The Second Virginia Charter

May 23, 1609
James, by the grace of God [King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, etc.] To all [to whom these presents shall come, greeting.]
- Robert, Earle of Salisburie [Salisbury]
- Thomas, Earle of Suffolke [Suffolk]
- Henrie, Earle of Southampton
- William. Earle of Pembroke [Henrie]
- [Henrie] Earle of Lincolne [Lincoln]
- Henrie, Earle of Dorsett [Dorset]
- Thomas, Earle of Exeter
- Phillipp, Earle of Mountgommery
- Robert, Lord Vicount Lisle
- Theophilus, Lord Howard of Walden
- James Mountague, Lord Bishopp of Bathe and Wells
- Edward, Lord Zouche
- Thomas, Lord Lawarr
- Wiliam, Lord Mounteagle
- Raphe, Lord Ewre
- Edmond, Lord Sheffeild [Sheffield]
- Grey, Lord Shandis [Chandois]
- [Grey], Lord Compton
- John, Lord Petre
- John, Lord Stanhope
- George, Lord Carew
- Sir Humfrey Welde, Lord Mayor of London [Weld]
- George Pertie, Esquire [Percie]
- Sir Edward Cecill, Knight [Cecil]
- Sir George Wharton, Knight
- Frauncis West, Esquire
- Sir William Waade, Knight [Wade]
- Sir Henrie Nevill, Knight [Nevil]
- Sir Thomas Smithe, Knight [Smith]
- Sir Oliver Cromwell, Knight
- Sir Peter Manwood, Knight
- Sir Dru Drurie, Knight [Drury]
- Sir John Scott, Knight [Scot]
- Sir Thomas Challouer, Knight [Challoner]
- Sir Robert Drurie, Knight [Drury]
- Sir Anthonye Cope, Knight
- Sir Horatio Veere, Knight [Vere]
- Sir Edward Conwaie, Knight [Conway]
- Sir William Browne [Brown]
- Sir Maurice Barkeley, Knight [Berkeley]
- Sir Roberte Maunsell, Knight [Mansel]
- Sir Amias Presou, Knight [Preston]
- Sir Thomas Gates, Knight
- Sir Anthonie Ashley, Knight [Ashly]
- Sir Michaell Sandes, Knight [Sandys]
- Sir Henrie Carew, Knight [Carey]
- Sir Stephen Soame, Knight
- Sir Calisthenes Brooke, Knight
- Sir Edward Michelborne, Knight [Michelborn]
- Sir John Racliffe, Knight [Ratcliffe]
- Sir Charles Willmott, Knight [Wilmot]
- Sir George Moore, Knight [Moor]
- Sir Hugh Wirrall, Knight [Wirral]
- Sir Thomas Dennys, Knight [Dennis]
- Sir John Hollis, Knight [Holles]
- Sir William Godolphin, Knight
- Sir Thomas Monnson, Knight [Monson]
- Sir Thomas Ridgwaie, Knight [Ridgwine]
- Sir John Brooke, Knight
- Sir Roberte Killigrew, Knight
- Sir Henrie Peyton, Knight
- Sir Richard Williamson, Knight
- Sir Ferdinando Weynman, Knight
- Sir William St. John, Knight
- Sir Thomas Holcrofte, Knight [Holcroft]
- Sir John Mallory, Knight
- Sir Roger Ashton, Knight
- Sir Walter Cope, Knight
- Sir Richard Wigmore, Knight
- Sir William Cooke, Knight [Coke]
- Sir Herberte Crofte, Knight
- Sir Henrie Faushawe, Knight [Fanshaw]
- Sir John Smith, Knight
- Sir Francis Wolley, Knight
- Sir Edward Waterhouse, Knight
- Sir Henrie Sekeford, Knight [Seekford]
- Sir Edward Saudes, Knights [Edwin Sandys]
- Sir Thomas Wayneman, Knight [Waynam]
- Sir John Trevor, Knight
- Sir Warrwick Heale, Knight [Heele]
- Sir Robert Wroth, Knight
- Sir John Townnesende, Knight [Townsend]
- Sir Christopher Perkins, Knight
- Sir Daniell Dun, Knight
- Sir Henrie Hobarte, Knight [Hobart]
- Sir Franncis Bacon, Knight
- Sir Henrie Mountague, Knight [Montague]
