Argument VI
Things are different now

When rationalizing the sin of dining out on the Sabbath, the United Church of God argues that the world we live in today is so radically different from the time of Nehemiah that it would be impossible for God's people to administer His law the way Nehemiah did. Therefore, because we can't close down merchants on the Sabbath, we may now buy their products, provided we don't spend the entire day doing so.
What this prominent COG group fails to acknowledge is that those who labor in restaurants on the Sabbath are engaging in a practice that God ABHORS. That's right. He HATES this sin. However, the UCG sees it much differently. They don’t think God hates it at all. Why?—because they don’t hate it. In truth, they see it as a vital service in this age.
Sadly, these Church leaders are so committed to this practice that they work tirelessly to diminish the impact of what takes place in restaurants on holy time by blurring the lines between that and what restaurants do the other six days of the week. They reason that if the work they do Sunday thru Friday is acceptable with God, how severe could doing the exact same thing be on the Sabbath? In essence, the UCG is arguing that the Lord of the Sabbath shouldn’t care if His people seek out those who brazenly desecrate His day because they don't see such labor as "brazenly desecrating" anything, but rather just an innocent mistake. Furthermore, they imply that if Nehemiah lived today, he would somehow condone patronizing businesses that trample all over God's Sabbath.
After advancing this portion of their argument, the UCG presents an avalanche of points that have absolutely nothing to do with the subject at hand. As you read each point, ask yourself if their case sounds more like one motivated by a genuine desire to honor God or more like one motivated by a desire to justify a practice they enjoy. We think the answer will be pretty obvious.
United Church of God:
Nehemiah’s reaction to those who violated the Sabbath came in a time when the civil power controlled the keeping of the Sabbath. We do not live in such a time today. Obviously there are aspects of Nehemiah’s conduct that cannot be applied directly to our lives today.
Our Response:
With these words the UCG is suggesting that because God's people do not have the power to shut down merchants who profane the Sabbath, they may now proactively seek them out and financially support them by purchasing the very fruit of their sacrilege. Can you imagine presenting this argument to God Almighty?
Abandoning God
Today the physical descendents of Israel have forgotten the true God and have forsaken His law. They have trampled all over His Sabbath and holy days. Tragically, the UCG has adopted the attitude of "When in Rome, do as the Romans." They may deny this assessment, but look at what they are advocating with their point. They contend that God's people today may seek out those who profane the Sabbath and purchase the fruit of their sin. The UCG repeatedly attempts to "sugar coat" their position on this issue, but this is exactly what must take place when one dines out on the Sabbath.
Down through the ages God's people have paid, with their own blood, the price of honoring the fourth commandment. We doubt that these champions of faith ever once thought that because they couldn't compel unbelievers to obey the Almighty, they were now free to go back into spiritual Egypt and mingle with them for an hour or two on holy time. But once again, this is exactly what the UCG is advocating.
United Church of God Continued:
"In addition to Nehemiah’s reforms related to the Sabbath, there were other reforms expected of the Jews. Nehemiah was highly agitated that many of the Jewish children did not speak Hebrew, but spoke the language of Ashdod (Nehemiah 13:24). He was so upset that he “struck some of them and pulled out their hair” (Nehemiah 13:25) and made them swear that they would not allow their children to intermarry with the neighboring people. What should we learn from this example? How can we apply this to our lives today? Should we attack people and pull their hair out if we don’t agree with their conduct?"
Our Response:
We at Blow the Trumpet readily acknowledge that our world is very different from the one during the days of Nehemiah. However, what we will not admit is that God's law has changed to conform to our generation. What the UCG has employed here is nothing but a smokescreen. It may be true, but it is totally irrelevant. Simply because you cannot enforce Sabbath on a world dominated by a God-rejecting devil, does not mean you are powerless to obey for yourself. Here is something the UCG should consider before advancing such a point. Those who labor in restaurants on the Sabbath are SLAVES TO SIN (Ro. 6:16). However, God's people have been delivered out of that bondage. To suggest that they can now return to spiritual Egypt and purchase the fruit of their affliction is utter nonsense. Perhaps the authors of A Sabbath Test put it best.
"You may not be able to prevent restaurant personnel from working on the Sabbath. But you most certainly can prevent them from working for you on that day!"
United Church of God Continued:
The principles we should learn from Nehemiah 13 are respect for the Sabbath and that one should seek to marry someone of like faith. Everything that was done in Nehemiah 13 cannot be applied directly to our lives today. Notice the following activities from the time of Ezra and Nehemiah.
