ words as recorded in the Olivet prophecy (Mt. 24, Mk.13, Lk. 21). Currently it consists of eight wings: Each of these wings contains a plethora of articles, video clips and special links. To access a particular wing click the applicable icon.
To the Nation
This Section of our site is dedicated to issues pertaining to America’s heritage and the moral decline of this once great nation. Currently it consists of eleven proprietary wings plus two Features: "American Repent" and "Killer Katrina". Contained in these wings are literally hundreds of articles and video presentations on such issues as abortion, faith, and the erosion of America’s character. To access a particular wing click the applicable icon.
Blow the Trumpet is engaged in the on-going process of compiling a comprehensive library dedicated to assists our guests in their Christian walk. Currently our library consists of eight wings with each wing containing a mountain of information. Additionally, because this wing is updated frequently, we encourage you to visit often. To access a particular wing, click on the appropriate icon
News Bureau
This section of our site contains numerous resources for those wishing to stay current on the latest events taking center stage in the world and the nation. Currently our News Bureau contains three wings. “Related Links” consists of over 30 links to the leading news providers as well as news makers in the world. “Morning Briefing” represents links to specific stories that Blow the Trumpet believes capture the significant news of the day. “Contemporary Issues and Analysis” is a monthly commentary on major trends in the news. To access a particular wing click the applicable icon.
News Links
Mr. President
This section of our website contains two highly critical wings. The first wing contains a series of letters that were sent to the President of the United States. Each letter warns that if America continues on its present course it will find itself on the receiving end of a horrible judgement.
These section of our website contain various comments made about Blow the Trumpet and its work. However, these “letters” are unique in that they are written by people who find our work objectionable. To access a directory of these letters, click the icon below.
Other Information
In addition to the information identified above, our website contains information regarding Blow the Trumpet, its mission and its work. If you would like to learn more about us, we would encourage you to visit the following pages.