- Sir Georg Coppin, Knight
- Sir Samuell Sandes, Knight [Sandys]
- Sir Thomas Roe, Knight
- Sir George Somers, Knight
- Sir Thomas Freake, Knight
- Sir Thomas Horwell, Knight [Harwell]
- Sir Charles Kelke, Knight
- Sir Baptist Hucks, Knight [Hicks]
- Sir John Watts, Knight
- Sir Roberte Carey, Knight
- Sir William Romney, Knight
- Sir Thomas Middleton, Knight
- Sir Hatton Cheeke, Knight
- Sir John Ogle, Knighte
- Sir Cavallero Meycot, Knight
- Sir Stephen Riddlesden, Knight [Riddleson]
- Sir Thomas Bludder, Knight
- Sir Anthonie Aucher, Knight
- Sir Robert Johnson, Knight
- Sir Thomas Panton, Knight
- Sir Charles Morgan, Knight
- Sir Stephen Powle, Knight [Pole]
- Sir John Burlacie, Knight
- Sir Christofer Cleane, Knight [Cleave]
- Sir George Hayward, Knight
- Sir Thomas Dane, Knight [Davis]
- Sir Thomas Dutton, Knight [Sutton]
- Sir Anthonie Forrest, Knight [Forest]
- Sir Robert Payne, Knight
- Sir John Digby, Knight
- Sir Dudley Diggs, Knight [Digges]
- Sir Rowland Cotton, Knight
- Doctour Mathewe Rutcliffe [Sutcliffel
- Doctor Meddowes [Meadows]
- Doctor Tumer
- Doctor Poe
- Captaine Pagnam
- Captaine Jeffrey Holcrofte
- Captaine Raunne [Romney]
- Captaine Henrie Spry
- Captaine Shelpton [Shelton]
- Captaine Spark [Sparks]
- [Captain] Thomas Wyatt [Wyat]
- Captaine Brinsley
- Captaine William Courtney
- Captaine Herbert
- Captaine Clarke
- Captaine Dewhurst
- Captaine John Blundell
- Captaine Frier [Fryer]
- Captaine Lewis Orwell
- Captaine Edward Lloyd [Loyd]
- Captaine Slingesby
- Captaine Huntley [Hawley]
- Captaine Orme
- Captaine Woodhouse
- Captaine Mason
- Captaine Thomas Holcroft
- Captaine John Cooke [Coke]
- Captaine Hollis [Holles]
- Captaine William Proude
- Captaine Henrie Woodhouse
- Captaine Richard Lindeley [Lindesey]
- Captaine Dexter
- Captaine William Winter
- Captaine Herle [Pearsel
- Captain John Bingham
- Captaine Burray
- Captaine Thomas Conwey [Conway]
- Captaine Rookwood
- Captaine William Lovelace
- Captaine John Ashley
- Captaine Thomas Wynne
- Captaine Thomas Mewtis
- Captaine Edward Harwood
- Captaine Michaell Evered [Everard]
- Captaine Connoth [Comock]
- Captaine Miles [Mills]
- Captaine Pigott [Pigot]
- Captaine Edward Maria Wingfeild [Wingfield]
- Captaine ChristopherNewporte [Newport]
- Captaine John Siclemore, alias Ratcliffe [Sicklemore]
- Captaine John Smith
- Captyn John Martyn [Martin]
- Captaine Peter Wynne
- Captaine Waldoe [Waldo]
- Captyn Thomas Wood
- Captaine Thomas Button
- George Bolls, Esquire, Sheriffe of London
- William Crashawe, [Clerk], Bachelor of Divinite
- William Seabright, Esquire
- Christopher Brook, Esquire
- John Bingley, Esquire
- Thomas Watson, Esquire
- Richard Percivall, Esquire [Percival]
- John Moore, Esquire
- Hugh Brooker, Esquire
- David Waterhouse, Esquire [Woodhouse]
- Anthonie Auther, Esquier [Aucher]
- Roberte Bowyer, Esquire [Boyer]
- Raphe Ewens, Esquire
- Zacharie Jones, Esquire
- George Calvert, Esquire
- William Dobson, Esquire
- Henry Reynold, Esquire [Reynolds]
- Thomas Walker, Esquire
- Anthonie Barnars, Esquire
- Thomas Sandes, Esquire [Sandys]
- Henrie Sand, Esquire [Sandys]
