Mini Studies
Then Peter said unto them “Repent and be baptized
every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the
remission of sins...”
Acts 2:38
The book of Acts describes the birth of the New Testament Church (Ac.2). At that time the apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit and empowered by God to do great works. As Peter spoke with great force concerning what was taking place on this day, he was asked by the crowd in attendance, “what shall we do?” Peter responded by instructing them to “Repent and be baptized.” Although Peter did not invent the practice of baptism, it clearly became more meaningful to God’s people after this particular Pentecost.
The Mini Study that follows examines the issue of baptism and why it holds such a profound importance to God’s people and their entrance into His Kingdom.
Man needs a plan of salvation because he is mortal.God is immortal.
- Jn. 5:26 - "The Father has life in Himself."
- Psa. 90:2 - "From everlasting to everlasting"
- Through Christ God gives immortality
- 1Jn. 5:11-12 - "He that has the Son has life."
- Christ’s blood reconciles us to God; His resurrection saves us (Rom. 5:10)
- Being saved means being born again (Jn. 3)
- Man must first be begotten through baptism.
Baptism is commanded and is a required part of salvation.
- Mk. 16:15-16 "He that is baptized shall be saved."
- Mk. 1:9-11 Jesus was baptized as an example.
- Jn. 3:22 Jesus baptized through His disciples.
- Mt. 28:19-20 Jesus commanded the disciples to baptize
- Acts 2:38-41 "Repent and be baptized." (Peter)
- Acts 8:5-12 Philip baptized
- Acts 22:16 Paul baptized by Ananias
Baptism is an ordinance symbolizing faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Baptism pictures the death, burial and resurrection of Christ and the death and burial of the old man and the resurrection of the new, changed person in Christ.
- Col. 2:12 "buried with Christ in baptism"
- Rom. 6:3-6 "baptized into His death"
- Gal. 2:20 "I am crucified with Christ"
What does baptism accomplish?
- Lk. 3:3 "to wash away sins"
- Acts 3:19 "Repent that your sins may be blotted out" (also 22:16)
- Acts 2:38 "to receive the gift of the holy spirit" (also 8:17; 191-6)
- Rom. 8:5-9, 14-17 Why we need God’s spirit. (also Zech 4:6; Rom.7:22, 25; 1Cor. 2)
What are the prerequisites (for the holy spirit)?
1. Repent (Acts 2:38; 10:34; Mk 1:15
2. Believe (Acts 8:36-38; 16:30-33; 19:1-6)
3. Obey (Acts 5:32)
4. Pray (Acts 10:4-6) (Cornelius)
5. Be called (Acts 2:39)
6. Be baptized (Acts 2:3)
7. Laying on of hands (Acts 8:17; 19:6)
Baptize = "baptizo" = immerse (put into)
Jn. 3:23 "because there was much water"
Mt. 3:15-17 "straightway out of the water"
Acts 8:36-38
- Sprinkle = "rantidzo"
- Pour = "cheo"