Mini Studies
God’s Holy Days
And the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying, ‘Speak unto the children of Israel,
and say unto them, Concerning the feasts of the Lord, which you shall
proclaim to be holy convocations., even these are my feasts.
Leviticus 23:1-2
God’s holy days reveal a great Plan of salvation crafted by Him before the foundations of the world. In a very real sense, they represent the architectural drawings of that Plan. Each day marks a critical step in a journey that will ultimately lead mankind to an eternal, incorruptible Kingdom.
Tragically, mankind and even most professing Christians have rejected these days and instead have embraced festivals that ignore God’s purpose for His human family. Despite this defiance, God’s holy days are still in effect and are honored by those who recognize Him as the true Moral Authority of the universe. The Great Creator calls them “HOLY CONVOCATIONS.” They are commanded assemblies. Furthermore, the One commanding them is none other than God Almighty. God even stated why His people must honor His feasts.
When all Israel is come to appear before the Lord thy God in the place which He shall choose, thou shalt read this law before all Israel in their hearing. Gather the people together, men, and women, and children, and thy stranger that is within thy gates, that they may hear, and that they may learn, and fear the Lord your God, and observe to do all the words of this law: And that their children, which have not known any thing, may hear, and learn to fear the Lord your God... (Dt. 31:11-13)
The scriptures identify seven annual feasts in addition to God’s Sabbath. Consider the incredible path they follow as well as their ultimate destination.
The Passover pictures the death of Jesus Christ. This great sacrifice reconciles mankind back to the Father (Rom. 5:10) and makes possible man’s journey toward God’s eternal and incorruptible Kingdom.
A Song of Deliverance

Days of Unleavened Bread
This seven-day feast pictures the acceptance of Jesus’ sacrifice as well as the rejection of sin. This act is called “REPENTANCE.” When one truly repents, he is acknowledging God as the unimpeachable Moral Authority of the universe, and is committing himself to follow God’s way.
As a result of accepting the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and repenting of sin, man can take the next step. Pentecost pictures man receiving God’s holy spirit. This gift comes as a result of repentance and baptism. From this time on, the believer walks in a “newness of life.”
Feast of Trumpets
This day pictures the return of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of His Saints. At the moment of this resurrection these children of God are born into His divine Family as literal sons and daughters. Those who experience this “birth” have, in this life, accepted the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and have come to acknowledge God as the True Moral Authority of the universe. As a result of this act, they have received the gift of God’s holy spirit. Guided by that spirit, they have set their will to honor their Creator and His great moral Law.
A Song of Triumph

Day of Atonement
Once the Messiah returns to earth to subdue the nations, He will order the imprisonment of Satan the devil (Rev. 20:1-3). The Day of Atonement pictures that moment. Once Satan is bound God’s Kingdom will be formally established on earth.
Feast of Tabernacles
This seven-day festival pictures God’s Millennial Kingdom. It is a Kingdom that all true believers today fervently pray for. When it comes, the earth will be filled with great peace and prosperity, and the knowledge of God will be everywhere. The scriptures reveal that this Kingdom will last one thousand years. However, it will ultimately be transformed into one that will be everlasting.
A Song of Celebration

Last Great Day
The Last Great Day pictures a time when the billions of people who never knew the True God will be raised to life again. At that time, they will be taught God’s truth and be given an opportunity to claim the sacrifice of the Savior of the World. This day also pictures God’s final judgment of man and the end of his mortal existence. Once this takes place, all those who have yielded themselves to the Great Moral Authority of the universe will enter into an incorruptible dimension called the New Heavens and the New Earth.
A Song of Destiny

The following pages briefly examines each of God’s seven annual holy days as well as His weekly Sabbath.
The Sabbath
A Song of Freedom

