Articles And Notes
Memorize the Bible
Genesis to Revelation
This is a list of the "most important" chapters in the Bible and what they contain. These are the chapters most often referenced, so a good knowledge of the information below will take you a long ways towards knowing how to find passages in your Bible on the spur of the moment.
Genesis 1 The Creation
Genesis 2 God makes the Sabbath and marries Adam and Eve
Genesis 3: Satan deceives man
Genesis 4: Cain murders Abel
Genesis 5: The descendants of Adam
Genesis 7: The Great Flood
Genesis 10 Dividing the nations (Shem, Ham, Japheth); Nimrod
Genesis 11: The Tower of Babel
Genesis 12 Abraham – God’s Covenant
Genesis 14 Melchizedek (Heb 7)
Genesis 19: The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah
Genesis 21 Isaac
Genesis 22 Abraham’s trial of faith
Genesis 25 Jacob obtains Birthright
Genesis 37: Joseph sold to Egypt
Genesis 38: Judah and Tamar
Genesis 39: Joseph put in prison
Genesis 40: Joseph interprets the dreams of pharaoh’s butler and baker
Genesis 41: Joseph interprets pharaoh’s dream and is rewarded.
Genesis 42: The sons of Jacob appear before Joseph
Genesis 48 Ephraim & Manasseh named as Israel – great nation & company of nations
Genesis 49 Blessing of 12 Tribes of Israel (also Deut. 33)
Exodus 12 & 13 Institution of Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread
Exodus 15 Healing Covenant
Exodus 16 Sabbath (also Deut 5) preparing the day before
Exodus 19 Marriage Covenant
Exodus 20 TEN COMMANDMENTS (Also Deut 5)
Exodus 23 Healing (take away sickness); collections and appearing before the Eternal three seasons in the year (also Ex. 34 & Deut 16)
Exodus 31 My Sabbath …a SIGN (also Ezek 20)
Exodus 34 Collections and appearing before the Eternal three seasons in the year Feast Days
Exodus 35 Sabbath; kindle no fire – building the temple
Leviticus 11 Meats, clean and unclean (also Deut. 14)
Leviticus 23 Feast Days: ALL of them
Leviticus 25 Jubilee year; Sabbathical year
Leviticus 26 Blessing and cursing chapter; four seven-times punishments (also Deut 28)
Leviticus 27 Redemption of tithes
Numbers 9 Second Passover instituted; if you could not take the first Passover (also II Chron 30- 31)
Numbers 30 Explains Vows
Deuteronomy 5 Ten Commandments
Deuteronomy 13 Dreamer of Dreams
Deuteronomy 14 Meats, clean and unclean; third tithe (Lev 11)
Deuteronomy 15 Poor people
Deuteronomy 16 Collections and appearing before the Eternal three seasons in the year
Deuteronomy 28 Blessing and Cursing Chapter (Lev. 26)
Deuteronomy 33 Prophetic blessing of Tribes of Israel (also Gen 49)
Joshua 5 Passover (the first after coming out of Egypt) kept at Gilgal/ Jericho
II Samuel
II Samuel 12 Adultery (David and Uriah’s wife, Bathsheba) FASTING
II Samuel 13 Fornication (Anmon and Tamar, brother and sister
I Kings
I Kings 12 Revolt of the Ten Tribes of Israel; APPOINTED Feast Days
II Kings
II Kings 1 Ahaziah sick and DIED (called a doctor)
II Kings 2 Elijah is taken up by a whirlwind
II Kings 20 Hezekiah sick unto death, prayed to God, wept sore, and was HEALED (Plus 15 years).