1. Setting guards with weapons (swords and spears) on the walls of the city. Should we carry weapons? Can a Christian carry a weapon and be a security guard? Can a Christian work on the Sabbath as a security guard?
2.Threatening to do bodily harm to those who lodged outside Jerusalem waiting to do business with the Jews on the Sabbath. Should a Christian threaten bodily harm toward someone who attempts to break the Sabbath?
3. Attacking people because of the manner in which they were raising their children and pulling out their hair. Is it permissible for a Christian to attack another Christian over his approach toward child rearing?
4. Forcing people to divorce who were married to a foreigner (this was in the case of Ezra). Should the Church demand that everyone who is married to a foreigner be expected to divorce upon entering the Church? Or should the Church insist that everyone who is married to a non-believer be forced to divorce prior to becoming a member of the Church?
Our Response:
The principle we should learn from Nehemiah 13 is more than "respect for the Sabbath," it is REVERENCE of it. The Sabbath is HOLY! It was made so by a HOLY GOD. The Lord of the Sabbath consecrated it at the very beginning (Gen. 2:2-3). Simply because it cannot be enforced on others does not mean that God's Sabbath law is no longer in effect. The Sabbath is an exquisite moment each week that allows God's people to come out of this world and celebrate a marvelous Kingdom that will soon replace man's corruptible governments. When that Kingdom does arrive, all people will honor the Sabbath and keep it HOLY.
However, instead of remembering this day as God has instructed, the UCG thinks they may decide for themselves how they will keep it holy. Their commitment to the practice of dining out on the Sabbath is so strong that they will even spin and contort the scriptures to justify this sin. Consider the four points mentioned above which they offer in defense of seeking out Sabbath-breakers and paying them for their services.
UCG Point I
Setting guards with weapons (swords and spears) on the walls of the city. Should we carry weapons? Can a Christian carry a weapon and be a security guard? Can a Christian work on the Sabbath as a security guard?
Our Response:
Here the UCG is implying that Nehemiah took action that actually violates Sabbath observance, while their action actually enhances it. They do so by suggesting that it was wrong for this servant of God to use sentries to prevent Sabbath breaking merchants from gaining access to God's people on holy time. On the other hand the UCG argues that it is now permissible for God's people to seek out these merchants and purchase their good and services because those who provide them are already there.
Although the UCG thinks Nehemiah's approach would be unacceptable in the church today, this is not entirely true. Many COG groups have members who serve as ushers and even security personnel to ensure that services are not disrupted. For example: imagine if someone attempted to enter a UCG hall on the Sabbath to set up a concession stand in the back of the building. Their intent was to sell Bibles, religious music as well as sandwiches and beverages. They had all the appropriate permits and only needed the church's permission to engage in their business on the Sabbath. We doubt that the UCG would grant their request to do so. Now imagine that this vendor persisted by returning for several Sabbaths and attempting to set up his vendor kiosk. Would the UCG ever consider physically escorting this merchant off the premises, or, at the very least, seek the assistance of law enforcement personnel to remove him? We think the answer is yes. Certainly, they would be justified in doing so.
We at Blow the Trumpet believe the UCG has missed the point in their characterization of Nehemiah's actions. Furthermore, their slant on this story appears to be an attempt to obfuscate God's clear instructions concerning His Sabbath. With this said, here are our questions for them. Notice that these questions bear directly on the issue of dining out on the Sabbath.
1. When God instructed the children of Israel to not gather their daily food on the Sabbath (Ex. 16:4-5), what did he mean and why did He do it? Here is a hint: look at verse 4.
2. When God instructed the children of Israel to not prepare their Sabbath meals on the seventh day (Ex. 16:5, 23) what did He mean and why did He do it? Here is a hint: look at verse 4.
3. When God rebuked the children of Israel because they went outside their place to acquire their Sabbath meals (Ex. 16:27-29) what did He mean and why did He do it? Here is a hint: look at verse 4.
The UCG can play around with the scriptures all they want, but when it comes to their Sabbath conduct, God's word THUNDERS out His will. God's people are not to acquire their meals on the Sabbath. They are not to prepare them on the Sabbath. And His people are not to go outside the community of faith to obtain them on the Sabbath (Ex. 16:29). Not only is this command alive and well today, but its enduring moral principle is too. To teach otherwise is a HUGE mistake.
UCG Point 2
"Threatening to do bodily harm to those who lodged outside Jerusalem waiting to do business with the Jews on the Sabbath. Should a Christian threaten bodily harm toward someone who attempts to break the Sabbath?"
