Human Reasoning

Over nine hundred years before the birth of Jesus Christ, King Solomon of Israel gave what is arguably the greatest single piece of advice in human history. If mankind heeded it all wars would cease. Hunger would vanish. Poverty would become a distant memory. Sickness and disease would be nonexistent. And God's Church would be united. Here it is.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not unto your own understanding.”
Proverbs 3:5
Nothing more graphically illustrates how human reasoning can infest the thinking of God's people than that which appears in the current debate over dining out on the Sabbath. The most recent manifestation of this arrogance has emerged in a lengthy letter written by Richard L. George to Art Braidic and Dennis Fischer, co-authors of A Sabbath Test. In this letter Mr. George presents an avalanche of arguments in defense of God's people engaging in this practice.
We at Blow the Trumpet are all too familiar with how these arguments are packaged. And although Mr. George claims they are based on God's word, they are nothing more than thinly veiled excuses for a behavior that goes totally contrary to scriptures.
As you proceed through the numerous points Mr. George presents ask yourself: Is this a Biblical fact or is it just another piece of human reasoning disguised as fact. We think the answer will be obvious.
Argument I