II Chronicles
II Chronicles 16 Asa sick, sought not God, but sought physicians and DIED
II Chronicles 30, 31 SECOND PASSOVER (If you could not take of the first Passover)
II Chronicles 35 Feast Days
Ezra Return of house of Judah ONLY (Benjamin, Levi, Judah) to restore the temple, and finally (Ezra 7) the city wall – 457 BC
Nehemiah 8 Feast of Tabernacles
Nehemiah 10 Feast of Tabernacles
Nehemiah 13 Sabbath: NOT to do business on the Sabbath (buying and selling), (also Jer 17)
Psalm 103 Healing: forgives all your sins, heals all your diseases
Proverbs 31 Virtuous woman (also I Pet & I Tim 2)
Ecclesiastes 12 The whole duty of man: fear God and keep His commandments
Isaiah 1 Your APPOINTED feast days my soul hates (also Isa 5)
Isaiah 2 Millennium: teach us His ways (also Mic 4)
Isaiah 3 Modern women: children ruling parents
Isaiah 8:20 To the LAW and to the testimony (the Bible): if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them
Isaiah 11 Millennium: children with wild animals
Isaiah 14 Fall of Satan (Ezek 28)
Isaiah 28 Precept upon precept, paragraph upon paragraph, verse upon verse, here a little and there a little – with repetitious lips
Isaiah 47 Daughter of Babylon: false church (also Rev 17)
Isaiah 58 Sabbath: a delight, kept in the Millennium; FASTING (PURPOSE and HOW)
Isaiah 65 White Throne Judgment depicted by the 100 year period; eating swine’s flesh
Isaiah 66 Sabbath: kept in the Millennium; eating swine’s flesh
Jeremiah 7 No sacrifices on the Feast Days when originally instituted
Jeremiah 10 The Christmas tree
Jeremiah 17 Sabbath: bear no burden on the Sabbath day; the heart is desperately wicked
Jeremiah 23 False prophets; a future exodus
Jeremiah 30 Time of Jacob’s trouble; NO HEALING MEDICINES
Jeremiah 46 IN VAIN shall you use many medicines, for you shall not be cured
Ezekiel 4 Each day is a year in prophecy fulfilled (also Num 14)
Ezekiel 5 Prophecy by thirds; pestilence and famine, war, captivity
Ezekiel 8 Easter sunrise service
Ezekiel 20 Given them over to statutes that were not good
Ezekiel 28 Fall of Lucifer (Satan)
Ezekiel 34 False prophets
Ezekiel 37 Valley of dry bones: David will be KING over them
Ezekiel 38-39 Gog and Magog: their future position
Ezekiel 40-8 Restoration of Israel (12 tribes) after Christ comes
Daniel 1 Daniel refused to pollute himself with the King’s dainties
Daniel 2 Great Image
Daniel 3 Nebuchadnezzar’s image of gold (90 ft); fiery furnace
Daniel 4 Great tree; seven-times punishment
Daniel 5 Handwriting on the wall
Daniel 6 Lion’s den
Daniel 7 Four beasts
Daniel 8 Ram and he-goat
Daniel 9 Seventy weeks prophecy; crucifixion on Wednesday
Daniel 10 Demon’s rule
Daniel 11 Kings of the north and south (prophecy)
Daniel 12 Resurrection of many who sleep into everlasting life or everlasting contempt; words closed up and sealed till the times of the end
Hosea 2 Days of Balaam
Hosea 4 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge
Joel 2 God’s army (of locusts)
Amos 3 Surely the Eternal God will do nothing but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets
Amos 8 Behold the days come, says the Eternal God, that I will send a FAMINE in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but OF HEARING THE WORDS OF THE ETERNAL
Zechariah 14 Millennium: keeping the Feast of Tabernacles
Matthew 4 Jesus tempted (also Luke 4)
Matthew 5: 48 Be(come) ye therefore PERFECT, even as your FATHER which is heaven is perfect
Matthew 5, 6, 7 Sermon on the mount
Matthew 12 Lord of the Sabbath day (also Mark 2); sign of 3 days and 3 nights
Matthew 24 Olivet Prophecy
Matthew 25 Parable of the ten virgins
Matthew 26 The Passover: institution of the bread and wine
Matthew 28 Go ye therefore, and teach all nation, baptizing them into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world
Mark 1 Sabbath: preach Kingdom of God and Christ (also Luke 4)
Mark 10 Blessing of children; divorce and remarriage
Mark 13 Olivet Prophecy
Mark 16 And He said unto them, God you into all the world, and PREACH the GOSPEL to every creature. And they went forth, and preached EVERYWHERE, THE lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following; healing
Luke 14 Baptism: count the cost; marriage supper
Luke 16 Lazarus
Luke 19 Parable of the pounds: authority over cities
Luke 21 Prophecy chapter (also Mat. 24 Mark 13)
John 3 For God so loved the world; NO MAN has ascended up to heaven
John 4:35 Say not ye, there are yet four months, and then cometh harvest, behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields, for they White already to harvest.
John 5 Temporary healing: SIN NO MORE, LEST a worse thing come upon you; marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which All who are in the GRAVE shall hear His voice, and shall come forth
John 6 Eat Christ’s flesh – these words are Spirit and life
John 7 Feast of Tabernacles observed
John 13 The footwashing service – Judas betrays Christ
John 14 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He who believes on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and GREATER WORKS THAN THESE shall he do; because I go unto my Father
Acts 1 Second coming of Christ (also Rev 11 & 19)
Acts 2 Pentecost: coming of he Holy Spirit; healing; shadow of Peter
Acts 6 First Deacons ordained
Acts 7 Martyrdom of Stephen
Acts 8 Simeon Magus; the Ethiopian eunuch
Acts 9 Paul’s conversion
Acts 10 Peter’s vision (sheet of animals)
Acts 11 Baptism of Cornelius: the first-fruits of GENTILE WORLD, Gospel door opened
Acts 12 Easter mentioned (should be translated “Passover”)
Acts 15 Council at Jerusalem
Acts 17 Paul’s custom to keep the Sabbath; Be-re’ans received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched he Scriptures daily, whether those things were so
Acts 18 Feast of Tabernacles: Paul sailed from Ephesus to Jerusalem – saying, I MUST BY ALL MEANS KEEP THIS FEAST; Apollos, an eloquent man, and mighty in the Scriptures
Acts 19 Re-baptism; anointed cloths
Acts 20 Days of Unleavened Bread kept 29 years after Christ was crucified; Pentecost: Paul hasted, if it were (humanly) possible for him, to be at Jerusalem the day of Pentecost – 30 years after death of Christ
Acts 27 Day of Atonement
Acts 28 Paul dwelt two whole years in his own hired house, and received all who came in unto him, PREACHING THE KINGDOM OF GOD
Romans 6 Baptism: about the flesh
Romans 8 Baptism: about the flesh
Romans 12 Presenting body of God; gifts of the Spirit (also 1 Cor 12)
I Corinthians
I Cor 1 Division in the church condemned; Is Christ divided?
