Not that I seek the gift;but I seek the fruit which increases to your credit.
We at Blow the Trumpet are often asked how this work is financed in light of the fact that it is not sponsored by a church. Our support comes in many forms. Some contribute their skill and expertise. Others offer encouragement and prayer whose power can never be underestimated. There are also those who provide financial support.
Those preferring to contact us by mail you may write to us at: Those preferring to contact us by mail you may write to us
Those wishing to make a contributation electronically may do so by simply clicking the icon below and following the instructions. Any information provided will be regarded as strictly confidential and will not be shared in any way or form with any entity.
Virtually all contributions go directly to the support of this project. Absolutely no salaries or any other form of compensation is extended to Blow the Trumpet contributors or staff.
Thank You