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Appendix V

Seven Vial Plagues

The table below reflects what are commonly referred to as "the Seven Last Plagues."
These plagues are poured out of seven vials (bowls) during what are
literally the final days of man’s reign on earth.





1st Vial

Noisome and grievous sores upon all men who worship the beast

Rev. 16:1-2

2nd Vial


The sea becomes blood killing everything in it


Rev. 16:3

3rd Vial


Rivers and fountains become blood


Rev. 16:4-7

4th Vial


The sun scorches men with fire and they blaspheme the name of God.


Rev. 16:8

5th Vial


Darkness falls on the Beast power.


Rev. 16:10

6th Vial

The river Euphrates dries up and preparations are made for the battle of Armageddon.

Rev. 16:12-14

7th Vial


A great earthquake and great hail from heaven.


Rev. 16:17-21

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