1 Cor 2:14 But the natural man receiveth no the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto Him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned
1 Cor 3 Building Character
1 Cor 4:21 What will ye? Shall I come unto you with a rod, or in love, and in the spirit of meekness:
I Cor 5 Feast of Unleavened Bread: therefore, let is KEEP the Feast; eat not with a disfellowshipped person
1Cor 6 Going to courts (law)
I Cor 7 Marriage (also Eph 5)
1 Cor 8 Meat offered to idols
1 Cor 10 Now all these things happened unto them for examples: and they (OT) are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world has come
1 Cor 11 Long hair; Passover: let a man examine himself lest he eats and drinks unworthily, and eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body
1 Cor 12 Gifts of the Spirit
1 Cor 13 Love
1 Cor 14 Tongues
1 Cor 15 Resurrection
1 Cor 16 Collection on first day of the week (used by Protestants): Romans 15:28 collection is defined as “fruit”; Pentecost: Paul’s layover at Ephesus, a Gentile city, to KEEP Pentecost
II Corinthians
11 Cor 11 SATAN HIMSELF is transformed into an angel of LIGHT
11 Cor 12 Third heaven mentioned; Paul’s thorn in the flesh
Gal 2 Christ is living in us
Gal 4 Observing days, months, times, and years
Gal 5 Two attitudes: WORKS of the flesh and FRUIT of the Spirit
Eph 2 Law of commandments (in ordinances of MEN) done away: has nothing to do with the “ceremonial” law of Moses or the Ten Commandments being annulled
Eph 4 Government in the church (also I Cor 12)
Eph 5 Marriage relation like Christ and the church
Phil 4 V. 19 But my God shall SUPPLY ALL YOUR NEED according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus
Col 2 Don’t let any man judge you for keeping the days God made holy!
I Thessalonians
1 Thess 4 Resurrection: DEAD in Christ shall rise first
II Thessalonians
2 Thess 2 Man of sin revealed
I Timothy
1 Tim 3 Qualifications for elders and deacons
II Timothy
2 Tim 3 Perilous last days described; all Scripture inspired
Titus 1 Qualifications for elders
Heb 4 There remains a KEEPING of the Sabbath for the people of God
Heb 6 Basic doctrines of the church mentioned
Heb 7 Melchizedek
Heb 11 Heroes of Faith
Heb 12 Correction with love
Heb 13 V. 5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have; for he hath said, I WILL NEVER leave thee, nor FORSAKE THEE; v.8 Jesus Christ same always
James 2 Faith without works
James 3 Bridling the tongue
James 4 Cause of war
James 5 Call for the elders for healing
I Peter
I Peter 2 Christ, leaving us an example, that we should follow His steps
I Peter 3 Submissive wives; be ready always with an answer
II Peter
II Peter 1 Partake of divine nature; Christian virtues; no private interpretation of the Scriptures
II Peter 2 False prophets despise government
II Peter 3 Scoffers; Day of Lord soon; heavens dissolved
I John
I John 2 He who says, I know Him, and does not keep His commandments is a LIAR
I John 3 Sin is the transgression of the law v. 4
I John 5 For THIS IS the LOVE OF GOD: that we KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS: and His commandment are not grievous
II John
II John If there come ANY unto you, and bring not THIS DOCTRINE, Receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed v 10
Jude 3 Earnestly contend for the faith once delivered; 7 Example of ETERNAL FIRE; 8 ..DISPISE DOMINION, and SPEAK EVIL OF DIGNITIES;
Verse 9 MICHAEL rebukes the Devil: THE LORD REBUKE THEE;
Rev 2 & 3 Eras of God’s Church
Rev 6 Six seals
Rev 7 The 144,000 (also Rev 14)
Rev 11 Two witnesses
Rev 12 History of the True Church
Rev 12/13 3½ times = 42 months = 1260 days
Rev 13 Mark and the number of the beast
Rev 15/16 Plagues
Rev 17 False church (also Isa 47)
Rev 18 Come out of Babylon – its fall
Rev 19 Second coming Christ (Acts 1; I Thess 4; Rev 11)
Rev 20 Millennium: Satan’s brief release; White Throne Judgment
Rev 21/22 The NEW HEAVEN and the NEW EARTH