- Richard Sand [Sandys], Sonne of Sir Edwin Sandes [Sandys]
- William Oxenbridge, Esquire
- John Moore, Esquire
- Thomas Wilson, Esquire
- John Bullocke, Esquire [Bullock]
- John Waller, [Esquire]
- Thomas Webb
- Jehughe Robinson
- William Brewster
- Robert Evelyn
- Henrie Dabenie [Danby]
- Richard Hacklewte, minister [Hackluit]
- John Eldred, marchaunt [Eldrid]
- William Russell, marchaunt
- John Merrick, marchaunt
- Richard Bannester, merchant [Banister]
- Charles Anthonie, goldsmithe [Anthony]
- John Banck [Banks]
- William Evans
- Richard Humble
- Robert Chamberleyne, marchaunt [Richard Chamberlayne]
- Thomas Barber, marchaunt
- Richard Pevyrell, merchaunt [Pomet]
- John Fletcher, merchant
- Thomas Nicholls, merchant
- John Stoak, merchaunt [Stoke]
- Gabriell Archer
- Franncis Covell [Covel]
- William Bouham [Bonham]
- Edward Harrison
- John Wolstenholme
- Nicholas Salter
- Hugh Evans
- William Barners [Barnes]
- Otho Mawdett [Mawdet]
- Richard Staper, marchant
- John Elkin, marchaunt
- William Cayse [Coyse]
- Thomas Perkin, cooper
- Humfrey Ramell, cooper [Humphrey James]
- Henry Jackson
- Roberte Shingleton [Singleton]
- Christopher Nicholls
- John Harper
- Abraham Chamberlaine [Chamberlayne]
- Thomas Shipton
- Thomas Carpenter
- Anthoine Crewe [Crew]
- George Holman
- Robert Hill
- Cleophas Smithe [Smith]
- Raphe Harrison
- John Farmer
- James Brearley
- William Crosley [Crosby]
- Richard Cocks [Cox]
- John Gearinge [Gearing]
- Richard Strough, iremonnger [Strongarm]
- Thomas Langton
- Griffith Hinton
- Richard Ironside
- Richard Deane [Dean]
- Richard Turner
- William Leveson, mercer [Lawson]
- James Chatfeilde [Chatfield]
- Edward Allen [Edward Allen Tedder]
- Tedder Roberts
- Heldebrand Sprinson [Robert Hildebrand Sprinson]
- Arthur Mouse
- John Gardener [Gardiner]
- James Russell [Russel]
- Richard Casewell [Caswell]
- Richard Evanns [Evans]
- John Hawkins
- Richard Kerrill [Kerril]
- Richard Brooke
- Mathewe Scrivener, gentleman [Screvener]
- William Stallendge, gentleman [Stallenge]
- Arthure Venn, gentleman
- Saund Webb, gentleman [Sandys Webbe]
- Michaell Phettiplace, gentleman
- William Phetiplace, gentleman [Phettiplace]
- Ambrose Brusey, gentleman [Prusey]
- John Taverner, gentleman
- George Pretty, gentleman
- Peter Latham, gentleman
- Thomas Monnford, gentleman [Montford]
- William Cautrell, gentleman [Cantrel]
- Richard Wiffine, gentleman [Wilfin]
- Raphe Mooreton, gentleman [Moreton]
- John Cornellis [Comelius]
- Martyn Freeman
- Raphe Freeman
- Andreau Moore
- Thomas White
- Edward Perkin
- Robert Osey
- Thomas Whitley
- George Pitt [Pit]
- Roberte Parkehurste [Parkhurst]
- Thomas Morris
- Peter Vaulore [Harloe]
- Jeffrey Duppa
- John Gilbert
- William Hancock
- Mathew Bromrigg [Brown]
- Francis Tirrell [Tyrrel]
- Randall Carter
- Othowell Smithe [Smith]
- Thomas Honnyman [Hamond]
- Marten Bonde, haberdasher [Bond]
- Joan Mousloe [John Moulsoe]
- Roberte Johnson
- William Younge [Young]
- John Woddall [Woodal]
- William Felgate
- Humfrey Westwood
- Richard Champion
- Henrie Robinson
- Franncis Mapes