Our Response:
The answer to this UCG question is, "absolutely not!" God's people do not have the power or the authority to "lay their hands" (Neh. 13:21) on Sabbath-breaking merchants in the world today, although they do possess the authority to remove those who disrupt their services as mentioned in our response to point 1.
With this said, there is something the UCG omits in this particular phase of their argument. God's people not only have the right but the moral duty to deny merchants access to their lives on holy time. Furthermore, they have a moral duty to HATE what these worldly merchants do. This is the point Nehemiah's example of righteous indignation is illustrating. This wonderful servant of God saw what was taking place in Jerusalem as a genuine threat to God's people. Our questions to the United Church of God are these: Do you HATE what is done in a restaurant every Sabbath? Do you see it as an egregious sin against God's law and a threat to His people? If not, why not? If you do see this as a horrible sin, then why would you seek out those who commit it and actually pay them to do so?
What takes place in a restaurant every Sabbath may appear innocent but it most assuredly is not. Satan himself is the force behind Sabbath breaking (2 Cor. 4:4). This is a fact the UCG appears to forget
UCG Points 3 & 4
"Attacking people because of the manner in which they were raising their children and pulling out their hair. Is it permissible for a Christian to attack another Christian over his approach toward child rearing?"
"Forcing people to divorce who were married to a foreigner (this was in the case of Ezra). Should the Church demand that everyone who is married to a foreigner be expected to divorce upon entering the Church? Or should the Church insist that everyone who is married to a non-believer be forced to divorce prior to becoming a member of the Church?"
Our Response:
These UCG points illustrate how far people will go to justify a practice that flies in the face of God's law. The issue of dining out on the Sabbath has absolutely nothing to do with forcing anybody to do anything. It is about what God's people will do and what His teachers will teach. What the UCG is attempting with this argument is to suggest that because we can't prevent certain behaviors by Sabbath-breakers, we may now embrace those behaviors and even pay for them. Do you honestly believe this is how God thinks?
United Church of God Continued:
"We must be careful when extracting principles that we do not jump to conclusions in our comparisons to modern-day life when civil law is not in the hands of Sabbath keepers. One cannot transfer the events of that day to our day. Nehemiah 13 is not about eating out in a restaurant. This was not the problem. The Jews had turned the Sabbath into market day and were selling all kinds of wares. This wasn’t just a food market. The Sabbath had become the primary business and shopping day of the week in Jerusalem. This was contrary to the spirit of the Sabbath commandment."
Our Response:
According to the United Church of God, Nehemiah’s indictment against buying and selling on the Sabbath was limited to the scope of purchases being made. According to their reasoning, the Jews in Jerusalem were going into the open market for the entire day and purchasing provisions for their homes. These provisions would last for several days and even longer in many cases. This would be tantamount to buying several hundred dollars worth of groceries today as well as performing other errands. As a result, the entire day was spent in activities totally unrelated to the Sabbath. The assumption the UCG wants God's people to draw with this point is that it is acceptable with God if only an hour or two are spent in activities totally unrelated to the Sabbath.
However, this reasoning represents a massive leap in logic. Nowhere does Nehemiah mention the length of this activity (buying and selling) as an issue, but rather the activity itself. Notice that Nehemiah was not attempting to restrict this practice, he was attempting to eliminate it altogether. It is true that some of God’s people may have spent the entire day purchasing goods and services, but that ignores a bigger question: why were they there at all? Nehemiah’s remedy was designed to address the latter.
The big question God’s people today should ask themselves is this: Why would God allow His people to procure ANY food on His Sabbath when He actually prohibited the children of Israel from doing such a thing when He gave them His law (Ex. 16:16-25)?
Dining out on the Sabbath so clearly violates the enduring moral principle contained in God's law, it is simply mind-boggling to think that any COG group would suggest that it is an acceptable practice. Sadly, that is exactly what the United Church of God claims.
The irony in this entire debate is that it is not the authors of A Sabbath Test who are jumping to conclusions but rather the UCG. They want God's people to think that the world of Nehemiah and the one we live in today are so different that no comparisons can be made. But this is not true. Go into any mall on the Sabbath and you will see what Nehemiah saw. The big question for God's people today is: Why don't we see what takes place there every Sabbath the way Nehemiah saw it? The UCG mindset on this issue is totally contrary to Nehemiah's. Theirs is more like, "What harm can there be in spending an hour or two purchasing these goods on the Sabbath? After all, I will still go to services and worship God. How can He possibly be unhappy with that?"
United Church of God Continued:
"There was no direct statement made in the law regarding business or going to market on the Sabbath. Nehemiah took the law and applied it in principle to the activities of the Jews. When there is no “thus saith the Lord,” then we must study the law and extract principles that apply to our day."
