Pardon the Interruption
Adding Clarity to the Issue
This restaurant rejects God’s law and profanes His Sabbath.
We serve another god. He is our master. So come on in
and enjoy the best food and service in town.

Dear Brethren
Imagine that you and some friends decide to go to your favorite restaurant after Sabbath services and enjoy a delicious early dinner and some wonderful Christian fellowship. This has been a long standing tradition of yours and you never once questioned it. As you pull into the parking lot, you immediately notice something different. The name of the restaurant has changed. You then proceed toward the entrance and see a small announcement board with a notice that informs all customers that this is a God-rejecting, Satan-worshipping restaurant. Aside from that, nothing has changed. The personnel are all the same. The menu is identical to the one that was there before. Now here is our question:
Would you feel as comfortable eating there
as you did prior to this "renovation"?
If your answer is "no," then you are simply the victim of good advertising. You may never find this sign or the accompanying announcement, but every Sabbath, you will find the restaurant they describe. It is the one many of God's people visit every week.
"And no marvel; for Satan himself
is transformed into an angel of light."
A Lesson from the Preparation Day
2 Cor. 11:14
Blow the Trumpet
Counter Argument
United Church of God
Advisory Committee for Doctrine
Dear Mr. Fischer,
The outlandish hypothetical situation given above has no relationship with reality. It is inconceivable that such an announcement would be posted. It seems that the point being made is that a restaurant open for business on the Sabbath is by definition a "God-rejecting, Satan-.worshipping restaurant." Hence, we should not patronize such an establishment. If this indeed is the point being made, we would also have to logically conclude that we should not patronize such an establishment any day of the week, Why would we patronize at any time a business that openly declares itself to be a "God-rejecting, Satan-worshipping restaurant"
Furthermore, if this logic is followed, we should only patronize restaurants that are closed on the Sabbath (from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday) and Holy Days. In the unlikely event that such a restaurant could be found, there probably would be other objections to patronizing such a restaurant-for example, what if unclean meats are served, what if smoking is permitted, etc.? Indeed, if the logic of this hypothetical situation is followed, it would be impossible to eat in any restaurant at any time unless it is owned by a Church of God member and its employees and patrons are only Church of God members!
Advisory Committee for Doctrine
Response from Dennis Fischer
Dear Friends,
The indignation expressed by these UCG leaders speaks volumes about their approach to deception. According to them it is inconceivable that they could ever be fooled by the devil. After all, they know just what to look for. As soon as they see a man in a red suit with a pitchfork and a tail they will be the first to warn God’s people to stand clear. However, if he appears as an “angel of light” it must be okay to avail themselves of his services. Regrettably, this is their approach to dining out on the Sabbath as well. In other words, they would never patronize a restaurant bearing an offensive name or vulgar announcement, but wouldn’t give a second thought to patronizing one whose atmosphere (“ambiance”) masks a behavior that is an affront to God Almighty.
In one sense their response has proven our point. Instead of seeing God’s Sabbath being profaned as a clear "SIGN" telling them to avoid such places on holy time, they see a festive atmosphere, scores of delicious meal options, and friendly attentive servers all whispering to them, “Don’t worry, you can keep your Sabbath here.” Unfortunately, the UCG listens attentively. At this point it is significant that a similar enticement was uttered and believed long ago “You will not surely die” (Gen. 3:4).
With that said, here is a little advice for these leaders regarding appearances. Although it is “inconceivable” that a restaurant would ever acknowledge that their Sabbath is fully invested in a behavior inspired by the devil himself, it is also “inconceivable” that Osama Bin-laden would ever call himself a terrorist or, that the Babylonian Mystery religion would ever refer to itself as a false Church.
The point in this "hypothetical" is that what takes place in a restaurant on God's Sabbath goes entirely against His great moral law. On that day, restaurant personnel serve the god of this world, and do his bidding, whether they are aware of it or not. In a very real sense, restaurants that profane God's Sabbath are, FOR THAT DAY, "The Devil's Diner." Simply because they don't post this fact on a sign may provide consolation for the United Church of God, but such an omission carries no weight with the Almighty. Both Israel and Judah went into captivity because they forgot about His Sabbath. I believe the same fate awaits His people today, if they continue to engage in this sin. Certainly that is what Nehemiah suggested (Neh. 13: 17-18).
What the UCG fails to grasp is that a real God-rejecting devil has blinded the minds of those who profane the Sabbath by laboring in restaurants on this day (2 Cor. 4:4). Furthermore, that devil has also blinded the minds of the UCG doctrinal group in this matter. While they claim they would never patronize a restaurant called "The Devil's Diner," they actually consent to doing just that.
The bottom line is this: Satan desperately wants restaurant personnel to reject God's Sabbath, and he desperately wants the UCG doctrinal group to seek out and purchase this sin. So far he is having his way with both.
Dennis Fischer
Dear UCG,
Your comment suggesting that our approach toward this issue “logically” demands that God’s people would have to boycott all businesses except those operated by Church members, is manipulative, not to mention TOTALLY FALSE. Furthermore, I believe it is symptomatic of a greater problem. Throughout your doctrinal paper as well as your letter to me you refuse to acknowledge that Satan is the FORCE behind Sabbath breaking. The problem with this belief is that everything in God’s word says otherwise. Consider what the scriptures say about the role Satan plays in the conduct of unbelievers.
Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience: Among whom also we all had our conversation (conduct) in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. (Eph. 2:2)
The simple truth is that when it comes to God’s called out ones, what takes place in restaurants every Sabbath belongs to “times past”—and God commands His people to not be a part of such things (Rev 18:4). This is why you would never order Lobster when dinning out even though the restaurant will provide it to someone else. It is also why you should never solicit Sabbath labor even though they will provide that labor to someone else as well. Gentlemen, this isn’t that hard to understand. However, it appears that you have become so intoxicated by this activity you just can’t seem to be honest with yourself or God’s people when explaining what is really occurring in the place you seek out. So SAD.