Chapter XI
A Destiny Fulfilled
Precious in the site of the Lord
is the death of His saints.
Psalm 116:15
One of the greatest champions of faith in all the Bible was a man named Abraham. Most practicing Jews identify more with him than any other character in the scriptures, even more than Moses or Elijah.
Abraham, whose name was originally Abram, lived approximately four hundred years after Noah’s ark came to rest on mount Ararat. He grew up in Mesopotamia, in a place called Ur of the Chaldees (Gen. 11:31). Ur was located near the mouth of the Euphrates river in the Persian gulf. According to archaeological records, this city was immensely pagan, and immersed itself in the worship of idols. The Bible indicates that the influence of idiolatry in this region was so pervasive that even Abraham’s family was affected. According to the book of Joshua, Abraham’s father Terah “served other gods” (Jos. 24:2).
The scriptures indicate that Terah would eventually move his family from Ur to a place called Haran where he would die (Gen. 11:31). Abraham would remain in Haran until he was seventy-five years old. At that time something would take place that would change his life forever.
A Call that Changed Eternity
The book of Genesis indicates that during this time, God spoke to Abraham and instructed him to leave his father’s house and go to a land that he did not know. However, God also promised to guide him on this journey and show him a very special place that would ultimately be a home to him and his descendants forever. Additionally, God informed this patriarch that if he honored these instructions, a magnificent Destiny would be fulfilled through him. The Great Creator actually identified seven specific blessings that would come to Abraham and his descendants if he obeyed.
Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of your country, and from your kindred, and from your father’s house, unto a land that I will show you: And (1) I will make you a great nation, (2) and I will bless you, (3) and make your name great; (4) and you shall be a blessing: (5) And I will bless them that bless you, (6) and curse them that curse you: (7) and in you shall all the families of the earth be blessed. (Gen. 12:1-3)
The scriptures reveal that Abraham left his father’s house just as he was told and began a journey that would change human history. His pilgrimage was long and would even include a stop in Egypt but would eventually take him to the land of Canaan. There, on a high mountain, God instructed him to look out in every direction for as far as the eye could see. God then told this great champion of faith that everything he beheld was going to belong to him and his children forever (Gen. 13:14-15). God also promised Abraham that his descendants would be so prolific they couldn’t even be numbered; they would be like the dust of the earth (Gen. 13:16). Later this promise would be repeated, only this time God would declare that Abraham’s seed would be like the stars of heaven (Gen. 15:5). Consider the scope of that promise in light of what we learned about the size of the universe in the introduction of this book.

The March of Abraham
by József Molnár, 19th century
The Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest
A Father of Kings
Throughout his life as a sojourner, Abraham must have reflected often on the immense blessings his Maker had promised him. However, few could match the one God would make nearly twenty-five years after he began his journey. It was then that God changed his name from Abram to Abraham. This change signified that he would be the father of nations, and that a great line of kings would descend from him. Notice the extraordinary words God spoke when establishing His covenant with this man of faith:
And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abram, and said unto him, “I am the Almighty GOD; walk before Me, and be you perfect. And I will make My covenant between Me and you, and will multiply you exceedingly.” And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, “As for Me, behold, My covenant is with you, and you shall be a father of many nations. Neither shall your name any more be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made you. And I will make you exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of you, and kings shall come out of you...” And I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your seed after you in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto you, and to your seed after you. And I will give unto you, and to your seed after you, the land wherein you are a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.” (Gen. 17:1-8)
God’s promises to Abraham were truly remarkable. From the time He first spoke to him in Haran, He laid out monumental blessings that would befall this patriarch if he surrendered to his Creator as the Great Moral Authority. Consider what God said Abraham could look forward to:
It is hard to imagine that a man could be offered anything possessing greater value than the promises God had given Abraham. Essentially, God was telling this father of the faithful that His Plan for mankind would be inextricably linked to him. This was because Abraham continued to believe and trust in the true God, despite the world around him – a world that had rejected its Creator since the beginning.
The scriptures reveal that Abraham’s faith and obedience paved the way for Jesus Christ to come into the world and redeem mankind from the consequences of sin (Gal. 3:6-16). His place in God’s Plan is truly significant. It was made that way because of the humble attitude he possessed. Abraham trusted in God to know more than he knew. It is actually a very simple formula for righteousness. Unfortunately, it is almost never applied by mankind. But Abraham did apply it because God’s wisdom and virtue was real to him. As a result, Abraham declared his faith in the steps he took; steps guided by none other than his Creator.
A Great Lesson
The story of Abraham stands as a great lesson to all who will ultimately be born into God’s Family. In a very real sense, it is a recurring theme throughout the Bible. The scriptures declare that man must come out of a world that rejects its Creator. Once this is done, he must allow the true God to guide his moral path. In the case of Abraham, God told him to come out of a place where idolatry and self-will defined his world, and to follow Him.
The Bible also reveals that similar instructions have been given by the Great Creator down through the ages. For example, God told Moses and the children of Israel to come out of Egypt where idolatry and self-will defined their world, and to follow Him. Furthermore, God tells every believer today to come out of Babylon, where idolatry and self-will define this present age, and to follow Him (Rev. 18:4).
