Chapter VIII
Satan's Great Deception
And the great dragon was cast out,
that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan,
which deceives the whole world...
Revelation 12:9
Today we live in a chaotic world, a world filled with beliefs and superstitions that have brought about unimaginable suffering and heartache. Tragically, this misery seems to be getting worse. To illustrate this truth, imagine how much our world has changed since the morning of September 11, 2001. On that day, the United States was violently attacked by a well organized network of Islamic terrorists.

The Twin Towers in New York City
September 11, 2001 9:03 AM
While Americans watched in stunned silence as thousands of its citizens perished, other religious fanatics around the world celebrated. Many actually viewed this destruction as an act inspired by none other than God Himself. In other words, there are those who believe that the nineteen terrorists who hijacked four commercial jetliners were actually doing God’s work. The perpetrators of this savagery are even considered “holy martyrs” by millions of people throughout the middle east. Furthermore, thousands of other zealots just like them aspire to join their fallen brothers in similar acts of suicidal terror.
A World of Violence
Since that tragic day, our world has become defined by war and violence. In the wake of this attack, two foreign governments have been toppled, thousands of American military personnel have died, even more opposition forces have been killed, a psychotic dictator has been captured and executed, and random acts of carnage and savagery have intensified around the world.
Terrorism has now become a part of our everyday life. It is inescapable. Furthermore, the precautions we must now take to protect ourselves from the threat of other attacks is overwhelming. The United States has even established a new governmental agency responsible for homeland security. This agency has created an endless stream of procedures designed to thwart future acts of violence. However, even with all the safegurds, Americans have been warned that another attack is inevitable. Today, it would seem that mankind has literally gone mad. Violence is everywhere.
Tragically, the insanity that fills our world is not limited to evil fanatics waging a “jihad.” Society today is racked by all kinds of vicious carnage and mindless destruction, often perpetrated without purpose or reason. Throughout the world, horrible acts of depravity are becoming more common. Today, innocent people are gunned down by snipers playing out some grotesque personal fantasy. Others are kidnaped, then tortured and killed for no apparent reason. Recently in the state of Washington, a psychotic killer pleaded guilty to murdering forty-eight women. There was no explanation for the killings. He just did it.
Today, we may have no idea where or when the next horrific tragedy will strike, but sadly, we have no doubt regarding its certainty. Let face it, just as it was in the days of Noah, the earth today is filled with violence (Gen. 6:11, Mt. 24:37, Lk. 17:26 ).
A Modern View
In our modern world, violence is actually seen as a viable solution to man’s problems and it has become an all-too-common remedy. If someone cuts you off on a freeway, kill him. If someone terminates you at work, kill him. If someone fails to show you respect, kill him. If someone doesn’t honor your “turf,” kill him.
Even in societies that pride themselves as being “enlightened,” snuffing out innocent life is viewed as a matter of “choice.” In the United States alone, over forty million abortions have been performed since the passing of Rowe vs. Wade. In other words, if an innocent baby will interfere with your plans, kill him.
It doesn’t take a college degree to see that the world is broken. Tragically, we have now come to a point where the collective wisdom of all mankind cannot put it back together. In other words, if the world was a great wall, mankind would be “Humpty Dumpty.” As a result, he seems poised to turn a once beautiful planet into a pile of uninhabitable wreckage. Does this sound familiar?
The great tragedy with the current state of things is that the world was once at peace. There was a time when abundance was everywhere and fear was nowhere. What happened to that time? And why was a world that appeared so perfect transformed into one that now appears to be so self-destructive? The answer to this query can be found in the midst of a beautiful garden thousands of years ago. However, before we go there, it is important to understand what has taken place up until this moment.
A Brief Review
In the previous chapters we have seen that the Great Creator of heaven and earth has crafted a magnificent Destiny for all mankind. That Destiny involves man being born into His Family as literal sons and daughters. Once this Destiny is accomplished, man will rule the entire universe and restore righteousness throughout eternity.