The Sabbath is a memorial to God’s physical as well as His spiritual creation. On the seventh day, the Great Creator and Sustainer of the universe sanctified the Sabbath and made it HOLY (Gen. 2:2-3). He did so as a constant reminder to His children that He has set them apart for a holy purpose. That purpose is for them be born into His Spiritual Family as literal sons and daughters (Ex. 31:13). The Sabbath pictures God’s Kingdom being established on earth and the great abundance that Kingdom will bring.Those who honor the Sabbath as He commands declare their desire for God’s Kingdom to come and for His will to be accomplished in them.
The Time of Observance
Significant Events Associated with this Day
Old Testament Observance
New Testament Observance
Future Observance of the Sabbath
God Outlined Specific Prohibitions Regarding this Day
Jesus Example Regarding How to Keep the Sabbath Holy
The Passover
Leviticus 23:5
The Passover represents one of the most powerful images in the scriptures. It pictures a time of great deliverance. In the Old Testament, the Passover commemorated the deliverance of Israel from the bondage they suffered while enslaved in Egypt. However, this very special day also looked forward to a greater deliverance – one that would take place almost fifteen hundred years after the time of the exodus.
In the New Testament, this observance pictures the death of Jesus Christ (1Cor. 5:7). This sacrifice frees those who claim it from the consequences of sin (Ro. 6:23). Sin is the great oppressor of mankind. It has held the world captive since Adam and Eve rejected God’s Moral Authority in the garden of Eden. But Jesus Christ came to redeem mankind from the power of this great enemy. He did so by bearing the sins of the world on the stake.
Down through the centuries, God’s people around the world have kept the Passover at its appointed time (Lk. 22:14) and they continue to do so to this very day. This solemn observance commemorates the death of the Savior of the world. For just as the blood of the lamb made it possible for the Israelites in Egypt to escape God’s judgment (Ex. 12:12-13), the blood of Jesus Christ, the true Lamb of God, makes it possible for man to be reconciled back to the Father (Ro. 5:10) and to escape eternal death (Jn. 3:16; Eph. 1:7; 1Pe. 1:19-20; 1Jn. 1:7)
The Time of Observance
Significant Events Associated with this Day
Old Testament Observance
Kept by the children of Israel every year. (Ex. 13:10; Nu. 34:20)
The same ordinance applied to “strangers” (Nu. 9:14)
New Testament Observance
Jesus kept the Passover when He was a young boy. (Lk. 2:41-50)
Jesus and His disciples kept the Passover. (Mt. 26; Mk.14; Lk.22)
Jesus institutes the bread and wine (Mt. 27:26-27; 1Cor. 11:23-26)
Jesus explained the purpose of the symbols. (Jn. 6:53-57)
Paul and the New Testament Church observed it. (1Cor. 11:23)
Days of Unleavened Bread
Leviticus 23:6-9
The Days of Unleavened Bread picture a time of freedom when the children of Israel came out of Egypt. However, this feast represented something much greater in God’s Plan of salvation. In the New Testament, this feast pictures God’s people coming out of sin (1Cor. 5:7-8). In the scriptures, Egypt is pictured as a type of sin.
This great spring festival commemorates the fight God’s people wage against sin and the importance of overcoming. Down through the ages, God’s people have honored this feast and they continue to do so to this very day. By keeping this feast, they not only obey the commandment to do so, but they also declare their commitment to God’s way as well as their rejection of sin.
The Time of Observance
Significant Events Associated with this Day
Old Testament Observance
New Testament Observance
“Therefore, let us keep the feast.” (1Cor. 5:7)
Leviticus 23:10-23
The day of Pentecost pictures the covenant God has entered into with His people. In the Old Testament, that covenant was made when the Creator gave the children of Israel His great moral code, the Ten Commandments. The scriptures suggest that He gave His law to Moses on mount Sinai on this very day. However, this day also looked forward to the time when God would make a New Covenant with His people (Jer. 31:31-34). At that time, the Great Moral Authority of the universe would write His law on the hearts of those who repented and came out of sin. This New Covenant was established on the day of Pentecost, 31 A.D. It marked the birth of the New Testament church which is the spiritual nation of Israel.