In a very real sense, every admonition in the scriptures regarding God’s desire for mankind to forsake this world is an appeal for His human family to reject the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This tree defines man’s world, a world that goes totally contrary to God and His way. That world is based on the premise that man can decide for himself what is “good” and what is “evil.” As a result of this thinking, man has concocted an endless array of religions, ideologies, and philosophies, each of which has only brought war, strife and oppression to the human experience.
Tragically, man is convinced that eventually he will get it right on his own. He truly believes he can make his world better using nothing more than his own wisdom. All he has to do is apply his intellectual skills and “good” judgment and everything will work out. However, God knows where this thinking will end because He knows where it began. Mankind has been convinced that he can decide for himself what is “good” and what is “evil” since the day he called the garden of Eden his home. Tragically, he can’t.
Why Come out of Babylon?
Throughout the Bible, God declares that man left to his own moral devices will only create a world of pain and anguish (Pro. 14:12). For this reason, He has appealed to man to turn back to Him. This is because God knows the true source of happiness and desires that His children experience the joy that can only come from obeying their Creator.
The Great Governor of the universe also knows how contaminated this world is. He watched as Adam and Eve rejected Him as the guiding moral presence in their lives. Furthermore, He saw how that decision wrecked their world. Additionally, He beheld the depravity that filled the earth during the days of Noah. He knew that the violence and brutality that defined that society had its roots in man believing he could be his own moral judge.
God has been an eye witness to every second of human failure, and He knows the cause of that failure. The world man has built is based on the rejection of everything God stands for. And while our planet is filled with so much suffering today, mankind continues to point an accusing finger at anyone but himself as the cause of that suffering. Tragically, mankind has been a willing accomplice to the one who orchestrated the evil that has defined our world down through the ages. That one is none other than Satan the devil.
With this in mind, God knows all too well that man’s ways don’t work. Furthermore, He knows that the only way man can escape this world’s influence is to consciously reject the belief that he can be his own moral judge. To do that, man must reject the Babylon he is in, and instead, honor the true source of hope. That source is God and His great law.
For this reason, God not only instructs His people to take flight from this world’s moral guidance, but He also instructs them to move toward a place that He will make, a place where He is the Architect of morality. This was the admonition to Abraham some four thousand years ago. It was the admonition to the children of Israel some thirty-five hundred years ago. And it continues to be the admonition to God’s people today. What God was telling Abraham was that he must leave man’s world behind, and follow Him to a new world that lies ahead, a world that God himself would build.
But how will God build this World to Come? What will he do first after He subdues the nations? Finally, how will this Great Kingdom affect man’s ultimate Destiny – a Destiny He promised to Abraham? The answers to these questions are truly remarkable and reveal a great hope to believer and non-believer alike.
The Building of a Kingdom
The twentieth chapter of the book of Revelation states that once Satan is bound and placed in a bottomless pit, God’s millennial Kingdom, under the rule of Jesus Christ and the saints, will begin. The apostle John described this time by indicating that those who were martyred as well as those who had not worshiped the “beast” would hold positions of great distinction and authority.
And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them; and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshiped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. (Rev. 20:4)
The scriptures reveal that during this millennial reign, the resurrected saints will serve as kings and priests under Jesus Christ (Rev. 5:10). As such, they will be responsible for the administration of God’s Government on earth. By all indications, their size is not great. According to the book of Jude, this leadership team can be measured in the tens of thousands (Jude 14). Although this number may seem substantial, it is infinitesimally small when compared to the multiple billions who have lived since the beginning.
However, God has a history of starting small (Dt. 7:7) and apparently it is no different here. Therefore, those who are resurrected at the last trump will represent only a tiny fraction of all mankind. These saints are the ones who were called by God during this physical life. Furthermore, they responded to that call and yielded to His way. They rejected the ways of this world and accepted God as the true Moral Authority of the universe.
Counted among these saints are people like Moses and Elijah, David and Samuel, Noah, Enoch and Abel, and of course, Abraham. Additionally, God’s prophets and apostles, as well as His true servants down through the ages, will hold positions of great responsibility in this Kingdom. Furthermore, thousands of unnamed champions of faith will also serve at the pleasure of the King of kings when His Government is established. Each of these saints will represent a part of the greatest management team in history. This is because they will be totally connected to the greatest Moral Being in existence.
n the scriptures, this leadership team is revealed as a small first harvest. This small harvest is pictured by the Day of Pentecost. Like all of God’s holy days, Pentecost tells a remarkable story regarding how the Master Architect of all that exists will accomplish His Plan for mankind. This day reveals how God will begin to call mankind into His eternal Family. He will start with a small community of faithful. But He most certainly will not end there.
Who Do They Rule?
At this point, one may wonder who these resurrected saints govern. After all, if they are going to be kings and priests in God’s millennial Kingdom as the scriptures declare (Rev. 5:10), then there certainly must be subjects for them to rule. But who are these subjects?
The Bible indicates that when Jesus Christ returns to subdue the nations, there will be survivors. It is true that the casualties will be great, but not everyone will die. God’s word indicates that there will be physical human beings from around the world who live into His great millennial Kingdom.
