Chapter III
A Plan Revealed
Surely the Lord God will do nothing,
but He revealeth His secret unto
His servants the prophets.
Amos 3:7
Several years ago a beautiful young girl rushed into her parent’s bedroom to share with them the most exciting news. The man she had been in love with for so long had just asked her to be his bride. He was a wonderful man and the proposal was like something out of a fairy tale. Unbeknownst to this lovely girl, her father and mother suspected that tonight just might be the night this long anticipated question would be asked. This is because her fiancé had met privately with them just days before and asked for permission to marry their daughter. Regrettably, this tradition has all but faded from courtship in the western world.
Tears of Joy
Although it was well into the evening, news this wonderful just couldn’t wait. This young lady who was beaming with hope and anticipation just had to share it, and who better to share it with than the parents who loved her so much? The young girl cried as she recounted every detail of this exquisite moment. While proudly displaying the beautiful engagement ring she had been given, the new bride-to-be could hardly contain her joy.
Her parents also cherished every second of this moment, because of the great love they had for their daughter. The young man who would now become a part of their family was a wonderful person – hard working, honest, and a real gentleman. They knew their “little girl” had chosen well. Add to that the joy was simply contagious. How could you not be happy?
In the days that followed, the announcement of her engagement was spread to friends and relatives with equal excitement. At one point this lovely lady said, “How could anyone get tired of spreading this kind of news? I could do it forever!”
In the days that followed, the announcement of her engagement was spread to friends and relatives with equal excitement. At one point this lovely lady said, “How could anyone get tired of spreading this kind of news? I could do it forever!”
The emotion of joy and the desire to express that joy is not limited to man. The spirit world can also experience a sense of elation, as well as express that feeling in ways that are very visible to others within their realm. For example: the Bible says there is joy in heaven when one sinner comes to repentance (Lk. 15:10). The scriptures also reveal that the spirit world can actually be moved to sing praises to God for His great works and His acts of love (Job 38:7, Rev. 5:9-11).
Spreading Good News
Additionally, the angelic realm has also been used by God to announce significant moments and great events. The births of Jesus and John the Baptist were proclaimed by the archangel Gabriel (Lk. 1:13-18, 26). The book of Acts records that two angels announced the very spot where Jesus would set foot when He returns to this world and subdues the nations (Acts 1:10-11). Furthermore, the book of Revelation records the exact words an angel will utter when announcing the return of Jesus’ authority over all the earth (Rev. 11:15). Even the wedding of Jesus Christ and His bride, the church, will be announced by a great multitude of angelic beings who will proclaim it with immense joy (Rev. 19:6-7).
Clearly the expression of excitement and joy, as well as the announcement of great events, are very much a part of God’s spiritual domain. With this in mind, consider the possibility of the “greatest of all announcements” – an announcement so far-reaching in scope that it would have an effect on everyone and everything that ever existed – or ever would exist. Furthermore, this announcement was so important that it would set in motion the most magnificent idea ever imagined.
A Plan Revealed
In Chapters I and II we’ve seen that God has envisioned an incredible Destiny for man—one in which man will be born into His Family as literal sons and daughters. As members of that royal family they will hold positions of immense power and authority and rule the universe with Him.

Further, we’ve learned that the Great God who envisioned this Destiny for mankind also crafted a Plan to ensure that it would be accomplished. That Plan would even include the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Finally, we’ve seen that this great Plan was fashioned by God Almighty before the universe came into existence – even before the creation of physical matter.
But what would happen next? What would the Great Creator and Sustainer of all that exists do after formulating this Vision and the Plan to accomplish it?
The Bible strongly suggests that once God’s Vision for mankind was established and His Plan for accomplishing this Vision was set, the Almighty formally announced what He intended to do. This announcement was first made to the great angelic creatures who served at the pleasure of their Creator – and it is hard to imagine that what they heard didn’t cause a buzz of unimaginable excitement throughout the spirit realm.
The scriptures do not specifically identify what details God included when He introduced this remarkable project to the angels. However, there are several things He may have disclosed. Each of these aspects of His Plan harmonizes perfectly with what the Bible reveals about man’s ultimate Destiny. Imagine what God may have proclaimed as He prepared an entire kingdom of spirit beings for the arrival of mankind.
A Proclamation Goes Forth
The following are seven specific aspects of God’s Plan that the angels would have known at some point prior to the creation of the universe. Here is what their Creator may have revealed to them.
The Plan
What the angelic realm heard from God was probably the greatest news imaginable. Here, from the very Source of life itself, and from a Being that embodied all that is pure, came an announcement that may have gone beyond even their capacity to comprehend. What the Creator was telling them was that there would be billions of beings like Him – infinite in love, infinite in mercy, infinite in compassion, infinite in wisdom, infinite in power, infinitely creative. Imagine the possibilities!
