An American Holocaust

Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou
camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I
ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
Jeremiah 1:5
"Abortion is advocated only by persons who have themselves been born."
Ronald Reagan
Dear Friends
On January 22, 1973 the United States Supreme Court ruled that a woman’s desire to terminate an unwanted pregnancy was protected by the Constitution. Since this landmark decision (Roe v. Wade), over 50 million abortions have been performed in the United States. What was once argued as a means to spare women the potential threat of “back alley” abortions has now become one of the most popular surgical procedures in the country. Furthermore, it is now viewed by many as just another method of birth control.

First twin: "Do you believe in life after birth?
Second twin: "I sure do and it will be wonderful."
However, despite the fact that abortion is legal, it remains one of its most divisive ethical and political issues of our time. The passions run deep on this debate and the opposing camps are entrenched in a battle that appears to be without end. Both sides see this as a moral question. Those on the left argue that abortion is an intensely personal decision and should not be regulated by the state. Opponents of abortion see it as a horrible evil in which the most innocent in society are victims. As such they deserve the protection of legislator and jurist alike.
This page of our website examines the abortion controversy and presents a case in favor of LIFE. The articles we have included demonstrate that the pro-choice position is actually no choice at all. Furthermore, these articles expose those positions as among the most disingenuous on the political landscape today. In reality, few causes have relied more on ignorance to buttress their point than those employed by abortion rights groups. Whether it is the poling data they employ to show “wide spread” support of their position, or the scientific arguments they use when defining their terms, organizations like Planned Parenthood and the National Organization of Women reek with dishonesty when waging their war for “reproductive rights.” The fact is that both polling data and medical opinion forcefully argue against abortion as opposed to embracing it.
Finally, this section of our site presents the position of scripture on this issue–for indeed the God of the Bible has a very strong opinion regarding it. God’s word is not silent here, nor will be His judgement.
Blow the Trumpet

January 2012

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Friday July 14, 2006
LifeSite News
TRETON, New Jersey, July 14, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A woman seeking justice for almost nine years in a “wrongful abortion” case will be heard by the New Jersey state Supreme Court, the Star Ledger reported Thursday.
Woman Sues For Wrongful Birth of Twin After Failed Abortion
Tuesday March 21, 2006
PERTH, United Kingdom, March 21, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A young woman who gave birth to a daughter, after a failed abortion left one of her twins still alive, is suing for damages against the hospital that carried out the procedure.
Opinions and Editorials
Abortion Rhymes with Death
Thursday June 15,2006
PRINCETON professor Robert George, one of the nation's leading moral philosophers, recently visited the Vatican for an audience with the pope. He faced an age-old dilemma: "What's a good gift for the pope?" George settled on Ramesh Ponnuru's new book, "The Party of Death."
Throwing Roe to the People
Tuesday June 6,2006
Christian Science Monitor
South Dakota has become the scene of a topsy-turvy drama. Those who once turned to the courts to win abortion rights are now asking the people to decide in a referendum, while those opposed to the courts' role in abortion are seeking a legal fight.
Abortion-breast cancer link covered up by scientists?
May 16,2005
A pioneer researcher into the connection between abortion and breast cancer says an overwhelming amount of evidence collected in nearly 50 years of studies demonstrating a conclusive link has been systematically covered up by biased scientists, government agencies and the news media using fraudulent data to deceive women about potentially life-and-death decisions.