During this time these survivors will be eye witnesses to an enduring peace that will eventually cover the earth. Furthermore, although these survivors represent only a fraction of those living in the last days, their number may be significant, perhaps in the hundreds of millions. These physical citizens are those whom God, with the aid of His saints, will work with first in His new earthly Kingdom. His purpose will be to show them what it would be like to have the true Moral Authority as their King.
By all indications, these physical citizens will not know the true God at the beginning of His Kingdom, although they may think they do. However, as this Kingdom continues to touch its people, its subjects will come to understand that many of the things they held to be true were not true at all. As a result of this new understanding, they will learn to reject the world of their past and to embrace a Kingdom prepared for their future. These citizens will begin to honor God and will receive His blessings for it. Here, God’s Plan for man continues – and takes another significant step.
With this in mind, what will God’s servant leaders do first to introduce these citizens to God’s way? What will be the number one priority of these kings and priests? The Bible actually provides a very specific answer to this question. Ironically, it may be the last thing most professing Christians would think God would place at the top of His list. However, history, as well as God’s very nature, reveal it is exactly what He will do. To better comprehend this first step, we must understand how God worked with an ancient people thousands of years ago.
A Lesson from Israel
There are numerous lessons that can be gleaned from the history of ancient Israel. God chose these people not because of their greatness or wisdom, but rather because of His greatness and wisdom. The infinite Creator and Sustainer of all that exists selected the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to reveal His Plan for mankind and to show how He would accomplish a magnificent Destiny for His human family, a Destiny that was envisioned by God before the worlds were fashioned.
The story of Israel also reveals a great deal concerning how God will establish His millennial Kingdom on earth. In reality, Israel’s deliverance out of bondage in Egypt and their ultimate entrance into the land of Canaan represents a type of the deliverance God’s people will experience at the end time, and their entrance into His Kingdom. Consider the similarities between ancient Israel then and spiritual Israel at the end of the world.
First, the Egyptian empire in which the Israelites were enslaved was filled with superstition and myth. Egypt rejected the true God and even persecuted His people. The scriptures reveal that this will happen again to God’s children in the last days (Mt. 24:9-10). At that time, they will live in a world filled with false ideas about the Creator and his Plan. Once again, God’s people will be targeted by a world gone mad. Society will even seek to kill them.
Secondly, God used supernatural power through ten plagues when dealing with Pharaoh and his realm. The scriptures indicate that despite these plagues, Pharaoh’s heart was hardened against God. He even dispatched his army to pursue the Israelites during their Exodus. However, that army was swallowed up by the Red Sea (Ex. 14:22-28).

A Depiction of the Red Sea
God's deliverance of Israel out of the hands of Egypt
At the time of the end, God will once again deliver His judgment to a rebellious world through a series of trumpet and vial plagues. And once again, the world will stand defiant. The scriptures even indicate that God’s people will be pursued by a great flood (possibly an army) bent on destroying them. However, God will intervene once again, and the flood will be swallowed up by the earth (Rev. 12:13-16).
Finally, the Israelites were ultimately led to a place appointed by God Himself. This place was a land where God’s Government would be administered and His people could flourish. The Bible states that this, too, will happen when Jesus Christ returns, only this time, God’s Kingdom will fill the whole earth.
Canaan and the Kingdom
The land of Canaan, where Israel ultimately settled, was a type of God’s Kingdom. The Great Creator provided it for two reasons. First, it fulfilled a promise He made to Abraham some five hundred years earlier. However, there was another reason. God raised up Israel to reside in Canaan so that it could be an example to all other nations. Israel was to show the world what it would be like to have God as its Moral Authority. They were to live by His laws, and they would be the recipient of His blessings. Notice what Moses told the Israelites when preparing them to enter into their new land.
Behold, I have taught you statutes and judgments, even as the Lord my God commanded me, that ye should do so in the land whither ye go to possess it. Keep therefore and do them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people. For what nation is there so great, who has God so nigh unto them, as the Lord our God is in all things that we call upon him for? And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day? (Dt. 4:5-8)
Here, God was revealing to His people that they were to be an example to all the world of how to live. They were to be a city on a hill that could be seen by all other cities. They were to be the model of a perfect Government. As such, they would point the way for all other people to go.
Regrettably, Israel failed in this calling. They did so because they fell into the same trap that has ensnared mankind since “day one.” They thought they could decide for themselves what was right and what was wrong, what was just and what was unjust, what was “good” and what was “evil.” Once again, the result was misery.
This nation that had so much would eventually lose it all because they rejected God’s wisdom and instead relied on their own. Because of this rebellion, the descendants of Israel would be conquered by their enemies and go into a horrible captivity.
But what does Israel going into the land of Canaan and ultimately rejecting God have to do with the beginning of the millennium. The answer: PLENTY!
First Things First
As the Israelites prepared to enter into Canaan, God gave them specific instructions concerning what to do first. These descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were to destroy every vestige of paganism in the land. God told them that nothing was to be spared. Notice the severity of His words.