Was This Really Good News?
There are some who might argue that such news wasn’t all that great, considering that it meant a kind of “demotion” for the spirit world. After all, according to the Plan, the angels would start out higher than man in God’s organizational hierarchy, but eventually would find themselves below man on the power ladder. How could this possibly be construed by them as good news?
There are some who might argue that such news wasn’t all that great, considering that it meant a kind of “demotion” for the spirit world. After all, according to the Plan, the angels would start out higher than man in God’s organizational hierarchy, but eventually would find themselves below man on the power ladder. How could this possibly be construed by them as good news?
Created to Serve
At this point, it is important to understand something about these magnificent spirit beings that God created billions of years ago. God designed the angels to serve. They are even called “ministering spirits” (Heb. 1:14). Their greatest fulfillment comes from working on behalf of others. It is a source of great joy to them. This fact is made clear when one considers the role angels have played down through the course of human history.
Throughout the scriptures, there is not a single example of a faithful angel of God acting unilaterally. In every instance they are carrying out responsibilities under the authority given to them by their Creator. It is true that the demon world is driven by ambition and self-interest. But these spirits do not represent God or His Kingdom. However, when it comes to angelic beings who serve at the pleasure of God Almighty, there are no “do your own thing” types. This is not to suggest that angels do not have free will, for indeed they do, as will be brought out in a later chapter. However, these great spirits who represent the Eternal God of heaven have set their will to honor Him.
There is yet another reason that illustrates why the angels would have received this announcement with great joy. That reason is reflected in the relationship they had with their Creator. The angelic realm knew God intimately. They saw firsthand His power and His virtue. They were eye witnesses to His wisdom and love. And now they are told by Him that they would be on the cutting edge of a Plan that was literally infinite in scope. God was going to build a Family that was just like Him.
Why Tell the Angels?
Some may wonder why God would share His Vision for mankind with the angelic world. In other words, apart from the obvious excitement this Vision would generate, was there a reason for God to reveal it to the great spirit beings He had already created? Furthermore, is there any tangible evidence in the scriptures that suggests God actually made such an announcement? The answer to both of these questions is a resounding YES!
First, let us examine why God would inform the angels of His Plan to expand His Family through mankind. In other words, why tell them at all? Wasn’t it HIS Plan? Why tell anybody? It wasn’t as if God was accountable to the angels. Therefore, why share this brilliant idea with them? Although this may be the way man thinks, it most certainly is not the way God thinks. When God revealed His Plan to the spirit world it reflected a great wisdom that is so much a part of His character. With this in mind, consider why God would do such a thing.
Three Reasons
There are probably many reasons for God to announce His Plan to the angelic realm, but three reasons stand out as most prominent. First, God’s Plan for mankind directly impacted the angels. In effect, He was revealing their Destiny, too. Under this Vision, the angelic world would also be given new responsibilities. They would eventually be working on behalf of beings they didn’t even know at that time. At some point in the future, they would serve at the pleasure of an expanded God Family.
By virtue of this fact alone, their lives would change dramatically. Their positions and duties would also change. For example, consider one position certain angels would hold that would not even exist without God’s Vision for man. This position is revealed in the book of Revelation. There it describes a great architectural wonder that will be the home of Jesus Christ and His bride as well as that of God the Father. This great architecture is called “The New Jerusalem” and it will be the universal headquarters of God’s Government for all eternity (Rev. 21, 22). Surrounding this city is a great wall containing twelve gates, three on each side. Each of these gates will be attended by a powerful angelic sentry (Rev. 21:12). The specific duties of these twelve angels is not mentioned. However, it is clear that these are positions of great distinction in God’s Kingdom.
At this point, it is important to understand that these positions would not even exist without the Vision God had regarding the Destiny of man. Without that Vision, the New Jerusalem would be irrelevant. Come to think of it, there wouldn’t be an Old Jerusalem, either. However, God did envision a great Destiny for mankind, and in doing so, He also created a Vision of New Jerusalem as well as a purpose for the angels who would serve there.
This is just one example of an endless array of new responsibilities the angels will assume once God’s Plan for mankind is accomplished. For this reason alone, God may have seen the announcement of His Plan to the angels as appropriate.
The Role of the Angels
A second reason for God to share His Plan for mankind with the angels is that these exquisite creatures would have a direct part in carrying out that Plan. In other words, the angelic realm would be instrumental in how God works with man during this life.