- William Sambatch [Sambach]
- Rauley Crashawe [Ralegh Crashaw]
- DaruelLliacker
- Thomas Grave
- Hugh Willestone
- Thomas Culpepper, of Wigsell, Esquire
- John Culpepper, gentleman
- Henrie Lee
- Josias Kirton, gentleman [Kerton]
- John Porie, gentleman [Pory]
- Henrie Collins
- George Burton
- William Atkinson
- Thomas Forrest [Forest]
- John Russell [Russel]
- John Houlte [Holt]
- Harman Harrison
- Gabriell Beedell [Beedel]
- John Beedell [Beedel]
- Henrie Dankes [Dawkes]
- George Scott [Scot]
- Edward Fleetewood, gentleman [Fleetwood]
- Richard Rogers, gentleman
- Arthure Robinson
- Robert Robinson
- John Huntley
- John Grey [Gray]
- William Payne
- William Feilde [Field]
- William Wattey
- William Webster
- John Dingley
- Thomas Draper
- Richard Glanvile [Glanvil]
- Arnolde Lulls [Hulls]
- Henrie Rowe [Roe]
- William Moore [More]
- Nicholas Grice [Gryce]
- James Monnger [Monger]
- Nicholas Andrewes [Andrews]
- Jerome Haydon, iremonnger [Jeremy Haydon]
- Phillipp Durrant [Philip Durette]
- John Quales [Quarles]
- John West
- Madlew Springeham [Springham]
- John Johnson
- Christopher Hore
- George Barkeley
- Thomas Sued [Snead]
- George Barkeley [Berkeley]
- Ardhure Pett [Pet]
- Thomas Careles
- William Barkley [Berkley]
- Thomas Johnson
- Alexander Bent [Bents]
- Captaine William Kinge [King]
- George Sandes, gentleman [Sandys]
- James White, gentleman
- Edmond Wynn [Wynne]
- Charles Towler
- Richard Reynold
- Edward Webb
- Richard Maplesden
- Thomas Levers [Lever]
- David Bourne
- Thomas Wood
- Raphe Hamer
- Edward Barnes, mercer
- John Wright, mercer
- Robert Middleton
- Edward Litsfeild [Littlefield]
- Katherine West
- Thomas Webb [Web]
- Raphe Kinge [King]
- Roberte Coppine [Coppin]
- James Askewe
- Christopher Nicholls [Christopher Holt]
- William Bardwell
- Alexander Childe [Chiles]
- Lewes Tate
- Edward Ditchfeilde [Ditchfield]
- James Swifte
- Richard Widdowes, goldesmith
- Edmonde Brundells [Brudenell]
- John Hanford [Hansford]
- Edward Wooller
- William Palmer, haberdasher
- John Badger
- John Hodgson
- Peter Monnsill [Mounsel]
- Jahn Carrill [Carril]
- John Busbridge [Bushridge]
- William Dunn [Dun]
- Thomas Johnson
- Nicholas Benson
- Thomas Shipton
- Nathaniell Wade
- Randoll Wettwood [Wetwood]
- Mathew Dequester
- Charles Hawkins
- Hugh Hamersley
- Abraham Cartwright
- George Bennett [Bennet]
- William Cattor [Cater]
- Richard Goddart
- Henrie Cromwell
- Phinees Pett [Pet]
- Roberte Cooper
- Henrie Neite [Newce]
- Edward Wilks [Wilkes]
- Roberte Bateman
- Nicholas Farrar
- John Newhouse
- John Cason
- Thomas Harris, gentleman
- George Etheridge, gentleman
- Thomas Mayle, gentleman
- Richard Stratford [Stafford]
- Thomas
- Richard Cooper
- John Westrowe [Westrow]
- Edward Welshe [Welch]
- Thomas Brittanie [Britain]
- Thomas Knowls [Knowles]
- Octavian Thome
- Edmonde Smyth [Smith]
- John March
- Edward Carew
- Thomas Pleydall
- Richard Lea [Let]
- Miles Palmer
- Henrie Price
- John Josua, gentleman [Joshua]
- William Clawday [Clauday]
- Jerome Pearsye
- John Bree, gentleman
- William Hampson
- Christopher Pickford
- Thomas Hunt
- Thomas Truston