Take heed to yourself, lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land whither you go, lest it be for a snare in the midst of you: But you shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves: For you shall worship no other god: for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. (Ex. 34:12-14)
When God told the Israelites to destroy the idols that filled the land of Canaan, he wasn’t being vague. His words were clear and direct. This is because God knows the effects of man-made religions. THEY NEVER WORK!!! Furthermore, they are the source of all human suffering. This may be hard to believe, but religion is the cause of man’s problems, not the solution. The belief that man can somehow decide for himself how he will worship his Creator is a view that is totally foreign to God’s word. Man may embrace this idea, but God HATES IT! Notice the warning He gives His people regarding capitulating with false religions.
Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods. What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it. (Dt. 12:30-32)
Here, God is declaring that His people are not to integrate pagan practices into the worship of the true God. This is because He hates false religions. He knows what they have done to His truth and how they have mocked His Plan. Therefore, God forbids any part of them being used in the true faith.
Now consider this command in light of how professing Christians today worship their God. Consider the accoutrements surrounding the practice of their faith. Consider the crosses, medallions, and prayer beads worn by millions of “believers.” Consider the so-called pictures of Jesus Christ that decorate so many homes and churches. Consider the statuary that is so much a part of Christian sanctuaries around the world, or the images portrayed on stained glass windows on so many places of worship. Where did God command such things?
Then there are the festivals such as Christmas, Easter, Lent, and a host of others that fill the calendars of Christianity today. Each of these seasons trace their origins to ancient pagan practices and beliefs. However, despite the fact that none of these religious trappings are enjoined in the scriptures, mankind employs them in his worship and is totally convinced he has God’s blessing to do so. The fact of the matter is that God hated these practices thousands of years ago and He continues to hate them today.
God’s warning to the children of Israel regarding their entrance into Canaan revealed what He understood to be the greatest threat to His people. And He knew how to deal with this threat.
When the Lord your God shall bring you into the land where you go to possess it, and has cast out many nations before you, the Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than you; And when the Lord your God shall deliver them before you; you shall smite them, and utterly destroy them; you shall make no covenant with them, nor show mercy unto them: Neither shall you make marriages with them; your daughter you shall not give unto his son, nor his daughter shall you take unto your son. For they will turn away your son from following me, that they may serve other gods: so will the anger of the Lord be kindled against you, and destroy you suddenly. But thus shall you deal with them; you shall destroy their altars, break down their images, and cut down their groves, and burn their graven images with fire. (Dt. 7:1-5)
The Bible reveals that the true God not only condemns borrowing the religious traditions of other faiths, He doesn’t even want His people to utter the name of another god. It shouldn’t even be whispered.
And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of your mouth. (Ex. 23:13)
These words may seem a bit extreme to a world that promotes tolerance. After all, to most people, religion is just a way to express a personal faith. Therefore, what difference does it make? As a result of this thinking, religions around the world are embraced by “Christian” nations today as morally equivalent to the faith espoused in the Bible.
However, the Great God who made the universe doesn’t agree with that view. When it comes to religious diversity, God is totally INTOLERANT. He is not a “Do your own thing” type of deity. He takes the way He is worshiped very personally, and He will demonstrate that fact when His servants carry out His first mandate.
Tearing Down Idols
With this in mind, imagine what God’s servants will destroy when His millennial Kingdom is established. Certainly they will utterly destroy every piece of the numerous pagan religions that have saturated the globe for thousands of years. All these beliefs will be exposed for what they really are – NOTHING. Imagine the billions of people who thought they were honoring God with mindless NOTHING!
But what about professing Christianity? Consider for a moment what will be removed from their religious “treasure chest.” What will God’s servants do to the things these “believers” value so greatly? By all indications, God’s servants will utterly destroy every vestige of man’s expression of faith that is not specifically enjoined in the scriptures. This would include every cross, every steeple, every statue, every picture, every robe, every altar, every candle, every medallion, every pin, and every bead.
Furthermore, the Bible indicates that the festivals and seasons embraced by this world will be replaced by the holy days God ordained and gave to His people. The scriptures declare that God’s true Sabbath will be kept in His millennial Kingdom (Isa. 66:23). Additionally, God’s annual holy days will be restored to their rightful place. The book of Zechariah states that those who refuse to honor God’s feasts will be denied His blessings. Even the weather will turn against them (Zech. 14:16-19).
Learn Not the Way of the Heathen
Throughout the Bible, God’s people are exhorted to reject man’s method of worship as well as the gods he has created. The great prophet Jeremiah may have said it best: “Learn not the way of the heathen” (Jer. 10:1). He then described a pagan custom that has a striking resemblance to a very popular practice in the world today. He indicated that the heathen would cut a tree out of the forest and take it to a place where they could behold it. At this place they would decorate the tree and fasten it, because it could not move on its own. Jeremiah then calls this tree a GRAVEN IMAGE! The pastors who embrace this custom he calls “brutish.” Finally, Jeremiah declares that in the day of God’s visitation, this custom will be obliterated (Jer. 10:15).
This is how God will deal with man’s religious customs and traditions. He will destroy them – ALL OF THEM! And the destruction will be complete. Nothing will remain. With this in mind, it is inconceivable that God would allow any semblance of man’s religious expression to survive in His millennial Kingdom. The history of mankind has shown that such things are toxic and will contaminate man’s access to the truth.