To illustrate this point, it is important to understand how extensively God has employed the services of the angelic kingdom down through the ages. Angels have served as messengers, protectors, and even the facilitators of God’s judgment on earth. Consider just some of the roles they have played since God placed Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden.
An angel guarded the tree of life after Adam and Eve defied God’s command to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 2:16-17). Angels visited Sodom and Gomorrah because of the great depravity coming from those cities (Gen. 19). Centuries later, an angel executed God’s judgment on the firstborn of Egypt during the days of Moses (Ex. 12).
Angels have also been dispatched as messengers to such people as Abraham, Lot, Gideon, and Elijah, as well as many of the prophets. But it doesn’t end there. As was mentioned earlier, the great archangel Gabriel announced the births of Jesus Christ and John the Baptist (Lk. 1:26-33,13-18). Additionally, angels attended to Jesus after he was tempted by Satan in the wilderness (Mt. 4:11), as well as when He prayed to His Father in Gethsemanae (Lk. 22:43). Later, an angel rolled away the stone that secured Jesus’ tomb after His crucifixion and burial (Mt. 28:2-4). Shortly after that, God used an angel to announce that Jesus was risen from the dead (Mt. 28:5-6, Mk. 16:5-7).
Even after the resurrection, God used angels extensively in carrying out His Plan. Angels spoke to the apostles after Jesus’ ascension to his Father in heaven (Acts 1:10-11). Angels were used to deliver messages to seven churches in Asia (Rev. 2, 3). Furthermore, angels will be used to execute God’s judgment on the earth during the last days. At that time, seven angels will pour out great devastation on the earth through trumpet plagues (Rev. 8). Additionally, seven other angels will pour out God’s judgment through a series of vial plagues, the likes of which mankind has never seen (Rev. 16). Angels were even used by God to escort the apostle John through an end-time vision that would be the theme of the book of Revelation. But it doesn’t end there
God’s word declares that shortly before the return of Jesus Christ to this earth, an angel will announce that “the kingdoms of this world are now become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ” (Rev. 11:15). The Bible also states that even after the death of two special end-time witnesses, an angel will cry out and appeal to mankind to repent (Rev. 14:6-7). Additionally, once the Messiah arrives to subdue the nations, an angel will bind up Satan and place him in a bottomless pit (Rev. 20:1-3).
Guardian Angels
The Bible also reveals that God has enlisted the services of the angelic realm to do many things directly related to man, not the least of which is to protect His children. Notice what God’s word says regarding this very important angelic function.
For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. (Psa. 91:11)
Here God is promising those who are called according to His purpose that He will use angels to guide them in their walk. What a great honor and tremendous responsibility He has given to these ministering spirits – a responsibility that would not exist without God’s Vision for man.
Jesus Christ was well aware of the angelic kingdom and its role in God’s Plan for mankind. He even advanced a stern warning to those who would dare to tamper with the children God has placed in the direct care of these ministering spirits.
Take heed that you despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven. (Mt. 18:10)
Clearly, the angelic kingdom has played a prominent role in God’s Plan for mankind throughout history. Therefore, in order for the Great Architect of that Plan to best use this valuable resource, it would have been incumbent upon Him to inform them of His Plan and their part in executing it.
A God Who Reveals
Perhaps the greatest reason for God to share His Plan for mankind with the angels is that to do so reflects a fundamental fairness that is so much a part of the God of the Bible. The scriptures reveal that throughout history, God has informed man regarding things He planned to do. He informed Adam and Eve of the consequences of disobedience (Gen. 2:17). He told Noah that He was going to take action on a world that was filled with violence (Gen. 6:13). He informed Abraham that a great nation was going to come out of him (Gen. 12:1-3, 15:1-5, 17:6-7). He told Moses that He was going to deliver the descendants of Israel into a land He had promised hundreds of years before. Furthermore, He sent His prophets to warn both Israel and other nations that He would take action to correct a world driven by contempt for Him and His law.
God also used servants like Daniel to announce that an everlasting Kingdom was going to crush all the kingdoms of this world and fill the earth with untold peace and prosperity (Dan. 2:44-45). He used Isaiah to describe the great health and hope that His Kingdom would bring (Isa. 35). Ezekiel was used to announce that God’s spirit would one day be available to all mankind (Ezk. 11:19-20). Ezekiel also announced that there would be a time when the billions of people who never knew God would be resurrected and given a chance to learn of Him and enter into His Kingdom (Ezk. 37).
Not only did God use angels and prophets to announce significant events, but Jesus Christ Himself was also actively involved in announcing God’s Plan for mankind. He spoke prolifically of a Kingdom to come and how to gain entrance into that Kingdom (Jn. 3:1-8). Furthermore, Paul announced that a resurrection would take place that would transform mortal man into immortal spirit (1Cor. 15:50-57).
