The Middle East in Crisis
Dear Friends
On Tuesday July 12th, Hezbollah forces in Lebanon captured two Israeli soldiers in a bloody battle near its southern border. What happened next would stun not only the region but the entire world. Israel's Prime Minister Ehud Olmert called the abduction "an act of war" and ordered a massive counter strike against southern Lebanon where the Hezbollah are heavily concentrated.
In the days that followed, a defiant Hezbollah militia launched hundreds of missiles at several northern Israeli cities almost every day. In return Israel virtually decimated Lebanon's infrastructure with a relentless series of strikes on key sites. Additionally, it ostensibly chocked off Lebanon from the outside world through a compressive sea and air blockade.
So intense was this conflict that Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Saniora told participants at a meeting of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the Muslim world's largest political group, that the death count in his country has eclipsed 900 and that Lebanon has been reduced to a nation in ruins.
"Over 900 (have been) killed and 3,000 injured so far, one third of the casualties are children under 12."
[The conflict] "is taking an enormous toll on human life and infrastructure, and has totally ravaged our country and shattered our economy."
Throughout the world emotions have run deep over what was nothing less than a genuine, albeit brief, war between two intractable forces. On one side terrorist states like Syria and Iran that espouse the total annihilation of Israel were providing weapons to their surrogate army in southern Lebanon. Additionally, while they gave lip service to a cease fire, they were encouraging Muslims around the world to join their Hezbollah brothers in this fight. On the other side America's greatest mideast partner appeared determined to raise the stakes to a level that would force the hand of both its enemies and its allies.
It should come as no surprise that the overwhelming majority of the international community condemned Israel's actions as "excessive". Amnesty International went so far as to accuse them of "War Crimes" against humanity. Additionally, the United Nations weighed in on the issue when it attempted to draft a resolution condemning Israel for the gravity of their response. The resolution was blocked by the United States when it exercised its first veto in two years.
Meanwhile, as the world branded Israel as the bully in this conflict, this small democracy sees their response much differently. To them this was, and continues to be, a battle for survival against an enemy that has over 10,000 Iranian and Syrian missiles poised to strike its people.
This wing of our website is dedicated to following what just might be the beginning stages of history's most dramatic moment. Are we about to see the world change as never before? Furthermore, are we witnessing events that will usher in calamity of unspeakable proportions? We at Blow the Trumpet believe the answer is very likely YES.
Because of the rapid changing of events in this story this wing will be updated frequently, often several times a day.
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A war of weapons, a war of words
By Gary Ehman
Living Church of God
The eyes of the world are once again riveted to the escalating fighting and chaos erupting in the Middle East. As expected, the tiny nation of Israel once more finds itself fighting a war on both physical and political fronts.
Thursday August 17
Associated Press
The following figures for Lebanese and Israeli casualties and damages in the 34-day Israel-Hezbollah war were compiled by The Associated Press mostly from government officials on both sides.
By David C. Pack
The Restored Church of God
The world is filled with war, terrorism, turmoil and confusion. While men have created many amazing technological inventions, they cannot “create” peace. Scientists have unleashed the power of the atom but are powerless to “unleash” peace upon earth. Astronomers have discovered much about the size, majesty and precision of the universe, but they cannot “discover” the way to peace. They can find galaxies far away throughout the universe, but they cannot “find” peace here on earth.
Opinions and Editorials
Shaking Core Beliefs in the Middle East
By Dr. George Friedman
CEO of STRATFOR (Strategic Forecasting)
An extraordinary thing happened in the Middle East this month. An Israeli army faced an Arab army and did not defeat it -- did not render it incapable of continued resistance. That was the outcome in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 and 1982. But it did not happen in 2006. Should this outcome stand, it will represent a geopolitical earthquake in the region -- one that fundamentally shifts expectations and behaviors on all sides.
Retired General: Hizballah 'Victory' Should Yield Talks
Friday August 18
By Nathan Burchfiel
CNSNews.com Staff Writer
(CNSNews.com) - A retired general critical of the Bush administration's handling of the war on terror said Thursday that Hizballah's "victory" over Israel gives the terrorist organization and one of its main supporters - Iran - credibility. Retired Marine Corps Gen. Joseph Hoar said the United States should invite Iran and Hizballah into negotiations.
Road Ahead Difficult for Ending Conflict
Monday August 14
Associated Press Writer
BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -- Even if the U.N.-imposed cease-fire holds beyond its implementation Monday, the road to truly ending the Hezbollah-Israel conflict is fraught with difficulties. A dizzying set of conflicting interests could quickly fracture the truce.
Refugees Find Widespread Devastation
Monday August 14
Associated Press Writer
BINT JBAIL, Lebanon (AP) -- There was no sign of life in Bint Jbail on Monday, only incinerated cars, devastated buildings and an Israel tank parked near the entrance to town.
Thursday August 10
Associated Press Writer
For Israel, the U.N. cease-fire deal is far from perfect. A U.N. force deploying in south Lebanon as part of the truce will have trouble keeping Hezbollah at bay for long or prevent the Iranian-supplied guerrillas from rearming, critics said, pointing to past failures of international peacekeepers.
'New Mideast' May See Stronger Extremists
Thursday August 10
Associated Press Writer
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) -- The "new Middle East" being born out of the warfare in Lebanon may be one where Islamic extremists are even stronger and reformists are isolated amid widespread skepticism over U.S. promises of democracy, activists in the Arab world warn.
Obstacles Abound to U.N. Mideast Force
Monday August 7
Associated Press Writer
VIENNA, Austria (AP) -- Across the globe, at least 15 nations are considering sending troops to an eventual U.N.-mandated international force in southern Lebanon - including Malaysia, Indonesia and Norway.
The Danger of an Israeli Cease-Fire
Friday August 4, 2006
The Trumpet. Com
International pressure is mounting on Israel to stop its attack on Hezbollah. If Israel gives in, it would play right into Hezbollah’s hands.
Lebanese Army Openly Supports Hizballah
By Patrick Goodenough
CNSNews.com International Editor
August 02, 2006
(CNSNews.com) - Empowering the Lebanese Army is seen as a key element in resolving the Mideast crisis, but the army's makeup and its attitude towards Hizballah raise serious questions about the feasibility of the plan.
Hizballah Spreading War to Christian Villages?
By Julie Stahl
CNSNews.com Jerusalem Bureau Chief
July 31, 2006
Jerusalem (CNSNews.com) - Hizballah is trying to launch rockets from Christian villages in southern Lebanon, hoping to provoke an Israeli bombardment on Christian communities, a Lebanese source said.
By Newt Gingrich
July 20, 2006
UK Guardian
The civilized world stands balanced between victory and defeat. The long road to victory begins with the free world helping the Lebanese democracy defeat Hizbullah, expelling the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and removing all of the 10,000 plus missiles aimed at Israel from Lebanon. Then we must create the circumstance where the Lebanese can control their own territory and thus end the mortal threat to Israel.
Now isn't the time for restraint from Israel
By Newt Gingrich
July 19, 2006
USA Today
Imagine that this morning 50 missiles were launched from Cuba and exploded in Miami. In addition to buildings and homes being destroyed, scores of Americans were being killed. Now imagine our allies responded by saying publicly that we must not be too aggressive in protecting our citizens and that America must use the utmost restraint.