The scriptures reveal that God fashioned this Destiny and the Plan that would bring it about before the foundations of the world, even before the existence of physical matter. God then revealed His Plan to the angelic realm and explained their part in it. At some point after that, He created a physical dimension in which man could live and learn.
However, prior to creating man, God recruited a team of spirit beings, under the direct supervision of the great archangel Lucifer, to prepare the earth for its new tenants. Regrettably, Lucifer began to resent the magnificent Destiny God had envisioned for His yet-to-be created human family. As his resentment grew, Lucifer persuaded one third of the angelic kingdom to join him in a horrible uprising against the Great Creator of all that exists.
The scriptures reveal that God put down this rebellion, but not before Lucifer – now Satan the devil – laid waste the heavens and the earth. Satan did this in an attempt to thwart God’s Plan for man because he knew that man needed a physical domain in which to live and learn.
The Bible then explains how God renewed the physical dimension and personally prepared the earth for man. Once this was accomplished, God formed man out of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. At that moment, man became a living soul.
At this point, God placed Adam and Eve in an exquisite garden called Eden. When doing this, He warned His earthly children about a certain tree that grew in the midst of the garden. God informed them that if they ate of its fruit, they would most surly die. We now come to one of human history’s most significant moments.
The Great Deceiver
As Satan beheld God going forth with His Plan for man, his bitterness toward Him continued to fester. But what could he do? He had already attempted to thwart the Plan by destroying the physical world. But that didn’t seem to stop God from continuing His mission regarding man’s ultimate Destiny.
At this point, Satan had what he thought was the perfect solution. He knew he couldn’t get God to reject His Plan for man, but could he get man to reject both God and His Plan? If he could, God’s Plan would be thwarted once and for all. Satan then embarked on a scheme that would convince man that God’s way was wrong and that his way was right. In essence, he would persuade man to worship him instead of the true God.
Enter Satan
We now come to Satan’s first contact with man. But when did this contact take place? And does the timing of this event have any significance?
In an earlier chapter we learned that man may very well have been created on the first day of the seventh month (Tishri) as the Bible reckoned time in the days of Moses This day is referred to in the scriptures as the Feast of Trumpets. The belief that man was created at this time is very plausible because it harmonizes so well with other events surrounding this Holy Day and what it pictures.
But what about the day Satan entered into the Garden of Eden and spoke to Eve? Is there any evidence concerning the timing of this act? The answer is yes, and it, too, can be linked to other aspects of God’s Plan for mankind.
There are some who believe that Satan first came into contact with man on the tenth day of the seventh month. This day is called The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). It pictures a time when God will deal directly with the source of all evil--and man will once again be reconciled back to his Creator.
The belief that Satan entered the garden of Eden on the Day of Atonement makes sense if Adam was created on "Feast of Trumpets" as many believe. During the ten days between Trumpets and Atonement, man would have had ample time to do several things. For example: Adam would have been able to catalogue the animals and name them (Gen. 2:19). Additionally, he could have been joined in marriage to Eve (Gen. 2:21-24). At that point, Adam and his new bride could have been taught by God about His law. Finally, Adam and Eve would have had time to familiarize themselves with their new environment. Ten days seems reasonable for this.
Perhaps the most compelling evidence supporting the belief that Satan first came into contact with man on the Day of Atonement is the nature of this unique Holy Day and the specific instructions God gave Israel regarding its observance. Later this evidence will be addressed in considerable detail.
Satan’s Great Deception
The book of Genesis describes humanity’s first contact with the greatest enemy in the history of the universe. At that time, Eve, the mother of all humanity, couldn’t possibly have known the grave danger she was in. Notice how God’s word describes this meeting.
Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, “Yea, hath God said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” (Gen. 3:1)
Notice the subtlety of Satan’s words. He knew full well that God never gave such instructions. Furthermore, he also knew that Eve was aware of this fact as well. In other words, Satan intentionally mispoke in order to give Eve the opportunity to correct him. He would let her be the “expert” regarding what God had said. And Eve readily accepted this invitation to “teach” the serpent.