These are just a few of virtually hundreds of announcements God has made to man regarding his future. Now here is the question: Does it make any sense for God to be so explicit with man regarding his Destiny and so elusive with the angels regarding theirs? Everything in God’s word strongly suggests that He is One who reveals, not One who conceals. For this reason it is impossible to imagine that God would somehow fail to announce His Plan for the Destiny of the universe to those beings who had so faithfully served Him.
However, some may still ask: Is there any empirical evidence in the scriptures that proves God told the angels of His Vision for man and how He was going to carry out that Vision? Once again, the answer is an emphatic YES!
The Evidence of Creation
The book of Genesis begins with the story of creation. Here, the Bible reveals that God was the Creator of the entire universe (Gen. 1:1). However, what it does not indicate is the presence of any eyewitnesses to the creation. In other words, where were the angels when God fashioned the heavens and the earth?
If the scriptures ended with Genesis, we wouldn’t know the answer to this question, or many other questions for that matter. Fortunately, God’s word is far more expansive and it most certainly answers this query. In fact, the Bible places every angel in existence at the very scene of creation when God made the heavens and the earth. This is important because of how the angels reacted when the universe came into existence.
This account of creation is recorded in the book of Job. Even more important is that it is told by none other than God Himself. In the thirty-eighth chapter of this book, God is engaged in a conversation with Job, a man of considerable talents. Some have even suggested that Job may have been a prominent architect and perhaps a designer of the great pyramids of Egypt.
It is during this conversation that God presents His own credentials as an architect. Furthermore, when doing so, He reveals a crucial event that coincided with the creation of the universe. Notice what God says.
Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare, if you have understanding? Who has laid the measures thereof, if you know? Or who has stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? Or who laid the corner stone thereof; when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? (Job 38:4-7)
Notice that God said “the morning stars sang,” and “all the sons of God shouted for joy.” But who or what are these “stars?” And who are these “sons of God?” The “morning stars” as well as the “sons of God” referred to in this passage are angels. In this particular case, ALL the angels. Here, God is saying that when the heavens and the earth were fashioned, it caused such a stir throughout the spirit world that these great beings couldn’t contain themselves. They actually SHOUTED for joy. This shout was a clear demonstration of true excitement. The angels were literally thrilled by this creative act. At this point we must ask a very important question.
Why did the angels shout for joy?
This is a fair question. After all, God specifically included this angelic response when describing creation. He actually linked it to the creation itself. With this said, why would all the angels shout for joy when God created the universe? What was so spectacular about this physical creation?
Now, to be sure, the physical universe was beautiful, not to mention immense. But it was also corruptible. It was made out of physical matter. It was capable of decay. The angels on the other hand, were quite different. They came from a spiritual dimension. A dimension that was perfect and incorruptible. This being the case, why would they be so excited about a physical universe?
Furthermore, If it was the physical universe that caused such angelic joy, why would God ever allow it to disappear? Because that is exactly what is going to happen. The book of Revelation indicates that at some time in the future, God is going to facilitate the passing away of the physical realm and replace it with an incorruptible spiritual dimension (Rev. 21:1). Therefore, the question remains: Why would the angels be so thrilled when God fashioned the heavens and the earth? What caused their joy?
There can only be one answer. The angels shouted for joy because they knew why God was forming a corruptible dimension. They knew that God was building a temporary home for man. The earth was never created for the angelic realm. It was created for God’s human family. This fact will become abundantly clear in the next chapter. When the angels beheld this great creative act, they knew that God was taking a monumental step in a Plan they were very familiar with – a Plan that would affect eternity itself.
It is also interesting that God said “ALL” the sons of God shouted for joy. Based on this statement, one can only conclude that every spirit being in existence was invited to witness the shaping of the physical universe billions of years ago. These beautiful angelic beings had the tremendous privilege and honor of sharing that moment with the Great God of Life and the Master Architect of all that is perfect. And to put it mildly, He didn’t let them down. This event was nothing short of spectacular.
A Brief Review
We now know that the Great Creator and Sustainer of the universe has an incredible Vision concerning the very Destiny of mankind. That Infinite God is building a Family to rule with Him over the vast expanse of the entire universe. We also know that God has fashioned a Plan that will ensure the fulfillment of this Destiny.
Additionally, we have seen that this Plan was actually crafted before the foundations of the world, even before the existence of matter. Finally, we now understand that at some time in the distant past, God revealed this Vision, Plan, and Destiny to the angelic realm.
At this point He is now prepared to take a giant step. It is now time to build the very first “habitat for humanity.”