What is Satan's fate?
Argument XII
Blaming God
Why would a merciful God “CAUSE” anyone (even Satan) to suffer for all eternity?
At one point in their attempt to prove that Satan’s ultimate fate is total extinction (DEATH), one well respected COG fellowship argued that “forcing” any being (human or spirit) to suffer for all eternity would constitute unimaginable cruelty and because God is not cruel such a fate is inconceivable. This point is proffered despite the fact that the apostle John specifically stated that eternal torment is precisely what awaits this diabolical spirit. Notice his words.
Revelation 20:10
New English Translation
And the Devil, who deceived them, was cast into the Lake of Fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet had been cast; and they, Satan and his demons, shall be tormented day and night into the ages of eternity.”
Although John’s words appear to be unimpeachable, advocates of this new doctrine claim that God’s nature prohibits Him from doing such a thing. Furthermore, they assert that the Almighty would have to be held personally responsible if He rendered such a merciless fate on His angelic subjects regardless of what the Church, or, the Scriptures teach.
Here is how this argument is presented followed by my response.
Advocates of the New Doctrine:“God is unique. There is none like Him in the sense that He is both moral and merciful. Would such an awesome being that is literally filled with compassion CAUSE any other being to suffer for all eternity [simply] because they rejected Him?
“In the context of all we have read, and the loving nature of God, the answer can only be NO!”
My Response
In all due respect to this fellowship, one gets the impression that they are attempting to minimize the gravity of Satan’s offense—(“rejecting God”) while magnifying the severity of the consequence imposed by the ALMIGHTY for this trespass. What it fails to grasp is that when it comes to the devil, his “rejection” is not a small thing—for two reasons. First, it was committed by someone who knew God intimately. Satan experienced the ALMIGHTY’S moral greatness up close and personal—and despite this fact he still made a conscious choice to DENOUNCE it. Whether the advocates of this new doctrine believe it or not, this WILLFUL act stands as the single greatest MORAL BLUNDER of all time and has led the human family to the brink of its own destruction.
Second, when Satan “rejected” God, he didn’t simply walk away—he waged ALL OUT WAR against his Creator and His Plan. Furthermore, that war has taken the form of unimaginable brutality and savagery, as well as incalculable human suffering. This despicable creature has committed his entire existence to inflicting misery on EVERYTHING God loves. One only has to look at the world today to gain even a small glimpse of what he has done to advance the cause of EVIL.
Accusing a Moral God
Contrary to what advocates of this new doctrine suggest, Satan is everything God is not. Volumes could be written on the evil he has perpetrated—and every page would absolutely sicken anyone who possessed even a modicum of understanding concerning the enormous impact the devil has had on mankind and the assault he has waged on the GREAT HOPE God has for His creation.
Furthermore, contrary to what these advocates claim, the fact that Satan will experience eternal torment is not a referendum on God’s mercy. In other words, God is not the “CAUSE” of it—Satan is. Furthermore, the ALMIGHTY did not “FORCE” this fate on him as these advocates FALSELY assert. This is a truth that resonates powerfully throughout the Scriptures. With this said, I would strongly advise that these Church leaders take serious pause before ever leveling such a slanderous accusation against their CREATOR again.
Additionally, the logic many advocates present in defense of this particular argument further illustrates how desperate people can get when defending the indefensible. Consider how their reasoning would play out if it was carried to its logical conclusion. For example: if these advocates are correct then God must also be the CAUSE behind humans suffering in the lake of fire where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 22:13, Luke 13:28, 41-42, 49-50). After all, according to them, the Almighty must be the force behind it as well.
But is this true? does God “CAUSE” the fate of those He condemns? Or does this RIGHTEOUS JUDGE identify someone else as the culprit?
A Little Perspective
For six thousand years, the devil has affixed his signature to unimaginable human suffering. During that time he has been relentless in exploiting every human weakness. He has even convinced the vast majority of mankind to believe that he doesn’t exist or that he is easily outsmarted. Even some leading Christian evangelists mock Satan during their crusades. Often they will claim to “have the devil on the run”—this while failing to realize how frequently they kneel before him.
Satan is referred to in the Scriptures as the “great deceiver.” That title wasn’t given to him because he is some spiritual lightweight. He is cunning beyond belief and his tragic MARK can be seen throughout human history and appears to have only intensified with each succeeding generation. For those who have difficulty grasping how formidable this treacherous ENEMY is, consider the following: On the eve of the Messiah’s crucifixion, while Peter was professing his unflinching loyalty, Jesus actually warned His apostle that Satan wanted to grind him like powder (literally: “sift him like wheat” See: Luke 22:31).
The Devil’s Rap Sheet
The Bible speaks prolifically about this vile predator and its words are not kind. This once great archangel is a dark and sinister creature—one that appears good and beautiful on the outside (II Corinthians 11:14), but is in fact, the embodiment of everything that is grotesque. Satan’s credentials as a destroyer of hope are considerable as is the scope of his influence. To illustrate this point consider just some of the titles he bears, such as, “the enemy” (Matthew 13:39), “the evil one” (verse 38), “the prince of this world” (John 13:31; 14:30), “the tempter” (Matthew 4:3), “the prince of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2:2), “the adversary” (1 Peter 5:8), “the great dragon and serpent” (Revelation 12:9, 20:2), as well as “the spirit of apostasy” (2 Thessalonians 2:9). And this is just the short list.