A New Beginning
Early in God’s millennial Kingdom, man will have to unlearn many things. He will have to rethink his politics, his culture, his science, and his laws, as well as the values that defined his world. God’s servant leaders will be instrumental in teaching man to understand the flaws in the world he has built. They will also teach these citizens the formula for building a prosperous world.
At the center of this formula will be relying on God as the true Moral Authority of the universe. Everything will be driven by His law, a law that exhorts His children to love one another. In this Kingdom, competition will be replaced with cooperation. Discord will be replaced with unity. As a result, prosperity and hope will be everywhere.
When describing this millennial Kingdom, the scriptures reveal that God will put a new spirit in its citizens (Ezk. 11:19). This spirit will make it possible for them to truly understand God’s law and to obey Him (Ezk. 11:20). For one thousand years, mankind will enjoy uninterrupted peace and prosperity. The King of this Government will be none other than the Savior of the world. For the first time in history, man will have leadership that is truly interested in serving the needs of others. As a result, man will learn God’s great truth. It will be spoken without apology throughout this Kingdom.
The Bible speaks prolifically about God’s millennial Kingdom. It describes it cities, its language, its laws, and its faith. It will be a kingdom that will be unmatched by anything man has ever experienced in a government. Everything about it will be worthy of trust. Imagine trusting your leaders. Imagine knowing that they genuinely desire to be true and faithful servants. This is the Kingdom that awaits His human family.
A Great Question Arises
At this point, some may wonder about the rest of humanity that did not survive the last days. Or, the countless billions of people that were not resurrected at the last trump. What happens to them? Are they lost? These are fair questions. And the answer is not only fair, it is also rich in hope.
The Bible declares that God is not a respecter of persons (Rom. 2:11). He does not arbitrarily give the breaks to some and the blows to others. God is infinitely fair. But He is more than that. He is a loving Father who is considerate of all His children. The short answer concerning the fate of those who are still in the grave during the millennium is this: THEY, TOO, SHALL LIVE.
A Second Resurrection
The Bible speaks extensively concerning the power God has over the grave. It even states that the day will come when death will be no more, and life will fill the entire universe (Rev. 21:4). Jesus Himself once said that “all who are in the graves shall hear His voice” (Jn. 5:28). This will be accomplished through the power of a resurrection. And the truth be known, God’s word actually mentions more than one. This is a fact most professing Christians do not know, but it is true nevertheless.
The book of Revelation indicates that when the apostle John was taken in vision into God’s millennial Kingdom, he saw the saints sitting on thrones, governing the world under the leadership of Jesus Christ (Rev. 20:4). However, John records something else – something that will impact all mankind. Notice his words beginning with the rule of the saints:
And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them; and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshiped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. (Rev. 20:4-5)
The “first resurrection” mentioned in this passage belongs to those who are raised at the last trump. However, if there is a “first resurrection,” by default, there must be at least a second as well. Otherwise, John’s words make no sense. Additionally, John indicated that “the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished.” These words clearly indicate that the balance of humanity will be raised up at some later point in time, after the millennium. Tragically, this truth is rejected in the doctrines of the vast majority of Christian churches today. This is because they do not understand God’s Plan of salvation as revealed in His holy days.
A Great Misunderstanding
One of the great errors advanced by much of professing Christianity is that God is trying to save everyone at this time. Therefore, those who fail to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior during this life are lost for all eternity. But is that really the case? To those who believe it is, consider the following questions. What about the billions who never knew about Jesus Christ or the Bible? Are they lost? What about the Canaanites during the days of Moses and Joshua? Or pagan countries such as Assyria, whose capital city, Nineveh, God described as "not knowing their right hand from their left" when it came to understanding His truth (Jonah 4:11)? What about the Chaldeans, the Egyptians, or Persians? All these great kingdoms had a faith that was light years away from that held by Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Are they lost?
Furthermore, consider how many people never heard the gospel during the first century. What about Asia, Russia, Africa or the Americas? What did they know of this man called Jesus? And what about today? It has been estimated that on the earth today, as many as three billion people have never even heard the phonetic utterance "Jesus Christ," let alone His gospel message or God’s Plan of salvation. What about them? Are they lost? Do they simply fall through the cracks of God’s Plan of salvation? What about the millions of infants that tragically die without ever learning about the Great God of the universe? Or what about the millions of unborn children who are killed by abortions every year? Are they lost for all eternity?
Although many believe God is trying to save the world at this time, the Bible states otherwise. The scriptures reveal that God is intimately aware of all mankind, and His great love demands that he provide a way for them to know Him. Jesus Christ Himself declared that it is God’s good pleasure to give His children the Kingdom (Lk. 12:32). This being the case, does it make any sense for Him to leave the gift of eternal life up to time and chance? The idea that God would work directly with one person and simply let another “roll the dice” to determine entrance into His eternal Family is a horribly cynical view of the Great God of MERCY. Thankfully, it just isn’t true.
