Lecture 25
Modern Era
I. Reference Material.
A. History of the True Church by Dugger and Dodd.
B. Autobiography of Herbert W. Armstrong.
II. Modern History of the Church.
A. 1924 - Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong move to Oregon.
B. 1926 - A neighbor discusses the Sabbath with Mrs. Armstrong.
1. Challenges Mr. Armstrong into an in-depth study.
2. Things he studied:
a. The existence of God
b. Proof of the Bible
c. Baptism - proved it was to be by immersion
3. Began search for the true church.
C. 1927 - Mrs. Armstrong became very ill.
1. Pentecostal minister anointed her and she was healed.
2. Mr. Armstrong discussed with the minister the subject of anointing, and healing.
3. Lesson to Note: Knowledge can be gained through those not converted. Must not just accept it, but prove it.
D. 1927 - 1930.
1. Entered into a study of the name of the church.
2. Mr. Armstrong wrote articles for the "Bible Advocate" a publication put out by the 7th Day Church of God.
3. Came to understand two major doctrines:
a. Pork and smoking
b. Proved smoking and eating pork were against God's principles
4. Researched doctrine that you grow spiritually after baptism.
5. Dugger acknowledged truth but wouldn't preach it at that time.
E. 1928 - Began speaking in small groups.
F. 1929 - Depression hits.
G. 1930 - Mr. Armstrong comes to understanding of the identity of the U.S. and Britain in prophecy.
1. Garner Ted born.
2. The Armstrong’s lived in poverty.
3. June 1931 - Mr. Armstrong is licensed as a minister.
a. 1900 years after 31 A.D.
b. 1939 - License evoked
H. 1933 - Began evangelistic campaigns.
1. In September on radio for first time.
a. Bought time in Jan. 1934
b. Is one of the longest running radio programs in the world
2. Church in Missouri re-organized by Dugger.
a. Mr. Armstrong selected as one of the 70 elders
b. Church at that time was very democratic
I. Feb. 1934 - First issue of the Plain Truth.
J. 1935 - First church building built.
1. 175-200 PT subscribers.
2. Office rented by Mr. Armstrong in Eugene, OR.
K. 1940's - Mexican radio broadcasts.
1. Heard throughout the U.S.
2. Real beginning of growth in the church.
L. 1947 - Ambassador College opened.
M. 1953 - Radio Luxemberg.
N. Growth rate between 25 & 30 % per year.
O. Feast in one place 1961 -- Squaw Valley.
P. 1972 Syndrome.
1. Troubles with G.T.A.
2. January - Groundbreaking for the Auditorium.
Q. 1973 - Group of ministers on East Coast revolted.
1. Worldwide News - First issue April 1, 1973.
R. 1974
1. Resignations/Terminations Jolt Ministry.
a. March 4 '74 WN; seven resign (2 evangelists: David Antion & Albert Portune)
b. Five terminated (C. Wayne Cole is temporarily in charge of Pro-tem Church Administration team).
2. Auditorium Opens in April.
3. Divorce/Remarriage Doctrine Change.
S. 1975
1. February - Plain Truth goes to bi-weekly tabloid (newsprint);
2. First Polish member (Victor Przybylla) baptized;
3. U.S. ministers encouraged to "expand community role" in advertising, speaking, and writing.
4. March - A.C. receives candidacy for accreditation.
5. AICF Announced.
T. 1976
1. Good News to contain stronger spiritual content.
2. September - Local Distribution of PT begins.
U. 1977
1. April - HWA marries Ramona Martin
2. May - Texas campus closes.
3. June - Supreme Court ruling: companies do not have to give certain days off for religious reasons.
4. August- HWA: Congestive heart failure; seriously ill. 1330 enrollment in A.C.
V. 1978
1. Jan. - HWA back after illness (for ministerial conference).
2. - Systematic Theology Project.
3. June - The Worldwide News becomes The Good News.
4. July - A.C. "Back on track as God's College."
W. 1979
1. Jan. - Church faces massive crisis. Records and accounts seized. State files suit. Charges against executives: siphoning off church assets for personal use. Assets and records placed under authority of receiver (former Superior Court Judge Steven Weisman). Wayne Cole appointed Chief Executive officer of church.
2. Dec. - HWA travels to China (Peking) meets with leaders visit A.C. campus.
X. 1980
1. March - HWA begins to make new T.V. Radio broadcasts.
2. May - Full page adds in newspapers (unsure of date).
3. July 28 issue: "Federal Court Reverses Ruling, Recognizes Rights says Treasure."
4. August - Imperial Schools (Pasadena) reopens.
Y. 1981
1. Advisory Council of Elders formed.
2. Big Sandy campus to reopen; Administration appointed: Deputy Chancellor-Leon Walker, Dean of Students-Ronald Kelly, Dean of Faculty-Don Ward.
3. Sept. - First Ministerial Refreshing Program.