Herbert W Armstrong Library

Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong
January, 198
Herbert W. Armstrong was the founder and dynamic leader of The Worldwide Church of God. He was born in July 1892 in Des Moines, Iowa and spent his early adult years as a newspaper writer and advertising executive. After being called and converted, Mr. Armstrong dedicated his life to proclaiming God's word.
He began to preach a powerful gospel message on radio and would later produce a telecast (The World Tomorrow) that would carry the plain truth about today’s world news and the prophecies of God’s kingdom.

As a teacher, Mr. Armstrong provided keen insight into God’s plan of salvation as well as His plan for the destiny of the entire universe. His message is best described as "the plain truth."
Mr. Armstrong authored several books including "The Wonderful World Tomorrow - What It Will Be Like," "The Incredible Human Potential," "The United States and Britain in Prophecy," and "The Seven Laws of Success." Perhaps the crowning achievement of Mr. Armstrong’s writing was "Mystery of the Ages" which was released just months before his death in January 1986.

Mr. Armstrong taught that although salvation is a gift, obedience to God is an essential part of the Christian walk. He also taught that God’s commandments represent the way of "give" while man is consumed with the way of "get."
Mr. Armstrong believed that God’s end-time church was commissioned to preach the gospel as a witness to all nations. To this end, he published several magazines including The Plain Truth and The Good News.
During his years of service, Mr. Armstrong traveled the globe as an ambassador of goodwill. He visited over 70 countries and met with some of the world’s leading dignitaries. Mr. Armstrong was honored by the heads of state in countries such as Japan, Israel, and Egypt and his impact on the millions of lives he touched is undeniable.
When he died, Herbert W. Armstrong left an extraordinary legacy. He was the founder and chancellor of three colleges. He was the editor of a magazine with a monthly circulation of over 8 million and was the voice of virtually hundreds of radio and television broadcasts.
Perhaps the greatest legacy Mr. Armstrong left was a work that continues to this very day. That work is performed by thousands of faithful who steadfastly held on to the truth he restored. Those faithful servants, although scattered, continue to diligently proclaim the gospel of God’s kingdom as well as nurture God’s church with His truth.