- Christopher Lanman [Salmon]
- John Haward, clerke [Howard]
- Richarde Partridge
- Allen Cotton [Cassen]
- Felix Wilson
- Thomas Colethurst [Bathurst]
- George Wilmer
- Andrew Wilmer
- Morrice Lewellin
- Thomas Jedwin [Godwin]
- Peter Burgoyne
- Thomas Burgoyne
- Roberte Burgoyne
- Roberte Smithe, merchauntaylor [Smith]
- Edward Cage, grocer
- Thomas Canon, gentleman [Cannon]
- William Welby, stacioner
- Clement Wilmer, gentleman
- John Clapham, gentleman
- Giles Fraunces, gentleman [Francis]
- George Walker, sadler
- John Swinehowe, stacioner [Swinhow]
- Edward Bushoppe, stacioner [Bishop]
- Leonard White, gentleman
- Christopher Barron [Baron]
- Peter Benson
- Richard Smyth [Smith]
- George Prockter, minister [Proctor]
- Millicent Ramesden, widowe [Ramsdent]
- Joseph Soane
- Thomas Hinshawe [Hinshaw]
- John Baker
- Robert Thorneton [Thomton]
- John Davies [Davis]
- Edward Facett [Facetl
- George Nuce, gentleman [Newce]
- John Robinson
- Captaine Thomas Wood
- William Browne, shoemaker [Brown]
- Roberte Barker, shoemaker
- Roberte Penington [Pennington]
- Francis Burley, minister
- William Quick, grocer
- Edward Lewes, grocer [Lewis]
- Laurence Campe, draper
- Aden Perkins, grocer
- Richard Shepparde, preacher [Shepherd]
- William Sheckley, haberdasher [Sherley]
- William Tayler, haberdasher [Taylor]
- Edward Lukyn, gentleman [Edwin Lukin]
- John Francklyn, haberdasher [Franklyn]
- John Southicke [Southwick]
- Peter Peate
- George Johan, iremonnger
- George Yardley, gentleman [Yeardley]
- Henrie Shelly [Shelley]
- John Pratt [Prat]
- Thomas Church, draper
- William Powell, gentleman [Powel]
- Richard Frithe, gentleman [Frith]
- Thomas Wheeler, draper
- Franncis Hasilerigg, gentleman [Haselrig]
- Hughe Shippley, gentleman [Shipley]
- John Andrewes, thelder, [doctor], of Cambridge [Andrews]
- Franncis Whistley, gentleman [Whistler]
- John Vassall, gentleman
- Richard Howle
- Edward Barkeley, gentleman [Berkeley]
- Richard Knerisborough, gentleman [Keneridgburg]
- Nicholas Exton, draper
- William Bennett, fishmonger [Bennet]
- James Hawood, marchaunt [Haywood]
- Nicholas Isaak, merchaunt [Isaac]
- William Gibbs, merchannt
- [William] Bushopp [Bishop]
- Barnard Michell [Mitchel]
- Isaake Michell [Isaac Mitchel]
- John Streat [Streate]
- Edward Gall
- John Marten, gentleman [Martin]
- Thomas Fox
- Luke Lodge
- John Woodleefe, gentleman [Woodliffel
- Rice Webb [Piichard]
- Vincent Lowe [Low]
- Samuell Burnam [Burnham]
- Edmonde Pears, haberdasher
- Josua Goudge [John Googe]
- John St. John
- Edwarde Vaughan
- William Dunn
- Thomas Alcock [Alcocke]
- John Andrewes, the younger, of Cambridge [Andrews]
- Samuell Smithe [Smith]
- Thomas Jerrard [Gerrard]
- Thomas Whittingham
- William Cannynge [Canning]
- Paule Caminge [Canning]
- George Chaudler [Chandler]
- Henrye Vincent
- Thomas Ketley
- James Skelton
- James Montain [Mountaine]
- George Webb, gentleman
- Josephe Newbroughesmith [Joseph Newbridge, smith]
- Josias Mande [Mand]
- Raphe Haman, the younger [Hamer]
- Edward Brewster, the sonne of William Brewster
- Leonard Harwood, mercer
