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Happy Mother's Day

But we were gentle among you,
just as a nursing mother cherishes her own children.

1 Thessalonians 2:7

Genene Avril Fischer

          My Dearest Mom

     I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how much I appreciate the countless acts of love you have showered down on our family these many years. In truth there are not enough words to express how grateful I am.  However, here is the short list. 

Thank you for your discovery of God’s way. I realize that it is He who calls us, but we must listen to that call—and you did just that. I still remember how dedicated you were when going through the correspondence course. You literally wrote out every verse.  Your love of God’s word has never been matched by anyone I have ever known.

Thank you for sneaking us off to the Feast of Tabernacles when dad was so antagonistic. Those were exciting days, weren’t they?

Thank you for all the tears you shed when Ric and I were afflicted with Polio. This had to be a great trial for you, but it was so comforting to us to know how much you wanted us to live happy, healthy lives.

Thank you for instilling a respect for moral values in your children.  I consider it the greatest gift you have ever bestowed on us.

Thank you for taking Ric, Diane and me to A&W for root beer floats after school. We did that almost daily during those warm spring days in Palm Springs. I suspect you liked them too. 

Thank you for your patience at my outbursts.  Do you remember the famous sucker and fireplace incident?

Thank you for playing your banjo on us and singing that wonderful song. Maybe you could do that for special music some day.  

Thank you for the countless rides to every basketball gym in the San Fernando Valley. Those  trips must literally number in the hundreds.

Thank you for the innovative meals you prepared for us. Do you remember cooking an entire dinner in the fireplace? I do. It was GREAT!

Thank you for being a mom to all our friends. You were hands down the most popular one in the neighborhood—and we had a HUGE neighborhood.

Thank you for giving dad all those pointers on how to improve his golf game. They must have worked. They perpetuated slavery in our household and I was the slave, if you know what I mean.

Thank you for the wonderful graduation gift you gave Diane and me. Do you remember what it was?  You asked us what we wanted and we said for you to quit smoking. That very instant you put out your cigarette and never took another puff.  

Thank you for comforting me when my heart was broken. You can’t imagine how meaningful that was.

Thank you for all the piles of laundry you did. I think you may have set a record there.

Thank you for teaching us how to paint the front porch of the Saugus house.

Thank you for showing us how to enlarge a bedroom with just a sledge hammer.

Thank you for not getting too angry with Rosey Gilhousen when he taught us his unique method of praying.

Thank you for caring for my brother during his last days. I know how painful it was for you.

Thank you for listening to me as I shared every chapter of “A Vision, A Plan, and A Destiny” with you. You never dozed off once. Now that’s a mother’s love. 

Thank you for hundreds of sleepless nights worrying, thousands of heart felt prayers, and millions of hugs and kisses.

I guess what I am trying to say is: MOM, YOU”RE THE BEST. Happy Mother’s Day!

To be continued…


With all my love,



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