What is Satan's Fate?

Argument IX
Tormenting the Devil
Didn’t demons acknowledge to Christ that they were going to be killed as their final act of torment in the Lake of Fire?
One of the more popular arguments attempting to prove the mortality of Satan and his demons is based on a belief that because human beings and spirit being are both “tormented” by God’s final judgment, the torment they receive must be identical. Therefore, because Jesus gave a parable involving a rich man being tormented by the knowledge of his impending death in the Lake of Fire (See: Luke. 16: 19-31), the torment referred to by demons when speaking to Christ (Matthew 8:29) must be the knowledge of their own impending death as well. After all, Satan and his demons will also be cast into the same inferno (Revelation. 20:10). Here is how this stream of logic flows.
Torment = Death
1) Jesus was once asked by demons if He (Jesus) had come to “torment them before their time” (Matthew 8:29).
2) Because these demons are ultimately going to be cast into the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:10), their torment must be related to that specific place.
3) Later in His ministry, the Messiah provided an example of “torment” when giving a parable about a man named “Lazarus and a rich man” (See: Luke 16:27-28).
4) In this parable, the rich man is tormented by the flames from an inferno (Lake of Fire) in which all those in the human family who are condemned by God will be executed. (Luke 16: 19-31)
5) Therefore, because this rich man is tormented by the knowledge of his impending death, the same must also be true of Satan and his demons because they too are cast into the same inferno. (Revelation 20:10)
Here is how one COG presents this particular argument followed by my response.
Advocates of the New Doctrine:
“We are told that the devil will be destroyed in a place referred to as “the lake of fire,” “eternal fire,” and a “place of torment” (Rev. 20:10-15, 21:8; Jude 1:7; Lk. 16:28). In that context, it is interesting to note that an entire group of demons speak to Christ in regard to this final punishment, asking him:“
“What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? Art thou come hither to torment us before the time?” (Matthew 8:29)
“By reading only this one verse, some might assume that the demons will only be tormented in the lake of fire and not be completely destroyed. However, as will be demonstrated, their torment is actually facing impending death. This fact becomes evident when examining the illustration given by Jesus of a rich man who would one day stand before the lake of fire—awaiting judgment and the second death. As he faces this raging furnace, he begs permission to warn his family of this fate, saying:”
“I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house: For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment” (Luke 16:27-28).
“The verse above shows that the time and place in which the rich man is tormented is when he faces the lake of fire. He is not yet consumed by it, but is tormented by the realization that his death is now certain.”
“The demons also fear this same distress. The time and place of their torment is when they, along with the devil, face their eternal destruction in the fierce heat generated by this same lake of fire.”
My Response:
This argument is anchored on two very significant misunderstandings—each of which goes totally contrary to the long-held position of God’s Church. The first misunderstanding involves what constitutes the “torment” spoken of by demons in their appeal to Christ. The second involves a misunderstanding concerning the impact the lake of fire has on Satan and his demons. Let’s begin with the first misunderstanding.
What is Torment?
According to this COG, demons live in fear of their impending “torment.” This of course, is true. However, they then argue that the ONLY WAY anyone can be “tormented” is to face death. This is TOTALLY FALSE. Furthermore, the very event being cited by these advocates as proof of their claim actually DISPROVES it... Here is why.
Being Honest about Matthew 8:29
When these evil spirits asked the Messiah if He had come to “torment them before the time” (Matthew 8:29), they ALSO made a specific request which relates directly to what they meant by the term “torment.” It is recorded in Luke’s account of this event (See: Luke 8:26-31). Here, these demons appeal to Jesus to “NOT CAST THEM INTO THE 'DEEP'” (verse 31). At this point, it is interesting to note that the word “deep” comes from the Greek “abyssos” (Strong’s G12) and is defined as: “bottomless, unbounded, the abyss, the pit, the immeasurable depth…” This word can refer to the grave when speaking of human beings (See: Romans 10:7). However, when it is used in conjunction with demons it does not pertain to death, but rather confinement. It is the identical word used when describing Satan’s incarceration during the millennium.
Revelation 20:1-3
“And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit (“abyssos”) and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, And cast him into the bottomless pit (“abyssos”), and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.”
