Preface A Defining Moment

And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger,
and fed thee with manna, which thou knew not,
neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee to
know that man doeth not live by bread alone,
but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth
of the Lord doth man live.
Deuteronomy 8:3
The gospels of Matthew and Luke describe an extraordinary event which took place at the very beginning of Jesus’ ministry. This event involved a titanic confrontation between Jesus of Nazareth and Satan the devil. It was a battle of unimaginable magnitude and the stakes couldn't have been higher.
A Defining Moment
When examining this story, it is important to understand that throughout history there are what are called “defining moments.” These are events that can mold and shape the destiny of a people – and to be sure, this is such a moment. Notice the words the apostle Matthew used when introducing this great spiritual war.
Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, He was afterward an hungered. And when the tempter came to Him, he said, “If Thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.”(Mt. 4:1-3)
It is hard to imagine a moment in human history that possessed greater drama than that which Matthew begins to chronicle in this chapter. Here in a secluded dessert stand the two greatest opposing forces in the history of the universe. On one side, the "Lamb of God” and the "Savior of the World,” while on the other, the "prince of darkness” and the embodiment of evil – a being totally bent on destroying every fragment of hope mankind ever had.
This moment stands as the quintessential struggle between good and evil, between decency and depravity, between hope and despair. And as monumental as this struggle was, it all took place in private. No fanfare. No great crowds cheering on their champion. No television cameras. No reporters or analysts. Just a Galilean Jew in the throes of death, and a spirit being so consumed with evil that the apostle Peter once described him as “a roaring lion... seeking whom he may devour" (1Pe. 5:8). These were the characters in this great drama and at stake was the destiny of the universe.
Why Stones to Bread?
When reading Matthew’s account of this moment in the life of the Messiah, a question becomes very apparent. Why would it have been wrong for Jesus to turn stones to bread? Have you ever asked yourself this question? Why would it have been wrong for Him to accommodate this request? Certainly, there was no Biblical prohibition against it. And on more than one occasion, Jesus miraculously fed thousands of people using meager portions of bread (Mt.14:15; Mk. 8:1). Certainly His own hunger would justify taking such action, wouldn’t it? But Jesus chose not to. Why?
Furthermore, why did Satan advance what appears to be such a benign temptation – turning stones to bread? Certainly the temptations that followed must have been the big ones... you know: “Throw Yourself off a pinnacle of the temple and God will give His angels charge over you” (Mt. 4:5-7). That would be a great test of faith. Or, “Bow down and worship me and I will give you all the kingdoms of the world” (Mt. 4:8-10). That must have been the greatest temptation, wasn’t it? After all, the offer of wealth and power has broken many a man and must have been a more formidable challenge. BUT WHY STONES TO BREAD?
One Theory
There are some who believe that what Satan was trying to do with his first test was to manipulate Jesus in preparation for the greater temptations that would follow – ostensibly getting Him to cooperate a little before advancing the greater trials. But is it possible that the challenge for the Messiah to turn stones to bread was THE GREAT TEMPTATION? Is it possible that what Satan was doing at this moment was placing before Jesus the source of all human suffering and cloaking it in something that appeared so innocent?
An Extraordinary Story
The story of Jesus being tempted in the wilderness is told in just twenty-four verses of two gospels. Yet this single moment speaks volumes about the Greatest Being in existence, and a wisdom so perfect that only God Himself could possess it. When properly understood, this moment will enable man to make sense out of a world filled with evil and will answer virtually every question he has ever pondered concerning the meaning of life and the great struggles he faces.
A Great Triumph
The poise and virtue demonstrated by Jesus during this trial came at a time when He must have appeared so vulnerable – He was literally starving to death. Yet He never blinked in the face of a test orchestrated by none other than Satan himself. This alone should earn the undying devotion of every person who considers himself a “believer.”
But the truth be known, there was something far greater taking place at this moment. This spiritual war was not simply about overcoming personal adversity. For in truth, this moment stands at the very center of man’s purpose for existing. Through it is revealed the steadfast commitment of God Himself to a dream for mankind that would one day demonstrate His awesome power and love. This “defining moment” is a door, which when opened, will reveal an incredible Vision, an extraordinary Plan, and a magnificent Destiny. It reveals something about not only who Jesus was, but what man must become. It is a story of triumph over tragedy and stands as a beacon that set in motion the greatest victory in history.
This book examines that moment and how it plays out in a magnificent future the Almighty has prepared for the human family. It is a story about a Great and loving God and a wonderful Plan He has envisioned. It is the story of the birth of this Plan and how the forces of evil tried to thwart it. It is a story of how God overcame these forces to ensure that His Plan would be accomplished and a magnificent Destiny fulfilled. It is a story so rich in hope that it will one day bring every believer to joyfully kneel before its Author. However, before this story can be told and this Destiny revealed, it is essential that we first meet its Architect.