- Phillipp Druerdent
- William Carpenter
- Tristram Hill
- Roberte Cock, grocer
- Laurence Grene, grocer [Greene]
- Daniell Winche, grocer [Samuel Winch]
- Humfrey Stile, grocer
- Averie Dransfeild, grocer [Dransfield]
- Edwarde Hodges, grocer
- Edward Beale, grocer
- Raphe Busby, grocer
- John Whittingham, grocer
- John Hide, grocer
- Mathew Shipperd, grocer [Shepherd]
- Thomas Allen, grocer
- Richard Hooker, grocer
- Laurence Munckas, grocer [Munks]
- John Tanner, grocer
- Peter Gate, grocer
- John Blunt, grocer
- Roberte Berrisford, grocer
- Thomas Wells, gentleman
- John Ellis, grocer
- Henrie Colthurst, grocer
- John Cranage, grocer [Cavady]
- Thomas Jenings, grocer [Jennings]
- Edmond Peshall, grocer [Pashall]
- Timothie Bathurst, grocer
- Gyles Parslowe, grocer [Parslow]
- Roberte Johnson, grocer [Richard]
- William Janson, vintener [Johnson]
- Ezechiell Smith
- Richard Murrettone [Martin]
- William Sharpe
- Roberte Ritche [Rich]
- William Stannerd, inholder [Stannard]
- John Stocken
- William Strachey, gentleman
- George Farmer, gentleman
- Thomas Gypes, clothworker
- Abraham Dawes, gentleman [Davies]
- Thomas Brockett, gentleman [Brocket]
- George Bathe, fishmonger [Bache]
- John Dike, fishmonger
- Henrie Spranger
- Richard Farringdon [Farrington]
- Chistopher Vertue, vintener
- Thomas Baley, vintener [Bayley]
- George Robins, vintener
- Tobias Hinson, grocer
- Urian Spencer [Vrian]
- Clement Chachelley [Chicheley]
- John Searpe, gentleman [Scarpe]
- James Cambell, iremonnger [Campbell]
- Christopher Clitherowe, iremonnger [Clitheroe]
- Phillipp Jacobson
- Peter Jacobson, of Andwarpe
- William Barckley [Berkeley]
- Miles Banck, cutler [Banks]
- Peter Highley, grocer [Higgons]
- Henrie John, gentleman
- John Stoakley, merchauntailor [Stokeley]
- The companie of mercers
- The companie of grocers
- The companie of drapers
- The company of fishmongers
- The companie of gouldsmithes
- The companie of skynners
- The companie merchauntailors
- The companie of haberdashers
- The companie of salters
- The companie of iremongers
- The companie of vintners
- The companie of clothworkers
- The companie of dyers
- The companie of bruers
- The companie of lethersellers
- The companie of pewterers
- The companie of cutlers
- The companie of whitebakers
- The companie of waxchaundlers
- The companie of tallowe chaundlers
- The companie of armorers
- The companie of girdlers
- The companie of butchers
- The companie of sadlers
- The companie of carpenters
- The companie of cordwayners
- The companie of barbor chirurgions
- The companie of painter stayners
- The companie of curriers
- The companie of masons
- The companie of plumbers
- The companie of inholders
- The companie of founders
- The companie of poulterers
- The companie of cookes
- The companie of coopers
- The companie of tylers and bncklayers
- The companie of bowyers
- The companie of Retchers
- The companie of blacksmithes
- The companie of joyners
- The companie of weavers
- The companie of wollmen
- The companie of wood monnvers
- The companie of scrivenors
- The companie of fruterers