Two Harvests
The Bible reveals that God has a Plan of salvation which includes all mankind. This Plan is revealed in His holy days (Lev. 23). These commanded assemblies were kept by Jesus Christ, the apostles, and the New Testament church including gentile churches under the leadership of the apostle Paul. Furthermore, these festivals tell an extraordinary story and unlock some of the greatest mysteries ever known.
One of the most important truths revealed by God’s annual feasts is that there are two harvests of man. The first harvest, which is pictured by God’s spring holy days, is very small. The latter harvest, pictured by God’s fall holy days, is very large.
This initial spring harvest is reserved for God’s elect throughout history, those who have been called according to His purpose. Their entrance into God’s Kingdom constitutes what the Bible refers to as "the first resurrection." John characterizes this resurrection as having power over death (Rev. 20:6). In other words, those who are a part of the “first resurrection” are, at that moment, born into God’s Family as literal sons and daughters. At this point, they will be made of incorruptible spirit. They will be just like God (1Jn. 3:2).
However, this is not the only resurrection John describes. He would go on to state that when the thousand years of Jesus’ millennial reign was complete, there would be a great resurrection of all the billions of people who never had God’s Plan revealed to them (Rev. 20:5-6). This resurrection is pictured by God’s fall holy days. This is a time when there will be a GREAT harvest. That harvest will include the vast majority of people who have ever lived. Their number will be in the tens of billions.
The thirty-seventh chapter of the book of Ezekiel reveals that this will be a physical resurrection, in which those raised to life again will be made of flesh and bone, just as man is today. In other words, this is not a resurrection into God’s eternal Family, but rather one that will provide an opportunity for man to choose whether he will honor the true God. Those who are a part of this resurrection will see firsthand what the world will be like after one thousand years of harmony under the rule of Jesus Christ and His saints.
Imagine how different that world will look to them. All the suffering that was a part of every generation throughout history will be gone. In its place will be peace and harmony. The world they will enter will know one God – THE TRUE GOD. Furthermore, His realness will be apparent everywhere. At this time, the human family who resides in this Great Kingdom will be considerate of each other. Children will respect their parents. Husbands and wives will cultivate loving relationships, built on a common faith. Racial harmony will be the rule and not the exception. Justice will be just. Truth and honesty will be everywhere. And deception and treachery will be nowhere.
To be sure, man will still have human nature. He will have to struggle with his ego and self-will. But he will also have teachers who have gone through the same struggle. They will guide him in his journey toward eternity (Isa. 30:21). This is the world “the rest of the dead” will first see when they are raised to life.
Furthermore, those who are raised to life at this time will be introduced to God’s Plan, a Plan they never knew. They will learn about the great sacrifice made by the Savior of the world and how that gift paid the price for every sin repented of. They will then be given an opportunity to submit to God’s Moral Authority and to practice His way of life.
The book of John records a message given by Jesus Christ concerning this very time. It was given on the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles, a day that pictures this great resurrection.
In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood up and cried, saying, “If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believes on me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. (Jn. 7:37-38)
The great fall harvest of man illustrates God’s compassion for every member of His human family. It is a period in time when every human being will have access to the true God. The point here is that no one who has ever lived will be denied entrance into God’s eternal Kingdom because they were unaware of the Great Moral Authority of heaven and earth. When describing this point in history, the book of Ezekiel says “and all will know that I am the Eternal.”
It is at this point that those who have not yet been born into God’s incorruptible, eternal Family are taught His way, a way that leads to life. Once they truly understand the wonderful purpose their Creator has for them, they will be presented with a choice. It is a life-and-death choice – a choice that will determine their very Destiny. And as amazing as this might seem, someone else is invited to this decision. A most improbable being.
A Dragon Released
The book of Revelation indicates that at some point after the millennium, Satan will be "loosed out of his prison” (Rev. 20:3,7). The scriptures also indicate that this release will be "for a little season" (verse three). The Bible does not reveal specifically how long Satan will be allowed to roam the earth. However, by all indications this release takes place toward the end of the second resurrection. By then all mankind will have a full understanding of God’s truth and His way. Once this takes place, Satan will be set free, and he will immediately go forth to the earth. There, he will do everything in his power to destroy the world and God’s Plan for mankind.
This “little season” is an extraordinary period in God’s Plan, and many may wonder why He would give the devil one last swing at man’s Destiny. The Bible does not directly answer this question but there is an interesting possibility. The Great Creator and Sustainer of eternity may be making a statement of infinite importance with this move. Is it possible that man must face his greatest enemy in order to be linked to his greatest Friend?
Throughout human history mankind has forsaken his Creator. He has rejected God as the Great Moral Authority of the universe. Instead, humanity has embraced a world that has been dominated by a real devil dedicated to the destruction of hope. This being the case, is it possible that man must, as his final act, reject the devil and his moral grip over him? By doing so, he will be declaring his unqualified love for God and His way. Additionally, by rejecting the devil, man will be rejecting the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Furthermore, he will be appealing to his Father in heaven to restore the tree of life.
In a very real sense, this moment is not unlike countless others that have been placed before God’s people down through the ages. During their time on earth, these champions of faith were willing to surrender everything for God’s Kingdom. Often they were stripped of their homes, their families, their dignity, and even their lives. These saints spent their last breath overcoming this world (Rev. 3:21) and declaring their commitment to the true God and His way. He was their guiding Moral Authority and their lives reflected this fact. Furthermore, they overcame Satan and this world, when their God had to be seen through the eyes of faith.
