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Part 2

30 Excuses

Excuse #29

It's Not Business


Didn’t Nehemiah’s prohibition against God’s people engaging in commerce on the Sabbath only apply to the provider of services, not the consumer of them?


T here are few times when an argument in defense of dining out on the Sabbath has come across as more self-serving than the one presented by one of the leading COG associations. According to the "research" offered up by its doctrinal committee, doing "business" on the Sabbath only involves the providing of services, not the consuming of them. In other words, although they readily admit it is wrong to sell products on the Sabbath, they claim it is not wrong to purchase them. This assertion is made despite the fact that Nehemiah condemned both behaviors (Neh. 10:31; 13: 15-21).

What this COG advances as Biblical truth is a remarkably silly observation and one that must truly disappoint God Almighty. Watch how they make their point by ignoring the obvious. However, before you do, consider the following sign posted on a prominent outdoor mall in the Great Northwest. Within that mall are four restaurants—two of which would be considered ‘high end.” Notice that the world has no difficulty understanding that consumers are conducting BUSINESS as well.


This Is Private Property

Persons not conducting authorized business within this complex and/or specific business with its tenants are considered trespassing. Violators will be subjec to arrest and/or citation for criminal trespass pursuant to B.C.C. 10A.53.080 or RCW 9A.52.070 or 9A.52.080

However, this Church of God asserts the following:


Aren’t you participating in a business transaction when you eat out on the Sabbath? You most certainly will be expected to pay for the meal that you consume on the Sabbath.


This is not running your business on the Sabbath. It is simply paying for the meal you received. There is nothing in Scripture that declares this act to be a violation of the Sabbath.

Justifying Sin with Semantics

Consider what these leaders are actually saying about the True God and His great Sabbath Law. According to their wisdom, the Almighty forbids what is being done at restaurants every Sabbath, but permits His people to proactively solicit the very act He forbids.

This argument makes about as much sense as a get-away driver for a bank robber claiming he doesn't break the eighth commandment ("thou shall not steal") because he does not participate in the actual robbery. He only drives the car, and there is no mention of get-away cars in the Bible.

Here is a question for all of God’s people today. If God told you He absolutely detested the labor being done in restaurants every Sabbath, do you think He would be pleased if you told Him you seek it out and actually pay for it?

You Are Responsible

It is true that the decision to work on the Sabbath rests solely in the hands of restaurant personnel. But it is equally true that the decision to patronize that labor rests solely in the hands of those who purchase their goods and services. To assert that the consumer of services plays no part in the business being conducted is TOTAL NONSENSE! It also misses a greater point. The Sabbath is a profoundly sacred day. It was created by a Holy God as a memorial of both His physical and His spiritual creation. It demands to be hallowed.

God gave the fourth commandment to ensure that His people would render the proper level of respect the Sabbath deserves. Furthermore, He has made it abundantly clear that labor profanes His day and as such should be avoided. When this COG doctrinal committee dines out on the Sabbath, they are purchasing services that trample on something their God made holy. They may find consolation in the fact that restaurant personnel would be trampling on God's Sabbath anyway, but as Ambassadors of His Kingdom, that shouldn't make any difference.

The bottom line regarding this argument is really quite simple: You may not be able to prevent restaurant personnel from working on the Sabbath, but you most certainly can prevent them from working for YOU on this day!

Excuse #30
An Ox in a Ditch