Furthermore, Pentecost, which takes place during the spring harvest (a small harvest), reveals that God is only calling a few at this time. These few are referred to as His “firstfruits” (Jas. 1:18). Their place in the history of God’s Plan of salvation is significant. Those who keep Pentecost as God commands give honor to Him and His wonderful calling.
The Time of Observance
Fifty days after the Sabbath following the Passover (Lev. 23:10-23)
Significant Events Associated with this Day
Old Testament Observance
New Testament Observance
The Feast of Trumpets
Leviticus 23:24-25
The Feast of Trumpets pictures a time when Jesus Christ will return and gather His saints. The apostle Paul spoke of this as the moment when the dead in Christ will be raised incorruptible and meet the Messiah in the air (1Cor. 15:51-52; 1Th. 4:13-17). This day also pictures a time of great deliverance when Jesus Christ and His servants will make war with the earth and subdue all nations (Jude 14, 15; Rev. 19:11-21).
Most importantly, this day commemorates the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ and looks forward to a time when man will be reconciled back to God (Ro. 10:5) and finally be “at one” with Him.
The Time of Observance
Tenth day of the seventh month, Tishri (Lev. 23:27)
Significant Events Associated with this Day
Satan deceives Eve into eating the forbidden fruit (Gen. 3)
Satan tempts Jesus in the wilderness (Mt. 4:1-10)
Satan is bound for a thousand years (Rev. 20:1-3)
Old Testament Observance
Instructions to the priests concerning this day (Lev. 16)
A commanded assembly (Lev. 23: 23-26)
A day to afflict your soul (Num. 29:7)
It is called a solemn day (Psa. 81:1-3)
New Testament Observance
Paul kept the “fast” (Acts 27:9)
The Feast of Tabernacles
Leviticus 23:34
The Feast of Tabernacles pictures God’s Kingdom being established on earth under the leadership of Jesus Christ and the saints (Dan. 7:18). At that time, the world will be at peace, and health and hope will spring forth everywhere. Those who keep this commanded festival proclaim their loyalty to that Kingdom and its King.
The Time of Observance
The fifteenth day of the seventh month at even (Lev. 23:34)
Significant Events Associated with this Day
God’s Millennial Kingdom will commence (Rev. 20:14)
Old Testament Observance
Called the “Feast of Ingathering” (Ex. 23:16; 34:22)
“You shall observe the Feast” (Dt. 16:13)
“You shall dwell in booths” (Neh. 8:14)
God’s people are to rejoice in it (Dt. 16:13-16)
New Testament Observance
Jesus kept the Feast (Jn. 7:2,14)
Paul kept it. “I must... keep this feast” (Acts 18:21)
It will even be kept during the Millennium (Zech. 14:16-19)
The Last Great Day
Leviticus 23:36
At the conclusion of the Feast of Tabernacles is the last of seven annual holy days. The Last Great Day takes place during the fall harvest (a GREAT harvest) and pictures a time when the billions of people who were never called will be resurrected and learn about the true God and His Plan for mankind. The Bible indicates that this resurrection will take place after the millennium (Rev. 20:5) and will be a physical resurrection (Ezk. 37). After learning about the True God, those who are a part of this resurrection will be given an opportunity to accept God’s terms for entrance into His Kingdom.
This day also pictures the time of God’s final judgment on mankind. It is here that the books (of the Bible) will be opened and everyone will be judged according to their works (Rev. 20:11-15). Once this judgment is concluded, the last phase of mankind will be born into God’s Family as literal sons and daughters. Additionally, the entire universe will become incorruptible and the New Jerusalem will become the Capital of God’s Eternal Kingdom.
When God’s people observe this day, they not only obey His command to do so, they also honor His great sovereignty over the destiny of the universe. This day pictures the culmination of a Plan crafted by the Great Creator before the worlds were fashioned.
The Time of Observance
The eight day of the Feast of Tabernacles (Lev. 23:36)
Significant Events Associated with this Day
A great resurrection of the billions of people who were not called during
this physical life. (Rev. 20:4-5, Ezk. 37)
The Great White Throne Judgment (Rev. 20: 11-15)
The creation of the New Heaven and Earth (Rev. 21)
The establishment of the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21and 22)
Old Testament Observance
A commanded assembly (Lev. 23:30, Nu. 29:35)
New Testament Observance
New Testament Observance
Jesus taught on this day (Jn. 7:37)