However, this time it will be different. Those who engage in this final titanic struggle will know so much more about God’s truth. They will have seen its effects on the earth. They will have known the peace and abundance that comes from having the King of kings rule the world for a thousand years. They will have personally known His resurrected saints and the struggles they won (Isa. 30:20). They actually will have had these saints as their teachers.
Finally, they will know how to win. They will know the true Source of their spiritual strength (Zech. 4:6) and they will know how to access that Source. But in the end, the choice will have to be theirs, just as it was Abraham’s and all of God’s people down through the ages. Additionally, in order to truly make a choice, there must be at least two options. The question now is: how will it turn out?
Satan’s Last Stand
The Bible indicates that once Satan is loosed, he will go out and "deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth” (Rev. 20:8). These nations are identified as “Gog” and “Magog.” The thirty-eighth chapter of Ezekiel indicates that Gog and Magog are literal countries located in Asia. However, in the book of Revelation, they are described as encompassing the entire planet.
Opinion is divided concerning the specific identity of Gog and Magog. However, by combining the accounts in both Ezekiel and Revelation, it is likely that these two nations are located in Asia but their attitude of defiance and rebellion have spread around the world. Regardless of who these people are, it is clear that they are prolific in number and that Satan uses them in a final attempt to destroy God’s people and His holy city Jerusalem (Rev. 20:8-9).
We now come to the final chapter of human history. Here, Gog and Magog prepare to attack this great city of peace. However, they will not succeed. This is because God will intervene with great force and rain down fire from heaven. This fire will devour them. Additionally, it will crush Satan’s last attempt at destroying God’s Plan (Rev. 20:9). At this point, Satan will be cast into a lake of fire where he will be tormented for all eternity (Rev. 20:10). He will never again contaminate the universe with his presence. With this act, Satan’s impact on humanity is officially concluded.
Additionally, as far as mankind is concerned, THE GAME IS OVER. This extraordinary human experiment has now come to an end. But how does it turn out? What is God’s judgment? And what will happen to His human family?
The Last Word
The apostle John indicates that after Satan is cast into the lake of fire, there is a third and final resurrection. During this resurrection, all who were not a part of the first resurrection, which took place at the last trump, will be raised to life and appear before God to receive His final judgment. This would include three groups of people.
Group I
The first group consists of those who knew the true God in this present life, but rejected Him as the Great Moral Authority of heaven and earth. The people in this category should not be confused with the countless millions who “thought” they knew God and His truth but in reality did not. The world is full of such people. However, most of them don’t have a clue who the true God is. They think they can worship their Creator on their terms. They believe they can fashion their own faith, make their own festivals, and pick and chose the commandments they will obey. Clearly, they do not know the All-Powerful God of heaven; they only think they do.
However, the people in this first category are men and women who were truly called by God and had His magnificent Plan revealed to them. Furthermore, they understood His Plan. They knew its rewards as well as its consequences. Tragically, they rejected it and now must pay the price. These people will have been in the grave since their physical death, but now is the time of their judgment.
With this said, it is not likely there are very many who will fall into this category. But there will be some. It has been suggested that people like Judas Iscariot, the beast of Revelation 13, and the false prophet fall into this group.
Some also believe, based on Jesus’ words to Pontius Pilate, that the Jewish high priests, Annas and Caiaphas, have also sealed their fate with God. (Jn. 19:11). Although we do not know for sure who will be in this group, the Bible does say that those in this company will be cast into a lake of fire for their defiance (Rev. 20:15). Once again, they had their chance in this life. Tragically, they rejected it.
Group II
The second group to appear before God’s judgment includes all who lived during the millennium. It was during this time that they learned God’s truth and were given an opportunity to act on it. Now they must appear before the Great Moral Authority of the universe and receive His infinite mercy – or His eternal punishment. Those who repent and yield to Him will receive the former. Those who don’t, won’t.
Group III
The third group standing before God’s Great White Throne Judgment will consist of the rest of mankind who will not yet have entered into eternal life. These people constitute the billions who were raised up in the second resurrection. During this resurrection, they, too, were given a genuine chance to know their Creator and Sustainer. They were introduced to His love and His law, and were challenged to choose life.
These three groups combine to create an enormous company of people. They will comprise nearly all of the human family that has ever lived. They now appear before a White Throne and hear the pronouncement of the Great Moral Authority of all that exists. In other words, this “third resurrection” includes everyone who has ever lived, with the exception of the saints who were born into God’s Family at the last trump. (This is because God’s judgment was already dispensed on them prior to the return of Jesus Christ; 1Pe.4:17).
But now is the final dispensation of justice for the rest of mankind. Appearing before the Supreme Judge are "the small and great" (Rev. 20:12). Each will stand before the unimpeachable Moral Authority of the universe and be held accountable for their lives.
God’s word states that during this judgment, "the books were opened” (Rev. 20:12). These books are, in all likelihood, those contained in the Bible. Jesus once said that “man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God” (Mt. 4:4). This being the case, it is appropriate that man should be judged by God’s word, a word that quickens, that revives, that sustains life. But God’s word also indicts, and it will condemn all who refuse to yield to it.