When it comes to his accomplishments they too are considerable. For example: The Scriptures reveal that in addition to deceiving the entire planet (Revelation 12:9), Satan blinds the minds of unbelievers (2 Corinthians 4:4) as well as snatches the truth from hearers (Matthew 13:19). God’s Word identifies him as a “worker in disobedience” (Ephesians 2:2) and a sower of tares among the wheat (Matthew 13:38). This evil and treacherous being seduced Adam and Eve in a beautiful garden paradise (Genesis 3:1-20)—but this was only the beginning.
The Scriptures also indicate that he caused Paul’s thorn in the flesh (2 Corinthians 12:7). as well as led Ananias to lie to the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:3). He moved David to number Israel (1 Chronicles 21:1) and was an adversary of Joshua (Zechariah 3:1-9) not to mention the source behind Job’s troubles (Job 1:7-2:10). His handiwork also includes every murder, every rape, every child molestation, every holocaust, every genocidal and homicidal act, every theft, every assault, every sex traffick and slave trading transaction, not to mention every biological weapon, every word of gossip, every drug deal, and every scheme ever designed to exploit human weakness and strip innocence. Additionally, this insidious creature has been front and center in every act of thuggery and abuse as well as every sadistic torture and moral defect that now saturates the human experience,
However, this enemy may have reserved his most treacherous moment for the last evening of Jesus’ life when, in an attempt to thwart God’s plan of redemption for mankind Satan actually put betrayal into the heart of Judas Iscariot (John 13:2).
Here is The Point
Ever since the first man and woman walked through the Garden of Eden, the devil has dedicated every ounce of his strength to proving God wrong for ever thinking man could be a part of His Eternal Family. His tools have been, and continue to be, stealth and guile, and he uses every one of them with great skill. Throughout history, he has persuaded man to believe a lie and reject the truth. He floods the world with a steady stream of deception, distortion, and misrepresentation, all disguised as moral thought.
In truth, Satan’s power to deceive is unmatched in the universe and the scope of his influence touches every square inch of our planet. This once-beautiful angelic creature, who actually had the ear of GOD ALMIGHTY, has corrupted mankind’s politics, his culture, his laws, and even his faith. He has convinced the western world to believe that Godly wisdom has no place in society and that freedom of speech can actually be expressed in an endless array of smut we call “art.” He has even gone so far as to convince man to believe that the Bible is a threat to our children but studying the occult can lead to enlightenment. Satan has persuaded man to believe he has no Creator and that values are relative. In short the devil has distorted every moral truth ever uttered by God Almighty and man has bought every drop of it hook, line, and sinker!
For advocates of this new doctrine to suggest that God must be held responsible for the eternal consequences Satan will suffer stands as further proof that even leaders in His Church can be deceived.
Whose Fault is it?
Despite protests to the contrary, God’s Word emphatically declares that the consequences imposed for sin rest solely on the sinner—NOT GOD! When writing to the Churches in Galatia, Paul made this fact abundantly clear when he explained the principle of “cause and effect” as it relates to God’s judgment. Notice his words.
Galatians 6: 7-8
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap. For he that sows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that sows to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.”
Whose Fault is it Anyway?
Here, Paul lays the responsibility for God’s judgment directly where it belongs. Furthermore, he warns against thinking that the Almighty’s mercy and compassion will somehow soften the blow of damnation. In essence, Paul is saying, “Don’t kid yourself, God’s judgment cannot be manipulated. The sinner is the cause of His sentence—NOT the RIGHTEOUS JUDGE who dispenses it.”
But there’s more.When speaking to the ancient nation of Judah, God used the prophet Jeremiah to indict them for their rebellion against Him and His COVENANT—one that required their unqualified obedience. He then explained the REAL CAUSE of their impending fate as reflected in the cup of His judgment against them. He did so by asking a rhetorical question. The point He was making should be obvious.
Jeremiah 2:17, 19
Have you not procured this unto thyself, in that you have forsaken the LORD thy God, when he led you by the way? Your own wickedness shall correct you, and your backsliding shall reprove you: know therefore and see that it is an evil thing and bitter, that you have forsaken the LORD thy God, and that my fear is not in you, says the Lord GOD of hosts.”
God’s Word couldn’t be more clear. What He is declaring is that those who defy Him are 100% responsible for the consequences of their actions—regardless of those consequences. In other words, they bring judgment on themselves. For anyone to suggest that God “causes” His condemnation is like blaming law enforcement for “causing” criminals to suffer in prison. SHAME ON YOU!
A Final Thought
The real tragedy in this particular argument is that it employs the same rationale used by those who reject God’s existence altogether. According to them, a merciful God would never “CAUSE” all the suffering we see in the world today. Therefore, He couldn’t POSSIBLY be real.
In truth, the fate of Satan and His demons is the direct result of their willful defiance and the price they will pay is truly SEVERE—eternal banishment from a magnificent Kingdom into which they were created. They will not be killed because a MORAL God ordained that they should live forever when He fashioned them so very long ago (Luke 20:36). For anyone to attempt to change what God ordained from the beginning would be a mockery of His divine will—and as we all know, “God is not mocked.”
Argument XIII