Our Response:
Just out of curiosity, what principle is the UCG extracting that would lead them to believe God somehow condones His people seeking out those who desecrate His Sabbath and paying them for doing so?
In an attempt to preserve their own blindness, the UCG refuses to see the clear injunction in God's word. Here is what the Almighty does say with respect to His Sabbath and how His people are to honor this day. If these UCG leaders can't see a clear condemnation of doing business or going to market on the Sabbath addressed in the fourth commandment, we think they should consider a calling other than the ministry. Here are God's words.
Six days you shall labor, and do all your work:
But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD your God: in it you shall not do any work, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your manservant, nor your maidservant, nor your ox, nor your ass, nor any of your cattle, nor the stranger that is within your gates; that your manservant and your maidservant may rest as well as you.
And remember that you were once a slave in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD your God brought you out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD your God commanded you to keep the sabbath day. (Deut 5:13-15)
God was so committed to preserving the sanctity of His Sabbath that He specifically identified the consequences for profaning it. This is what He thinks of the services The UCG patronizes on holy time.
Ye shall keep the Sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you: every one that defiles it shall surely be put to death: for whosoever doeth any work therein, that soul shall be cut off from among his people.
Six days may work be done; but in the seventh is the Sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD: whosoever doeth any work in the Sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death. (Ex. 31:14-15)
The real tragedy here is that the United Church of God does not appear to truly appreciate the gravity of their trespass or the fact that they were once slaves in spiritual Egypt. If they did, they would NEVER teach that God's people may avail themselves of the same bondage they were once in.
United Church of God Continued:
"Additionally it should be noted that these restrictions were only in Jerusalem. What about the other cities in Judea? What about inns where people lodged and ate while traveling? If someone was on the road, traveling in Judea on the Sabbath day, could he get a meal at one of the inns along the way? How were these principles applied in the other cities of Judea? We must admit that we simply do not know the answers to these questions. There is no mention in Scripture of the other cities in Judea during the time of Nehemiah."
Our Response:
We now come to a point where even the UCG doesn't believe their own argument. If you doubt this assertion consider the following. Is the UCG suggesting that because Nehemiah's prohibition against making the Sabbath a market day (their contention, not ours) was only given to the Jews in Jerusalem, God's people in other cities may have been permitted to engage in this practice? We don't think so. Furthermore, the UCG's reliance on ignorance ("We must admit that we simply do not know the answers to these questions.") is reckless to its core. It is one thing to say, "We don't know," and another thing altogether to say, "Because we don't know we will engage in a behavior that may offend God Almighty." In other words, if someone told you the water you were about to drink was laced with poison and the best counter argument you could come up with was,"We can't know for sure," would you still take a drink? According to the UCG argument, they would.
Counter Argument
United Church of God
Advisory Committee for Doctrine
April 16,2007
Dear Mr. Fischer,
Blow the Trumpet says:
"Do you HATE what is done in a restaurant every Sabbath? Do you see it s an egregious sin against God's law and a threat to His people? If not, why not?"
Elsewhere in your paper you refer to those people who work in restaurants as "those who brazenly desecrate His day." Webster's Dictionary defines brazen as "marked by contemptuous boldness" and "to face with defiance or impudence." We do not think that this word is an appropriate description of people who do not understand the Sabbath. Based on the scriptural principle expressed in 1 Corinthians 10:25-33, we would not patronize the business of anyone who is knowingly and defiantly breaking the Sabbath. But in most cases, this does not apply to unbelievers. Jesus referred to David when he had need and was hungry, applying David's incident to the Sabbath (Matthew 12:1-4).
So we do not agree with your assessment, nor do we hate what is done in a restaurant. Rather, we feel sorry for those who do not understand the Sabbath and look forward to sharing the truth of this gracious gift of God to these people when God opens their minds to understand.
Advisory Committee for Doctrine
Dear Friends,
The UCG may not like Blow the Trumpet's characterization of what takes place in restaurants as "brazen," but I believe the word is a perfect fit. The world today is defiant against God and His way and the hostility against Him continues to grow.
Furthermore, the UCG comment regarding not hating what takes place in a restaurant on the Sabbath may be the most disingenuous remark I have ever heard in this debate. Consider what they are saying. Although it is appropriate to hate the sin but love the sinner, the UCG doesn’t hate the sin either. This comment reflects a HUGELY liberal view of a trespass God specifically identified as a CAPITAL CRIME (Ex. 31:14). However, these Church leaders see it differently. They are not the slightest bit offended by it.