The scriptures also indicate that another book will be opened during this judgment. This other book is called the Book of Life (Rev. 20:12). The apostle John records that anyone whose name is not written in this book shall be cast into a lake of fire and destroyed, never to be heard from again (Rev. 20:15). These people will leave no legacy, good or bad (Mal. 4:1). Even the memory of them dies (Isa. 26:14).
On the other hand, those whose names are written in the Book of Life will be changed from corruptible flesh to incorruptible spirit, joining the saints who were “born again” at the “first resurrection,” whose names are also written in that book. This huge company will now take their first step into eternity as literal sons and daughters of the Most High God.
An Unforgettable Moment
At this very moment, God’s eternal Family will be established. Imagine what these born-again children will feel at this time. In an instant, they will be changed from mortal to immortal. In the words of the apostle John, they will be “just like Him” (1Jn. 3:2). Their beauty will be magnificent. Their character will be perfect. And the great love and joy they feel will be immeasurable.
This is the moment God envisioned in the vast expanse of eternity. It is the one He revealed to the angelic realm so very long ago. This is the moment which Jesus spoke of to a man named Nicodemus. It is the fulfillment of an extraordinary Vision that reveals the infinite love of a Master Architect. It is a Destiny where words like infinite, eternal, and forever are not enough.
This Destiny was so important to God that He bought and paid for it with the blood of His own Son. Furthermore, that Son offered Himself willingly. He died so that man could live and share eternity with Him. God’s dream of building a Family that was just like Him is now accomplished. Despite all the attempts by the forces of darkness to thwart this Vision, God’s Destiny for man stands VICTORIOUS.
How Many Will Make It?
At this point, some may wonder how many children in God’s human family make it into His spiritual Kingdom. In other words, what are the casualties? How many will live and how many will die? The Bible does not specifically answer this question, but it does give a hint.
The apostle John described an incredible company of people gathered before God’s throne. Each was clothed in white and proclaimed a great tribute to their Creator. When describing this company, John states that their size was too great too number. He is actually taken aback by how many there are. Notice the word “lo” when John speaks. It is almost as if he is saying, WOW!
After this I beheld, and lo a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations and kindred, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and psalms in their hands; and cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sits upon the throne, and unto the Lamb. (Rev. 7:9-10)
These words indicate that the overwhelming majority of mankind will be a part of God’s eternal Family. And who could really think otherwise? The beauty and majesty that will be a part of every born-again citizen of God’s Kingdom is more than worth the price one must be willing to pay to enter (Ro. 8:18).
At this point, it is important to understand that those whose names are written in the Book of Life did not earn salvation but rather were given salvation as a gift (Ro. 6:23). However, this gift will only be extended to those who will truly cherish it. Jesus Christ paid for this moment with His blood. He did so because He had a love that also cannot be measured. Those who are a part of His Kingdom will be eternally aware of this fact and it will never become tiring to reflect on this gift.
A Final Thought
When God spoke to Abraham so very long ago and instructed him to leave his father’s house and go to a place he had never seen, Abraham obeyed. Not once did he question this command. He simply packed up his family and moved. The question is: Why? What motivated him to do such a thing? Was it the blessings God had promised him? They were impressive to be sure. But is that what did it for this champion of faith? After all, Abraham died long before most of God’s promises were ever fulfilled.
Was it the hope of a better life? Or perhaps a chance to start over? Many people have left their homes in search of a brighter future. Was this on Abraham’s mind when he left Haran and sojourned throughout a great part of the known world at that time? Or was it something else? As surprising as this may sound, the book of Genesis does not answer this overriding question. However, God would reveal the answer nearly twenty-one hundred years later in a unique letter.
The book of Hebrews chronicles the lives of some of the Bible’s greatest heros. Included among them is Abraham. Here, Abraham is portrayed as a man with a remarkable trust in his God and a great hope in his heart. Abraham hoped for God’s Government to be established. But this hope was not simply for a physical kingdom. What Abraham was seeking was a magnificent spiritual realm. Within this realm would be a wonderful city. It would be an exquisite place, one whose beauty is far greater than anything man has ever seen. This is what drove Abraham. A city. A GREAT CITY.
By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out not knowing whither he went. By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise: For he looked for a city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God. (Heb. 11:8-10)
The city Abraham sought was very real. It was not an illusion. It was not some dream or fantasy. It is a place that is more than worthy of being sought. It is a place of remarkable beauty. A place of infinite peace. It is a city that will one day be the center of the entire universe. Furthermore, it will be the residence of none other than God Himself. It will reflect His virtue and His love.
The Bible actually describes this city in remarkable detail. It provides its dimensions. It reveals its materials. And it identifies its residents. Furthermore, God’s word declares that although Abraham never entered into this magnificent architectural wonder, the day is coming when he, too, will call this city, HOME.
But how can one find this city? Where is it? And how can it be entered into? Finally, why did Abraham so desperately seek it? What did it offer him? The answer to these questions lies at the end of this story. Or perhaps it is just the beginning. Read on.