Appendix 11
Man Made Christianity
Although the Bible declares there is only one faith (Eph. 4:5), you wouldn’t get that impression from those who profess to follow its teachings. In the world today there are virtually hundreds of denominations, with each possessing its own unique ideas regarding the scriptures. Below is a list of just some of the leading “Christian” churches in the world today. Each of these faiths emphatically declares that it is a “Bible-believing church.” However, despite this claim they are separated by an endless stream of conflicting doctrines and traditions.
Although this great community of “believers” is convinced they are on a path led by God’s holy spirit, woven throughout their practices and beliefs are the traditions of men. Most notable among these traditions are the festivals and holy days they keep. For the most part, these festivals can be traced to ancient pagan rites which God condemns in His word.
As you consider these denominations, ask yourself if the God of the Bible could possibly approve of His church deciding for themselves how they will worship Him. If the answer is no, then how could these really be His churches?
For information on a particular christian religion please click on the appropriate link:
Armenian Evangelical Church |
Armenian Orthodox |
Associated Gospel Church |
Congregational Christian |
Cumberland Presbyterian |
Fellowship of Grace Brethren |
Free Methodists |
Free Presbyterian |
Free Will Baptist |
Greek Orthodox |
Hutterian Brethren |
Indian Orthodox |
Lutheran |
Lutheran Missouri Synod |
Mar Thoma Syrian Church |
Orthodox Church of America |
Orthodox Presbyterian |
Plymouth Brethren |
Presbyterian |
Protestant Reformed Church |
Reformed Baptist |
Reformed Episcopal |
Reformed Presbyterian |
Romanian Orthodox |
Russian Orthodox |
Serbian Orthodox |
Waldensian Church |
Wesleyan |
Wesleyan Methodist |
Worldwide Church of God |