Notice that Satan is not killed in the abyss, but rather imprisoned there. In that state he is denied any access to God’s Kingdom or His people. The point here is that when these demons spoke to Jesus about their impending “torment,” they were not referring to death, but rather isolation—and the mental anguish that comes as a result of it. Even the word “torment” recorded by Matthew bears this out. According to Strong’s, this term comes from the Greek word “basanizō” (Strong’s G928). It means “to torture, to vex with grievous pains (of body or mind), to torment, to be harassed, distressed.” Strong’s also likens this condition to the futility “of those who, at sea, are struggling with an unnavigatable head wind.” In essence, this term describes the TOTAL FUTILITY and subsequent hopelessness which comes from knowing its victim is powerless to change things. This is unquestionably what the demons, who spoke to Christ, were referring to. They were asking “Are you come to inflict ANGUISH on us before it is time? There isn’t even a hint that they were addressing their own extinction.
This now brings us to the second misunderstanding.
A Second Misunderstanding
Advocates of this new doctrine also contend that the Lake of Fire destroys virtually everything and everyone it comes in contact with. They base this theory on the belief that because all physical beings, who are cast into it, suffer death, spirit beings, such as Satan and his demons, must suffer death as well. In other words, it is the power of the flames that determines the outcome—not the composition of the unrepentant sinner. As passionately as some advance this belief, it just ISN’T TRUE, and the scriptures bear this out as well. To better understand this, consider the following.When describing Satan’s confinement in the Lake of Fire, God’s word specifically states that unlike man’s torment, Satan’s torment is UNENDING. That’s right—it lasts forever. Notice how the apostle John reveals this truth.
Revelation 20:10
King James Version
“And the devil that deceived them was cast into the Lake of Fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be TORMENTED DAY AND NIGHT FOR EVER AND EVER.”
A Critical Clarification
As you can see, the word “are” in this verse is in italics. This is because it was added by translators. In truth, no such verb exists in the original Greek. However, because the beast and false prophet had already been cast into the Lake of Fire prior to Satan’s incarceration there (See: Rev. 19:20), God’s Church has rightly taught that this term is more properly rendered, “were cast.”
This being the case, the clause which makes reference to the beast and false prophet is actually parenthetical and has absolutely nothing to do with the length of their torment. However, this is not the case when it comes to Satan and his demons. This verse specifically states that their torment is on-going—it will last “for ever and ever” (“ages of the ages”)—which in Greek means “for all eternity” or, “time everlasting” (See: “International Critical Commentary”). In other words, Satan DOESN’T DIE there, rather he is TORMENTED (subjected to anguish) for all eternity. This fact is confirmed in the New English Translation of this verse. Notice what it says.
Revelation 20:10
New English Translation
“And the Devil, who deceived them, was cast into the Lake of Fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet had been cast; and they, Satan and his demons, shall be tormented day and night into the ages of eternity.”
At this point it is important to understand that although Satan and his demons are thrown into the Lake of Fire and tormented forever, they do not remain in the fire forever. The fire will eventually consume every piece of matter in it, and then burn out. The apostle Peter describes it this way.
2 Peter 3:10
“But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.”
Why is Satan There?
Clearly, the Lake of Fire will utterly destroy all physical beings who refuse to yield to God’s moral authority. But why would God put Satan there if he wasn’t going to perish in its flames as well? Furthermore, why did Christ state that this PLACE was specifically “prepared” for him (Satan) and his demons (See: Matthew 25:41)? What purpose could this INFERNO possibly serve with respect to their judgment?
There can be Only One Answer
Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire at the order of a RIGHTEOUS GOD in order for him to witness the utter destruction of every diabolical scheme he has ever orchestrated (1 John 3:8). In essence, he will be compelled by divine justice, to watch as every fruit of his labor goes up in FLAMES. The result will be TOTAL humiliation and ABJECT defeat. Furthermore, his ultimate confinement in outer darkness (Jude 13) will be so overwhelming he will have nothing but his own depravity to keep him company. For all eternity, Satan and every evil spirit who joined in his rebellion will experience, first hand, TOTAL ISOLATION and all the ANGUISH (torment) that comes with it (Revelation 20:10).
A Final Thought
The real tragedy to this saga is that Satan, who once served as one of the most powerful instruments in God’s government will ultimately be reduced to the most irrelevant being in existence. In essence, he will have nothing to show for his life. Everything will all be gone.
Argument X