- The companie of plasterers
- The companie of brownebakers
- The companie of stacioners
- The companie of imbroderers
- The companie of upholsters
- The companie of musicions
- The companie of turners
- The companie of baskettmakers
- The companie of glasiers
- John Levett, merchaunt [Levet]
- Thomas Nomicott, clothworker [Nomicot]
- Richard Venn, haberdasher
- Thomas Scott, gentleman [Scot]
- Thomas Juxson, merchauntaylor [Juxon]
- George Hankinson
- Thomas Leeyer, gentleman [Seyer]
- Mathew Cooper
- Gorge Butler, gentleman
- Thomas Lawson, gentleman
- Edward Smith, haberdasher
- Stephen Sparrowe
- John Jones, merchaunt
- [John] Reynold, brewer [Reynolds]
- Thomas Plummer, merchaunt
- James Duppa, bruer
- Rowland Coytemore [Coitmore]
- William Sotherne [Southerne]
- Gorge Whittmoore, haberdasher [Whitmore]
- Anthonie Gosoulde, the younger [Gosnold]
- John Allen, fishemonger
- John Kettlebye, gentleman [Kettleby]
- Symonde Yeomans, fishmonger [Simon]
- Richard Chene, gouldsmithe
- Launcelot Davis, gentleman [Clene]
- John Hopkins, an alderman of Bristoll
- George Hooker, gentlernan
- Roberte Shevinge, yeoman [Chening]
- Henrie, Earl of Southampton
- William, Earl of Pembrooke
- Henrie, Earl of Lincoln
- Thomas, Earl of Exeter
- Roberte, Lord Viscounte Lisle
- Lord Theophilus Howard
- James, Lord Bishopp of Bathe and Wells
- Edward, Lord Zouche
- Thomas, Lord Laware
- William, Lord Mounteagle
- Edmunde, Lord Sheffeilde
- Grey, Lord Shanndoys [Chandois]
- John, Lord Stanhope
- George, Lord Carew
- Sir Humfrey Welde, Lord Mayor of London
- Sir Edward Cecil
- Sir William Waad [Wade]
- Sir Henrie Nevill
- Sir Thomas Smith
- Sir Oliver Cromwell
- Sir Peter Manwood
- Sir Thomas Challoner
- Sir Henrie Hovarte [Hobart]
- Sir Franncis Bacon
- Sir George Coppin
- Sir John Scott
- Sir Henrie Carey
- Sir Roberte Drurie [Drury]
- Sir Horatio Vere
- Sir Eward Conwaye [Conway]
- Sir Maurice Berkeley [Barkeley]
- Sir Thomas Gates
- Sir Michaele Sands [Sandys]
- Sir Roberte Mansfeild [Mansel]
- Sir John Trevor
- Sir Amyas Preston
- Sir William Godolphin
- Sir Walter Cope
- Sir Robert Killigrewe
- Sir Henrie Faushawe [Fanshaw]
- Sir Edwyn Sandes [Sandys]
- Sir John Watts
- Sir Henrie Montague
- Sir William Romney
- Sir Thomas Roe
- Sir Baptiste Hicks
- Sir Richard Williamson
- Sir Stephen Powle [Poole]
- Sir Dudley Diggs
- Christopher Brooke, [Esq.]
- John Eldred, and
- John Wolstenholme
Although expresse mention [of the true yearly value or certainty of the premises, or any of them, or of any other gifts or grants, by us or any of our progenitors or predecessors, to the aforesaid Treasurer and Company heretofore made, in these presents is not made; or any act, statute, ordinance, provision, proclamation, or restraint, to the contrary hereof had, made, ordained, or provided, or any other thing, cause, or matter, whatsoever, in any wise notwithstanding.] In witnes whereof [we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness ourself at Westminster, the 23d day of May (1609) in the seventh year of our reign of England, France, and Ireland, and of Scotland the ****]