Mini Studies
The Bible reveals that God has an opinion on everything we do, including how we manage our finances. This issue not only impacts our physical lives, but also our relationship with the Creator. This Mini Study examines God’s laws concerning tithing.
1. God Owns Everything
Ex. 19:5
"All the earth is mine."
Dt. 10:14
Heaven and earth belong to God.
Job 41:11
"Everything under heaven is Mine."
Psa. 24:1-2
"The earth and its inhabitants are God’s.
Including Money
Hag. 2:8 "The gold is Mine."
Including Your Spirit
1Cor. 6:19-20
Your body and your spirit belong to God.
Note: God has a prior claim of ownership on everything we use, including our minds because He made everything -
Jn. 1:3; 1Chron. 29:14
Note: All we possess is God’s. Tithing is a way we acknowledge that fact.
2. God Commands Man to Tithe
Lev. 27:27-30
The tithe belongs to God.
Dt. 10:14
Be prompt in tithing.
3. Who is to Receive the Tithe?
Num. 18:20-28
The Levites (priests)
New Testament
1Cor. 9:12-13
God’s ministers are partakers of the altar
Mt. 4:4
Acts 8:31
The man from Ethiopia - "How can I understand without a teacher?"
Mt. 28:19
God’s ministers are commissioned to fill that need.
Rom. 10:14-17
Why we need the ministry.
1Cor. 9:14
Paul asserted his right to be supported by the Church.
Also 1Thes. 2:9.
Lk. 10:5-7
"The Laborer is worthy of his hire."
4. Tithing in Antiquity
Gen. 14:17-20
Abraham tithed.
Gen. 28:20
Jacob tithed.
5. Mosaic Period and After
Heb. 7:5
Levitical tithing
Lev. 27:30
A command (redeeming the tithe). Also Num 18:21-24.
1Sam. 8:15
Tithing to the king of Israel (God’s decree through Samuel).
Neh. 10:35-39
Tithes brought to the Levites.
Mal. 3:8-10
God’s indictment for stealing tithes
6. Tithing in the New Testament
1Cor. 9:13
"Ministers are partakers of the alter."
Lk. 10:5-7
"A servant is worthy of his hire."
Mt. 23:23
"Tithing should not be omitted."
7. What is the result of tithing?
Heb. 7:6
Abraham blessed for tithing
Mal. 3:5-10
"the windows of heaven"
Lk. 6:38
"Give and it shall be given to you."
8. Why should one tithe?
Mal. 3:10
It’s good business.
Pro. 3:9-10
It’s good business.
Psa. 35:27
"God has pleasure in His servants’ prosperity.
Other Tithes
Second Tithe
Dt. 12:6-11; 14:22-26; 16:13-17
Third Tithe
Dt. 14:27-29; 26:12-15 - a command
9. Tithing and Giving
Acts 20:35
"more blessed to give"
2Cor. 9:6-7
"Good loves a cheerful giver"
Pro. 11:24-25
"Give and grow rich"
10. Principles of Giving
Psa. 112:5
Be generous but use discretion.
1Tim. 5:16
Recognize your responsibilities
parable of Corban
Mt. 5:42
"Turn not away from giving"
1Chr. 29:1-9
David giving for the Temple
Lk. 12:21
"Be rich toward God"