Legalism on Parade
T he following comment regarding the Blow the Trumpet website appeared on as a post on a major “Christian “ website.
I just visited it (www.blowthetrumpet.org). If you ask me “Legalism on Parade” would be a better name for the site. It seems to contain an endless litany of do’s and don’t's. Keep the Sabbath, keep the holy days, don’t eat pork etc. Not a word about love and mercy. It seems to me that there are too many people claiming to be Christians who seem just downright angry. That negative tone was definitely on display on this site, and unfortunately it's not the only one out there. Jesus said, "And they will know that you are my disciples in that you have love for one another." This site is the best argument that a Calvinist can present against Arminianism. Grace and Peace (especially for the "toot your own horn.com" crowd, cuz they could use a whole bunch of it).
Name withheld
Our response:
Dear Friend,
Our purpose for writing is to respond to a recent post you made regarding Blow the Trumpet and its website. In your comments you suggested that our beliefs are legalistic and even reflect a degree of anger. Let us assure you that this is not true. With this in mind, we respectfully submit for your consideration the following questions and comments.
1. Was God practicing “legalism” when He created the Sabbath and “sanctified” it (Gen. 2:2-3)? Was He being a legalist when He commanded the children of Israel to remember this day and “to keep it holy” (Ex. 20:8-11)? Was He being a legalist when He made it a capital offense to break the Sabbath (Ex. 31:13, 32:2, Num. 15:32-36)? We don’t believe so. Blow the Trumpet is absolutely convinced that this great creative masterpiece (the Sabbath) was a stroke of infinite genius and was done as an act of extraordinary love.
The Bible reveals that the Sabbath was made for man (Mk. 2:26-27). Its’ purpose was to show him that God is real and that He not only created the physical universe but is also engaged in a magnificent spiritual creation as well. God sanctified the Sabbath as evidence that He intends to do the same to His people (Ex. 21:13-18). Tragically mankind has rejected God’s Sabbath and many Christians today actually believe He condones this practice. But how could this be? In a very real sense those who reject the day God set apart reject what it pictures as well as the very God who ordained it. We realize these are strong words, but they are not angry.
The Bible reveals that God wants His people to be holy even as He is holy (1Pe. 1:15-16). The Sabbath is a gateway into that holiness. It is a link between corruptible man and an incorruptible God. It stands as proof that God will deliver on His promise to bring a great Kingdom to this earth—a Kingdom driven by mercy judgement and faith. When God’s people honor His Sabbath, they are not simply obeying a command, they are declaring their desire to be the recipients of that promise. In other words, by keeping the Sabbath holy, every child of God is not only saying, “Thy kingdom come,” but also, “Your will be done in me.”
This being the case, every true believer should show great deference to the day that points to their part in eternity itself. Their conduct on the Sabbath should reflect a dignity befitting a king or priest commissioned to serve in that Kingdom (Rev. 5:10). That behavior should not be common or profane, but rather filled with virtue and godliness. Every future leader in God’s Kingdom should reflect a great respect for the wisdom that imagined this day at the very beginning. Their conduct should make it clear that the Sabbath is different. It is not a worldly day. It is a Godly sign—created by a Master Architect with a magnificent plan.
2. Was God practicing legalism when He created His holy days (Lev. 23)? Was He being legalistic when He commanded them to be honored? Was His intent simply to create something “burdensome” and oppressive? Furthermore, are these feasts simply a collection of ancient traditions with no relevance today? Or, do they reveal something marvelous about the God of the Bible? We at Blow the Trumpet believe the latter. God’s holy days tell a remarkable story about a plan of salvation and how He is going to accomplish it. Consider that story:
The Passover
The Passover pictures the death of Jesus Christ. This great sacrifice reconciles mankind back to the Father (Rom. 5:10) and makes possible man’s journey toward God’s eternal and incorruptible Kingdom. It is the first step in God’s plan of salvation. This day is mentioned prolifically in both the Old and New Testaments.