And the woman said unto the serpent, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, ‘Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.’” (Gen. 3:2-3)
The conversation between Eve and the serpent must have been very cordial. However, what she couldn’t possibly know was that the one she was speaking to was dedicated to destroying her. It was his only reason for being there. He would begin by gaining her trust, but his goal was death. Satan wanted Eve to die. And he knew how this could be accomplished.
The meeting between Eve and the serpent was truly extraordinary. Here, at this intersection in human history, innocence and evil collided. On one side was a young lady who had never seen corruption or sin. She was pure and trusting, as God had made her. On the other side was a being consumed with evil. His entire existence was dedicated to destruction. He would now continue this crusade by turning man against his Creator.
At this point, it is important to understand that Satan had nothing but contempt for the woman he was speaking to. She was disgusting to him. She was weak, and as such she was insignificant. Satan may have seen Eve as nothing more than a pile of garbage that was only fit to be discarded. As he spoke to her, his contempt for God must have been huge, but his focus on the task at hand was also great. He would not lose her. And just like a pedophile preying on a child, Satan was as charming as he could be.
The First Lie
It was at this moment that Satan would utter the first lie ever heard by a human being. He declared that sin would not kill you, on the contrary, it would actually empower you.
And the serpent said unto the woman, “Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” (Gen. 3:4-5)
Based on what would follow, Satan may have then made his boldest move. He may very well have encouraged Eve to decide for herself what she should do. He might have said something to the effect of, “You can’t know for sure who is telling you the truth concerning this tree. After all, I say it is ok to eat and God says it is not. Therefore, why don’t you decide for yourself? After all, you are very smart. You can examine the tree and make your own decision. Certainly you can trust your own judgment.”
While Eve may have thought Satan was encouraging her to be objective concerning this decision, he was actually manipulating her into doing exactly what this tree symbolized. He was encouraging her to be the moral judge in this matter. Ostensibly, Satan was persuading Eve to decide for herself whether or not to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He did this because he knew that man was never designed to be the moral authority in his own life. Throughout eternity, God has always been the one who determines what is good and what is evil.
The trap was now set and the victim was ready. Eve would employ all her physical senses as well as her moral sensibilities to determine what she would do.
And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise... (Gen. 3:6)
As Eve surveyed the tree that stood before her, she could easily see that every part of it appealed to the physical senses. First, the Bible says that it was “pleasant to the eyes.” In all likelihood, this tree was also pleasant to the touch. Its fragrance was probably very sweet. It certainly appealed to the ego. After all, it was supposed to make one wise. Furthermore, it probably tasted delicious. And its texture was seemingly perfect. However, there was one thing it could not do: it couldn’t sustain life. On the contrary, it was lethal. At this point, Eve takes a step that will change human history.
...she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. (Gen. 3:6)
The decision by Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil placed man on a collision course with death. Human history would now be driven by self-determination which in turn would be driven by self-interest. In an act that many to this very day believe was liberating, man became a slave to evil and its god.
For six thousand years, the god of this world has affixed his signature to unimaginable human suffering. He has been relentless in exploiting every human weakness. He has even convinced the vast majority of mankind to believe that he doesn’t exist or that he is easily outsmarted. Even some of the leading Christian evangelists mock the devil during their crusades. Often they will claim to “have Satan on the run.” If they only knew how frequently they kneel before him.
Satan is referred to in the scriptures as the “great deceiver.” That title wasn’t given to him because he is stupid. He is cunning beyond belief and his handiwork can be seen throughout the world today. People just don’t know it. Consider for a moment the credentials of this great enemy.
