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Thirty Excuses for Dining Out on the Sabbath Day

A Rebuttal to the Most Popular Arguments Advanced by
Leaders in God's Church Who Advocate the
Practice of Dining Out on the Sabbath.

By Dennis Fischer

© 2009 Dennis Fischer ®
All Rights reserved


This book is dedicated to
Mr. Arthur Vernon Braidic, the man who gave this issue life.


Dear Friends,

Over twenty-four hundred years ago, God Almighty inspired a Jew serving under the Persian king Artaxerxes, to boldly confront the nobles of Judah and excoriate them for defiling the Sabbath. The man’s name was Nehemiah and his words and actions are legendary in scripture. His indictment of the Jewish leadership in Jerusalem was provoked by their calloused indifference toward a day consecrated as HOLY at the very beginning (Gen. 2:3). Instead of treating this time with deference and respect, these Jews had profaned it by engaging in commerce. They had actually come to a point to where they thought nothing of allowing unbelievers access to their lives on holy time and then had the audacity to pay these Sabbath-breakers for their goods and services.

Nehemiah's reaction to this sin was passionate and forceful. He saw buying and selling as a clear breach of the fourth commandment. Furthermore, he made a direct link between this sin and Judah’s CAPTIVITY (Neh.13:15-21).

Dismissing the Test

For the most part, the leaders of His Church have attempted to dismiss this topic as unimportant. Some groups have even directed their members to refrain from discussing it altogether on the grounds that it is "divisive." Others have warned members that failure to conform to the Church's position could result in expulsion. Most have taken a softer approach, calling it "a matter of conscience." However, what every one of these groups has utterly failed to do is present a legitimate Biblical argument in defense of this practice. Instead, they obfuscate the clear intent of God's law.

When examining the host of arguments offered in defense of this activity it becomes clear that it is vastly easier for God's leaders to explain away passages that threaten what they wish to do, or say, or think, than it is to face up to the reality that they have done wrong, and have taught others to do so.

What follows are the 30 most popular excuses presented by COG leaders today in defense of God’s people seeking out unbelievers on holy time and paying them for their Sabbath labor. As you read each excuse it will become clear that the advocates of this practice reject the undeniable injunction in God’s word and have replaced it with a mountain of human reasoning and contorted logic. Regrettably, each of these leaders seems more interested in justifying their behavior than in honoring the Lord of the Sabbath and His law. Our sincere prayer is that they will reconsider their position on this critical end time issue. Each excuse is introduced with a question similar to ones proffered by those who attempt to justify this SIN.


Excuse #1

The Scriptures are Silent

Excuse #2

Jesus Sanctioned It

Excuse #3

The Pilgrimage Sabbath

Excuse #4

Millennial Restaurants

Excuse #5

Things are Different Now

Excuse #6

They’re Not My Servants

Excuse #7

Beyond Our Control

Excuse #8

I’m Not Responsible

Excuse #9

Hating Sin

Excuse #10

Fine Dining

Excuse #11

Eating is a Necessity

Excuse #12

The Utility Defense

Excuse #13

Rehabilitating Evil

Excuse #14

Hiding Behind the Feast

Excuse #15

It Lightens Our Burden

Excuse #16

Strict Obedience is Pharisaical

Excuse #17

Yeah Buts and What Ifs?

Excuse #18

No More Manna

Excuse #19

Nehemiah Never Prohibited It

Excuse #20

We’re Not Nehemiah

Excuse #21

The Flagman

Excuse #22

You Can’t Know for Sure

Excuse #23

Jesus Dined Out

Excuse #24

Redefining Sacrilege

Excuse #25

Doing Good on the Sabbath

Excuse #26

Paul Sanctioned It

Excuse #27

Moderation and Balance

Excuse #28

A Matter of Conscience

Excuse #29

It’s Not Business

Excuse #30

An Ox in a Ditch


“Amending God’s Law”

“The Devil’s Diner”

“Taking a Stand in the Millennium”

“An Interesting Hypothetical”

“Parlor Games”

“Who Do You Think You Are?”