Days of Unleavened Bread
This seven-day feast pictures the acceptance of Jesus’ sacrifice as well as the rejection of sin. This act is called “REPENTANCE.” When one truly repents, he or she is acknowledging God as the unimpeachable Moral Authority of the universe, and is committing himself or herself to following God’s way. In the Bible leavening is a symbol of sin (I Cor. 5:6-8, Gal 5:9). When God’s people honor this time as He commands, they are reminded of their journey out of sin and toward a great destiny. It is interesting that when God gave the children of Israel his holy days, He called them “holy convocations” (Lev. 23:2). The Hebrew word for convocations in this verse is miqra. This word also means “a rehearsal.”
As a result of accepting the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and repenting of sin, man can take the next step. Pentecost pictures man receiving God’s holy spirit (Acts 2) as well as having His law written on their hearts (Jer. 31:31-33). This gift comes as a result of repentance and baptism. From this time on, the believer walks in a “newness of life.”
Feast of Trumpets
This day pictures the return of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of His Saints (I Cor. 15:50-55). At the moment of this resurrection, these children of God are born into His divine Family as literal sons and daughters (I Jn. 3:1-2). Those who experience this “birth” have, in this life, accepted the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and have come to acknowledge God as the True Moral Authority of the universe. As a result of this act, they have received the gift of God’s holy spirit. Guided by that spirit, they have set their will to honor their Creator and His great moral Law.
Day of Atonement
Once the Messiah returns to earth to subdue the nations, He will order the imprisonment of Satan the devil (Rev. 20:1-3). The Day of Atonement pictures that moment. Once Satan is bound, God’s Kingdom will be formally established on earth.
Feast of Tabernacles
This seven-day festival pictures God’s Millennial Kingdom. It is a Kingdom that all true believers today fervently pray for. When it comes, the earth will be filled with great peace (Isa. 2:4) and prosperity (Isa. 30: 23,33:15 and 35:1), and the knowledge of God will be everywhere (Isa. 11:9). The scriptures reveal that this Kingdom will last one thousand years. However, it will ultimately be transformed into one that will be everlasting (see: Rev. 21).
Last Great Day
The Last Great Day pictures a time when the billions of people who never knew the True God will be raised to life again (Rev. 20:4). At that time, they will be taught God’s truth and be given an opportunity to claim the sacrifice of the Savior of the World. This day also pictures God’s final judgment of man and the end of his mortal existence Rev. 20:11-15). Once this takes place, all those who have yielded themselves to the Great Moral Authority of the universe will enter into an incorruptible dimension called the New Heavens and the New Earth.
Each of God’s holy days are truly a great joy to His people and it is a profound honor to keep them as God commands. They are not burdensome! They are WONDERFUL!! In a very real sense they represent the architectural drawings to the destiny of the universe. With this in mind ask yourself the following question: WOULD MAN IN HIS WILDEST IMAGINATION EVER CREATE FEASTIVALS LIKE THOSE GOD ORDAINED SO VERY LONG AGO? The answer should be obvious. The Bible makes it abundantly clear that man should never be in the business of creating feasts to the Eternal. That has been tried many times before and only results in tragedy.
As a community that once kept man’s festivals, we at Blow the Trumpet can only tell you that there is no comparison between the two. God’s feasts are inspiring and filled with hope. Not one ounce of them comes for the pagan world. Each one reflects God’s perfect wisdom and can stand firm on His authority.
We could go on addressing what so many “believers” call “burdensome” and “legalistic.” For example: Was God being legalistic when He gave His laws regarding what food was appropriate to eat? Or, was God just being legalistic when He designed laws regarding tithing? Today it is easy to call such things legalistic and burdensome. However, we see them as evidence of a perfect mind at work. Every one of God’s moral pronouncements declare both His wisdom and His love. They challenge His people to have faith—to believe in Him. King David declared that God’s law made him wiser than the ancients. We at Blow the Trumpet affirm that belief. We do so in respect and in fear, but never in anger.
Blow the Trumpet
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