What is Satan's Fate?

Argument VI
Bruising Satan's Head
How can Satan’s fate not be death when God specifically prophesied that Christ would kill him by “bruising his head”?
The third chapter of the book of Genesis is a record of mankind’s first encounter with the devil. Unfortunately, this moment had tragic consequences. Eve was deceived by him into defying God’s prohibition against eating of the tree of the knowledge of good an evil. She then persuaded her husband to join in this sin (Genesis 3: 1-6) and the rest, as they say, IS HISTORY.
This single act placed the first human family on a collision course with death just as the Almighty had warned (See: Genesis 2:16-17, 3:3). However, prior to rendering His final judgment, God would investigate the facts concerning the matter (See: Genesis 3:9-13). After hearing from the offending parties He spoke, and when doing so, made a very interesting pronouncement concerning the instigator of this sin (Satan) and his ultimate fate.
Today, some contend that this decree, although expressed in symbolism and imagery, is actually a death sentence and stands as proof that Satan and his demons will ultimately be eradicated from existence.
Here is how this view was expressed by a long-standing minister (and faithful servant) followed by my response.
Advocates of the New Doctrine:
“As early as the book of Genesis, the Scriptures begin to reveal the ultimate fate of the devil. After this wicked spirit seduced Eve into eating from the forbidden tree, God made a unique prophetic announcement, stating:”
“And I will put enmity between you (Satan) and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; it shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” (Genesis 3:15).
“Because of this first human sin, Christ would be bruised in His heel. However, Satan would ultimately be bruised in the head. In other words, because the devil caused man to sin, Satan appeared to have won that first round, but the “game” was not over. Ultimately, Satan would do a limited amount of damage to the Son of Man, but our Savior would strike a fatal blow to this fallen angel.”
“This truth becomes even more obvious as we examine the original language. The Hebrew word for “bruise” is “shûph,” meaning to crush. The word “head” can mean “chief”, “principal”, or “ruler.” Thus, Christ would eventually destroy the one who had become mankind’s ruler—Satan the devil. This is also confirmed in the New Testament where Paul reminds Christians that:”
Romans 16:20
“The God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is with you. Amen.”
“Here the Greek word for bruise is “suntríbō,” and it means to “crush completely.” By this, we see that Paul’s statement forcefully drives the point home. Satan’s end is much worse than that of Christ. [Therefore,] if Jesus was temporarily damaged by physical death, then there can be no other conclusion. Satan will be permanently destroyed!”
My Response:
Although this Church leader implies that the war between Satan and Christ is centered on who would live and who would die, this is not the case at all. Everything in this great conflict centers on MANKIND and his destiny—and the scriptures bear this out. To better understand this truth, some background is necessary.
A Defining Moment
When Satan confronted Eve in the Garden, God was the constituted authority over the human family. He was not only their Creator but their ruler. In other words, in the beginning, the Eternal was mankind’s God. He even spoke to him directly (See: Genesis 2:16-17). Regrettably, all of that was about to change. By defying their Maker’s clear command to refrain from consuming the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve rejected His authority over their lives—and as a result consented to Satan’s rule. Furthermore, that rule would extend to their descendants as well. The Scriptures actually refer to Satan as the “god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4). As that god, he has wreaked havoc on mankind and has affixed his signature to unimaginable misery and suffering down through the ages. However, even as God delivered His decree concerning Adam and Eve’s sin, and its consequences, there was good news.
The Promise of a Great Deliverer
Although Satan clearly got the upper hand on the first human family he was not going to thwart the plan of their Creator—and God made that fact abundantly clear when He proclaimed how things would ultimately play out. In essence, the ALMIGHTY was informing him that the victory he could claim over mankind was only temporary as opposed to the victory MANKIND would ultimately achieve over him. Their victory would be permanent and absolute. Furthermore, it would be accomplished through a Great Deliverer that would actually come from the seed of the very woman Satan had deceived.
The Scriptures tell us that Christ was manifested to take away the sins of the whole world (Colossians 1:13-14, Hebrews 9:28, 1 Peter 2:24, 3:18, 1 John 1:2, 3:5)—and His sacrifice would do just that. God’s Word also tells us that Christ’s death would result in the absolute destruction of the WORKS of the devil NOT the DEVIL HIMSELF (See: 1John 3:8).
Bruising Satan’s Head
When God told the serpent that a descendant of Eve would “bruise his head” He was proclaiming that all the destruction Satan will have inflicted on humanity will ultimately come to ruin—not that he will die. Even the term syntribo which this minister offers in his argument supports this conclusion. According to Strong’s Concordance this term means to “put one [Satan] under foot (as a conqueror) and to SHATTER ONE’S STRENGTH” (Strong’s G4937). In other words, all the power Satan has exploited is going to be shattered and he will be left with NOTHING.
From the Pen of Scholars
When explaining the meaning of “bruising the head,” John Gills Commentary says that God will “strip him [Satan] of his authority and sovereignty and particularly of his power over death…” (Hebrews 2:14).
Matthew Henry’s Commentary renders it this way:
“[Satan] is here condemned to a state of war and irreconcilable enmity. [He] is destroyed and ruined at last by the great Redeemer, signified by the breaking of his head. His subtle politics shall all be baffled, his usurped power shall be entirely crushed, and he shall be forever a captive to the injured honor of divine sovereignty.”
Dr. Henry went on to say:
“…He shall bruise his head, that is, he shall destroy all his politics and all his powers, and give a total overthrow to his kingdom and interests.”
A Final Thought
The fulfillment of God’s pronouncement in the garden began at Golgotha when the Messiah broke the devil’s lordship over all who would claim that sacrifice (John 3:16). Christ’s death signaled the impending end of Satan’s dominion over humanity and the Messiah made this fact abundantly clear on the eve of His crucifixion (See: John 16:7-11). When writing of that sacrifice, the apostle Paul put it this way:
Colossians 1:13-14
"He has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.”
One translation of the word "delivered" is "rescued." In other words:
“He rescued us from the authority of Satan's dominion and gave us citizenship in the kingdom of His beloved Son"
With that said, it is ironic that in Asia the term “Bruising the head” means “to remove lordship.”
Argument VII