A Warning Goes Forth
A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth; for the LORD hath a
controversy with the nations, he will plead with all flesh; he will give
them that are wicked to the sword, saith the LORD.
Jeremiah 25:31
On April 28, 2005 God’s end-time work entered a new and critical phase. At this time a powerful warning message was placed directly before the United States and its leaders. This warning specifically addressed the great moral issues of our day including abortion, sexual depravity, the erosion of traditional values and the secularizing of America. Furthermore, there was nothing soft or conciliatory about this witness. Its words were strong and direct. They appealed to the leaders of this land to repent of their collective sins and to turn our nation back to the God who has so richly blessed them. Additionally, this warning presented the horrible consequences for failing to honor the Great God of heaven.
The first of these messages was sent to President George W Bush. It will be followed up this July with a witness to each justice of the US Supreme Court. Subsequent warnings will be sent to every member of the House of Representatives, and the U. S. Senate, as well as to the governors of each state. Although these messages will address a common theme, each will be tailored to their respective recipient. Furthermore, it is our intent to deliver additional aspects of this warning as God inspires them—and we are absolutely confident He will.
Perhaps the most unique aspect of this warning is the method in which it was and will continue to be delivered. Instead of a traditional letter, each piece of correspondence will be sent via a state of the art Video CD. A Video CD not only presents specific messages, but also supporting documentation, including high quality audio and video presentations. This new technology has the power to bring words to life and is ideal for this aspect of God’s work.
As was mentioned earlier, the first Video CD is now complete and represents virtually hundreds of man-hours of research and design. However, we believe it was time well spent. This warning is simply too important to give anything less than our very best. Additionally, because we have now created the model, future messages can be produced in a small fraction of the time.
How Can We Do It?
When we first shared this particular vision of Blow the Trumpet and its work, two questions repeatedly emerged: 1) Do you really think anyone will play the messages you send? And 2) how are you going to pay for this project? With respect to the first question the answer is a resounding YES! Every piece of mail that is received by America’s legislative leaders is read. Furthermore, we have corresponded at length with leaders in the nation’s capital and have always received specific responses. Whether a particular leader reads or hears a message cannot be known for certain. However, because we are totally convinced that this warning is inspired by God, we are confident that He will deliver it to the destination He chooses.
With respect to the financing of this critical warning, we believe God’s people will join us in this work. The project is simply too important for them to ignore. Furthermore, few projects allow God’s people to be so directly involved. This is because they may actually sponsor a specific Video CD and its destination.
Finally, we cordially invite you to preview the first video card. To do so click the link below.
(Internet version does not include videos)