Satan the Devil
Formerly Lucifer
Names and Titles
The enemy (Mt. 13:39)
The evil one (Mt. 13:38)
The prince of this world (Jn. 13:31; 14:30)
The tempter (Mt. 4:3)
The prince of demons (Mt. 12:24)
The god of this world (2Cor. 4:4)
The prince of the power of the air (Eph. 2:2)
The adversary (1Pe. 5:8)
The deceiver (Rev. 12:9)
The great dragon and serpent (Rev. 12:9, 20:2)
The spirit of apostasy (2Th. 2:9)
Dominion and Responsibilities
The prince of demons (Mt. 12:24; Mk. 3:22)
The god of this world (2Cor. 4:4)
The prince of the power of the air (Eph. 2:2)
The ruler of a kingdom (Mt. 12:26)
The prince of this world (Jn. 12:31)
The ruler of angels (Mt. 25:41)
Abilities and Accomplishments
He has deceived the whole world (Rev. 12:9)
He seduced Adam and Eve (Gen. 3:1-20)
He caused Paul’s thorn in the flesh (2Cor. 12:7)
He caused Ananias to lie (Acts 5:3)
He blinds the minds of unbelievers (2Cor. 4:4)
He can produce false miracles (2Th. 2:9)
He moved David to number Israel (1Chr. 21:1)
He was the adversary to Joshua (Zech. 3:1-9)
He caused Job’s troubles (Job 1:7-2:10)
He put betrayal into the heart of Judas (Jn. 13:2)
He works in disobedience (Eph. 2:2)
He sows tares among the wheat (Mt. 13:38)
He snatches the word from hearers (Mt. 13:19)
He bound a woman for 18 years (Lk. 13:16)
He will give power to the beast and false prophet (Rev. 13)
Character Qualities
He is a liar and the father of lies (Jn. 8:44)
He is a murderer (Jn. 8:44)
He is a perverter of scripture (Mt. 4:1-10)
The Great Deceiver
Ever since the first man and woman walked through the Garden of Eden, Satan has dedicated his strength to proving God wrong for ever thinking man could be a part of His Family. His tools are stealth and guile, and he uses these tools well. Throughout history, Satan has convinced man to believe a lie and reject the truth. He floods the earth with a steady stream of deception, distortion, and misrepresentation, all disguised as moral thought.
Consider how this once-beautiful angelic being has deceived the world today. He has corrupted its politics, its culture, its educational system, and even its faith. Satan has convinced man to believe that faith has no place in government. He has convinced man that freedom of speech can be expressed in an endless array of filth we call “art.” He has convinced man to believe that the Bible is a threat to our children but studying the occult can lead to enlightenment. Satan has convinced man to believe he has no Creator. He has convinced man to believe that values are relative.
The devil has distorted every moral truth ever uttered by God Almighty. He has even redefined Jesus Christ to be a weak, soft-spoken, tolerant-of-everything Savior. And man has bought that lie hook, line, and sinker!
Satan’s power to deceive is unmatched in the universe. He deceived one third of the angels. He deceived Eve. And he deceives all of mankind today. Perhaps his greatest deception was his first. At that time, he deceived himself. And he continues to believe that deception to this very minute.
Six thousand years ago, in a beautiful garden, Satan used his power to ruin two precious lives. He did so because he knew the purpose of those lives. Today, he continues to annihilate every fragment of hope mankind ever had. It is hard to imagine that all human suffering began with one terribly misguided decision in a beautiful paradise.
At this point, it is important to note that God never argued that the tree of life should be eaten because of its physical appeal. That is because God knows appearances can be deceiving. It certainly was with respect to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. While Adam and Eve relied on their physical senses to navigate a moral path, God never does (Isa. 11:1-4).
Tragically, man chose to rebel against God’s clear instructions – instructions given by a caring Father in an effort to protect the children He loved so much. As a result of this sin in the Garden of Eden, mankind was cut off from the tree of life. The scriptures reveal that after expelling Adam and Eve from paradise, God dispatched angelic sentries to guard that tree until it was removed (Gen. 3:24).
For the rest of their lives, Adam and Eve toiled on an earth that would not be kind to them. They even experienced the death of a child at the hands of another child. It is hard to believe that they did not contemplate from time to time the decision that started it all. Now, for the next 930 years, Adam would live out the consequences of this foolish act. And not only Adam, but the entire human family would pay for this monumental self-serving blunder. It would truly seem that all hope was lost. Because of the reckless action taken in the Garden of Eden, mankind was condemned to death. The Bible says, “For as in Adam, all die... (1Cor. 15:22). However, the Bible also says something else...
There was a second Adam