Homosexuals and Child Molestation

There is a saying the goes “There are lies. There are damned lies. And there are statistics.” The point is that people can use numbers to advance a point when, the real facts support a different conclusion altogether. To illustrate this principle in action consider the claim of virtually all homosexual advocacy groups when defending themselves against the charge that there is a link between homosexual behavior and child molestation. Here is how they wage their defense.
Homosexual activists routinely claim that most child molesters are “heterosexual” males. Now this is a real statistical fact. But does it reflect a reliable truth. Since the overwhelming percentage of the population (98-99% according to the National Opinion Research Center) is heterosexual it is only logical that they would commit the highest number of molestations. However, a true examination of the facts indicate that homosexuals pose a far more serious threat to children than do heterosexuals.
For example: Dr. Stephen Rubin of Whitman College conducted a ten-state study of sex abuse cases involving school teachers. The study involved 199 cases. Of those, 122 male teachers had molested girls, while 14 female teachers had molested boys. He also discovered that 59 homosexual male teachers had molested boys and four female homosexual teachers had molested girls. In other words, 32 percent of those child molestation cases involved homosexuals. Nearly a third of these cases come from only 1-2% of the population.
In her book, Kinsey, Crimes & Consequences, Dr. Judith Reisman describes a very telling study involving molestation rates of self-confessed sexual predators. The study compared the molestation rates of self-confessed homosexual and heterosexual child molesters. In a sample of 153 homosexual molesters, they confessed to a total of 22,981 molestations. This is equivalent to 150 children per molester. Self-admitted heterosexual molesters admitted to 4,435 molestations. This comes to 19.8 victims per molester. One prominent researcher concluded that homosexuals “sexually molest young boys at an incidence that is occurring at five times greater than that committed by heterosexual predators.
This high rate of molestations by homosexuals is consistent with other studies conducted during the past several decades. Here are just a few studies that show homosexuals molesting children at epidemic rates:
The Los Angeles Times conducted a survey in 1985 of 2,628 adults across the U.S. Of those, 27% of the women and 16% of the men had been sexually molested. Seven percent of the girls and 93% of the men had been molested by adults of the same sex. This means that 40% of child molestations were by homosexuals. (Los Angeles Times, August 25-6, 1985)
In 1984, a Vermont survey of 161 adolescents who were sex offenders found that 35 of them (22%) were homosexuals. (Wasserman, J., “Adolescent Sex Offenders—Vermont, 1984” Journal American Medical Association, 1986; 255:181-2)
In 1991, of the 100 child molesters at the Massachusetts Treatment Center for Sexually Dangerous Persons, a third were heterosexual, a third were bisexual, and a third were homosexual. (Dr. Raymond Knight, “Differential Prevalence of Personality Disorders in Rapists and Child Molesters,” Eastern Psychological Association Conference, New York, April 12, 1991)
In 2000 Drs. Freund and Heasman of the Clark Institute of Psychiatry in Toronto reviewed two studies on child molesters and calculated that 34% and 32% of the sex offenders were homosexual. In cases these doctors had handled, 36% of the molesters were homosexuals. (Freund, K. “Pedophilia and Heterosexuality vs. Homosexuality,” Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 1984; 10:193-200
The point to this is that while homosexual advocacy organizations claim the greater risk of child molestation comes from heterosexuals, the statistics indicate that as a percent of the population the risk of being molested by a homosexual is remarkably higher. While homosexuals comprise only 1-2% of the population, they are responsible for one third of all child molestations.