Selling Abortion
Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD:
and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
It is absolutely galling to hear “pro-choice” advocates claim that their goal is to provide women with options regarding how do deal with an unwanted pregnancy. Organizations like Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Rights League argue that the choice should be the woman’s and that their role is to provide them with information that will assist in making an informed decision.
However, the plain truth regarding abortion counseling is that abortion clinics are in the business of selling a product. Therefore, everything they say is ultimately directed at persuading their customer to BUY that product. To illustrate this point consider the words of those who have worked in the abortion industry.
"In my facilities, I always gave option counseling. Of course you make abortion the most appealing. I told them about adoption and about foster care and about [when there was welfare] assistance. The typical way it would go is, "Well, you know you can place your baby out for adoption." But then, in the second breath you would say, "That's an option available to you, but you also have to realize that there's going to be a baby of yours out here somewhere in the world you will never see again. At least with abortion you know what's happening. You can go on with your life...The longer I was in it, the less I cared, so I really didn't care what my conscience said. My conscience was totally numb anyway. But what it did do was [help] public relations-wise. You were able, when a reporter or TV crew came, to pull out a packet of information for the patients to read and they received it. So what can anybody say? Publicly it looked good -- in reality it was another tool that was used to force a woman into abortion. It's typical -- I would give them an option and then shoot it down. The only option you didn't shoot down, obviously, was abortion." --Former clinic owner Eric Harrah quoted by Dr. Jack Willke and Brad Mattes
"If a woman we were counseling expressed doubts about having an abortion, we would say whatever was necessary to persuade her to abort immediately." --Judy W., former office manager of the second largest abortion clinic in El Paso, Texas
"The counselor at our clinic would cry with the girls at the drop of a hat. She would find their weakness and work on it. The women were never given any alternatives. They were told how much trouble it is to have a baby." --former abortion worker Debra Harry, quoted in the film "Meet the Abortion Providers" 1989
“Every woman has these same two questions: First, ‘Is it a baby?’ ‘No’ the counselor assures her. ‘It is a product of conception (or a blood clot, or a piece of tissue). . .How many women would have an abortion, if we told them the truth?" --Carol Everett, former owner of two clinics and director of four "A Walk Through an Abortion Clinic" by Carol Everett ALL About Issues magazine Aug-Sept 1991, p 117
"When I first started working there [at the clinic], I had to sit and listen to women answering the phone for at least a month before they would allow me to answer the phone. We had to know exactly what we were doing when we were talking to these women. We had to find out very quickly what their problem was, play on that and get them in the clinic for an abortion. We were very good salespeople." -Joy Davis Abortion clinic employee
"When a girl called to make her appointment, we'd work her in as soon as possible. If she called on Tuesday, we'd have her in no later than Friday. We wanted to avoid a long waiting period where she'd have time to think about it. First she would fill out her forms, and then talk with a counselor. . . The counselors were trained in what areas to cover and which to avoid. They'd say, "I know this is a terrible situation you're in. What can we do to help make this better for you? Yeah, it doesn't sound like you're ready for a pregnancy right now." Their task was to keep the machinery moving - to get the woman into the procedure room as quickly as possible." ---abortion clinic worker