Mini Studies
Concerning Satan
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent,
called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth
the whole world
Revelation 12:9
The book of Ezekiel outlines many of the talents and responsibilities of the great archangel Lucifer. It is clear that this being was a formidable creature. Tragically, Lucifer became lifted up with pride and ambition. As a result, he rejected every gift and skill he was given by his Maker.
Today this once great archangel is a dark and sinister creature: one that appears good and beautiful on the outside, but is in fact the embodiment of everything that is evil. Satan’s credentials as a destroyer of hope are considerable. If he were to craft a resumé, it just might look something like this.
Satan's Resumé
Satan the Devil Formerly Lucifer the Archangel
Names and Titles
The enemy (Mt. 13:39)
The evil one (Mt. 13:38)
The prince of this world (Jn. 13:31; 14:30)
The tempter (Mt. 4:3)
The prince of demons (Mt. 12:24)
The god of this world (2Cor. 4:4)
The prince of the power of the air (Eph. 2:2)
The adversary (1Pe. 5:8)
The deceiver (Rev. 12:9)
The great dragon and serpent (Rev. 12:9, 20:2)
The spirit of apostasy (2Th. 2:9)
Dominion and Responsibilities
The prince of demons (Mt. 12:24; Mk. 3:22)
The god of this world (2Cor. 4:4)
The prince of the power of the air (Eph. 2:2)
The ruler of a kingdom (Mt. 12:26)
The prince of this world (Jn. 12:31)
The ruler of angels (Mt. 25:41)
Abilities and Accomplishments
He has deceived the whole world (Rev. 12:9)
He seduced Adam and Eve (Gen. 3:1-20)
He caused Paul’s thorn in the flesh (2Cor. 12:7)
He caused Ananias to lie (Acts 5:3)
He blinds the minds of unbelievers (2Cor. 4:4)
He can produce false miracles (2Th. 2:9)
He moved David to number Israel (1Chr. 21:1)
He was the adversary to Joshua (Zech. 3:1-9)
He caused Job’s troubles (Job 1:7-2:10)
He put betrayal into the heart of Judas (Jn. 13:2)
He works in disobedience (Eph. 2:2)
He sows tares among the wheat (Mt. 13:38)
He snatches the word from hearers (Mt. 13:19)
He bound a woman for 18 years (Lk. 13:16)
He will give power to the beast and false prophet (Rev. 13)
Character Qualities
He is a liar and the father of lies (Jn. 8:44)
He is a murderer (Jn. 8:44)
He is a perverter of scripture (Mt. 4:1-10)
He appears good on the outside (2Cor. 11:14)
The Great Deceiver
Ever since the first man and woman walked through the Garden of Eden, Satan has dedicated his strength to proving God wrong for ever thinking man could be a part of His Family. His tools are stealth and guile, and he uses these tools well. Throughout history, Satan has convinced man to believe a lie and reject the truth. He floods the earth with a steady stream of deception, distortion, and misrepresentation, all disguised as moral thought.
Consider how this once-beautiful angelic being has deceived the world today. He has corrupted its politics, its culture, its educational system, and even its faith. Satan has convinced “Christian” nations to believe that faith has no place in government. He has convinced these nations that freedom of speech can be expressed in an endless array of filth we call “art.” He has convinced these nations to believe that the Bible is a threat to our children but studying the occult can lead to enlightenment. Satan has convinced virtually billions of people on earth today to believe they have no Creator. Furthermore, he has convinced man to believe that values are relative.
The devil has distorted every moral truth ever uttered by God Almighty. He has even redefined Jesus Christ to be a weak, soft-spoken, tolerant-of-everything Savior. And man has bought that lie hook, line, and sinker!
Satan’s power to deceive is unmatched in the universe. He deceived one third of the angels. He deceived Eve. And he deceives all of mankind today. Perhaps his greatest deception was his first. At that time, he deceived himself. And he continues to believe that deception to this very minute.