What is Satan's Fate?

"I would advise all in general that they would take into serious consideration the true
and genuine ends of knowledge; that they seek it not either for pleasure
or contention, or contempt of others; but for emolument of life,
that it may regulate and perfect the same in charity."
Dear Friends,
In 2008, a small but well respected Church of God fellowship published a doctrinal paper attempting to prove that the great angelic world God created in eternity past is not incorruptible as originally thought, but rather capable of being annihilated just like the physical universe we see around us today. They base this belief on a premise that claims “if God created it, He can destroy it.”
Their paper also asserts that Satan’s ultimate fate is not everlasting darkness as the Church once believed (Jude 13), but rather eternal death. After all, according to this fellowship, because the Bible declares that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23)—as well as proclaiming that the Almighty is not a respecter of persons (Acts 10:34), the consequences of sin must be identical in both the angelic realm and the physical dimension. However, at this point it is interesting to note that the same apostle (Paul) who spoke of the “wages of sin,” also said, “ALL HAVE SINNED” (Romans 3:23). With that said, does this fellowship actually believe that unrighteousness has touched every spirit being in the third heaven like it has every human being on earth? Do they believe Michael, Gabriel, the twenty four elders, the four living creatures and an innumerable multitude of “holy angels” somehow succumbed to a dark side of their nature at some point in time?
More Questions
Furthermore, if spirit beings can die, why did God create a physical realm at all? What purpose could there be for a molecular world with infinite laws that govern it? Why didn’t the Almighty simply work out His plan using a non-material dimension? Although the fellowship advancing this new doctrine never addresses this particular question, the Scriptures do, and when doing so, thoroughly contradict this “new understanding.” God’s Word boldly declares that our world was specifically created to be inhabited by corruptible beings (See: Isaiah 45:18, Romans 8:19-23) while the spiritual realm was fashioned exclusively for the incorruptible (immortal). Jesus actually stated that a mortal being couldn’t even see the domain in which God and the angelic realm reside, let alone be a part of it (John 3:3). Furthermore, He was not alone in this assessment. The apostles John and Paul wrote powerfully of an incorruptible place where death has no effect (See: Revelation chapters 4 & 21 as well as Romans chapter 8 & 1 Corinthians 15). Despite this TRUTH, several COG leaders now argue that God is incapable of creating something that is beyond annihilation because to do so would somehow compromise His power as an OMNIPOTENT BEING.
Prolonged Suffering and Isolation
Another point never broached by adherents of this new doctrine is why the Azazel goat (which symbolizes Satan) was led away ALIVE into a solitary place totally separated from God’s people (See: Leviticus 16:21-22). Why wasn’t it killed? After all, according to this emerging view, death not isolation is what ultimately awaits this once majestic archangel.
Furthermore, if Satan and his demons die in the second death as they claim, why don’t they die a first time? In other words, why is Satan bound up during the millennium instead of allowed to pass away—and then be resurrected at some later point, like man? And why are demons incarcerated in Tattaroo (2 Peter 2:4)—a dark and woeful place? Why aren’t they simply put to sleep and raised to life for God’s final judgment, like man (Daniel 12:2, Hebrews 9:27)?
Something to Think About
At this point, it is interesting to note that virtually every human being who is cast into the Lake of Fire will have died at some point during his or her physical life (Hebrews. 9:27)—thus the Lake of Fire is literally their “SECOND DEATH.” This fact is made more intriguing when one considers that the opposite is true for spirit beings. In other words, NOT one angelic creature (demon) that is cast into this great inferno, will ever have experienced death at all. Now for the irony—Although never killed, virtually every one of them will have experienced prolonged confinement and total isolation prior to God’s final dispensation of justice on them. This now begs an important question: What is it about Satan and his demons that require them to remain alive until their final judgment is carried out, while just the opposite is the case for mankind? Why must human beings and spirit beings be treated so differently if their ultimate fate is the same?—in less of course, it isn’t the same at all.
Respectful Disagreement
Although I strongly disagree with the belief that spirit beings can die, I am equally convinced that many who espouse this new doctrine are genuinely sincere. However, I also believe that they are so connected to the physical realm they just can’t grasp the idea that God can totally destroy Satan, as the Bible says (See: Ezekiel 28:16), without actually killing him. To them this simply doesn’t make sense—and because there is nothing like it on earth they can’t believe there is anything like it anywhere else. Additionally, most adherents of this new doctrine can’t reconcile how an all powerful God could create an angelic being (Lucifer) capable of becoming so diabolical and then not be able to eradicate him from existence.
As a result of this mindset, these advocates flood their new doctrine with illustrations from the physical dimension after which they insist that things must be the same in the spirit realm. I realize they may disagree with this assessment but as you consider their arguments I am confident you will find this analysis rings true.
What is the Truth?
The book you are about to read examines the issue of Satan’s fate directly from the Scriptures, and in doing so, demonstrates why God’s power and love as well as His sovereignty is not compromised by creating beings that cannot die—even if they rebel. As I respond to the most prominent arguments advanced by those who believe otherwise, I will make every attempt to be respectful in my approach. My intent is not to denigrate God’s people or their leaders. Rather, it is to explain without prejudice, THE PLAIN TRUTH concerning this intriguing subject.
For the purpose of clarity I have identified the 15 most popular arguments offered by those who believe spirit can die. Each argument is presented independently followed by my rebuttal. As you proceed through these points it is important that you evaluate them on the basis of two criteria. First, does this new doctrine prove to a Biblical certainty that all spirit is corruptible? And second, does it prove to a Biblical certainty that Satan’s ultimate fate is unqualified extinction—DEATH? Personally, I am fully persuaded the answer is NO to both questions.
Dennis Fischer
Argument I
Only God is Immortal