Why Adopt Such a View
The obvious reason these ministers claim to not hate God’s Sabbath being trampled on by restaurant personnel is because to do so would totally contradict their own behavior. After all, who in their right mind would seek out and pay for something they ABHOR? Therefore, instead of changing their behavior they adjust the way they think about sin. In other words, instead of seeing this breach of God's law through the eyes of their Creator, the UCG has concluded that in their view profaning the Sabbath is not worthy of anyone’s contempt.
With that said, I'm just curious, are there any other sins they don't hate that are committed out of ignorance. For example, how would these COG leaders answer the following questions, all of which relate to sins that are done because people have been deceived by a real devil?
Does the UCG hate what is done in abortion clinics?
Does the UCG hate what takes place in sex shops across the country?
Does the UCG hate the lies taught by false ministers?
Does the UCG hate the lies taught by false ministers?
Does the UCG hate witchcraft?
Does the UCG hate greed and idolatry?
Does the UCG hate Christmas?
Does the UCG hate pedophilia?
Does the UCG hate prostitution?
Does the UCG hate drug trafficking?
Does the UCG hate man's attempt to redefine marriage?
Does the UCG hate gang violence?
Does the UCG hate divorce?
Does the UCG hate obscene speech and profanity?
Does the UCG hate terrorism?
There are literally thousands of sins that are committed simply because of Satan's power to deceive this world, and every one of them God HATES. He hated what took place in the garden on Eden. He hated what took place during the days of Noah. He hated what took place in Sodom and Gomorrah. He hated the bondage inflicted onIsrael by the Egyptians. And the list goes on and on.
Furthermore, does the UCG actually believe that Nehemiah didn't hate what the men of Tyre were doing on the Sabbath? They were unbelievers who also were deceived just like those who work in restaurants today. And what about the gentile city of Nineveh who God acknowledged “didn’t know their right hand from their left (Jonah 4:11)? Does the UCG believe He didn't hate the sin taking place there (Jonah 1:2), when He actually threatened to destroy them if they didn't repent (Jonah 3:4).
Human history is filled with acts that insult our Creator and Sabbath-breaking is high on that list. This sin deprives man the opportunity to know who God is, and to know about the wonderful Kingdom He is going to restore to this earth. Tragically, Satan has blinded the minds of unbelievers. He has persuaded them that God is irrelevant and that His Sabbath doesn't matter. Does the UCG actually refuse to abhor what Satan has sold to Sabbath-breakers?
The sad truth is that the UCG not only doesn’t HATE what takes place in restaurants on the Sabbath, they actually LOVE it. Why?—because it gives them an opportunity to do something from which they derive great pleasure. As a result they just cant see the gravity of what is taking place there.
With that said, here is something to think about. Is it possible that our fast paced world—one dedicated to convenience and pleasure, was actually created by Satan, not to estrange mankind from God, but rather to estrange His called out ones? In other words, has our great adversary shaped modern culture in such a way that God’s people actually embraces the very thing that impedes their ability to know the One who sanctified them (Ex. 31:13).
Regarding David and the Disciples
With respect to their invocation of David eating the shewbread and the disciples picking grain on the Sabbath, the UCG wilfully distorts the clear meaning of these acts in an attempt to justify their on-going lawlessness. There is nothing about what David or the disciples did that even hints that God condones going to restaurants on the Sabbath or holy days. What took place with these men was a once in a lifetime exception—one that Jesus readily acknowledged was "UNLAWFUL." However, Jesus also explained that David, as well as His disciples were "guiltless" because of their unique circumstance. Sadly, what the UCG advocates is not a once in a lifetime situation, it is an on-going practice. Once again these teachers blur the line between exceptions and rules, and in doing so turn the grace of God into license.
Dennis Fischer
Counter Argument continued
United Church of God
Advisory Committee for Doctrine
April 16,2007
Dear Mr. Fischer,
Just as Jesus came to serve and not be served, God gives us the Sabbath to serve us, not for us to serve it. It is a wonderful gift of God to enjoy, not a legalistic set of restrictions and requirements (which is what the scribes and Pharisees had devised and laid upon the people). It is a special day to rejoice (Isaiah 58) and to feast (Leviticus 23:1-3) as well as to rest and draw close to God.
In the millennial rule of Christ on earth, everyone will learn to keep the Sabbath and reap its benefits, far beyond what we are able to enjoy today. Eventually all mankind will keep the Sabbath. Work will cease early on the sixth day with plenty of time to prepare for the Sabbath. Of course, there will be no restaurants or other business establishments open on the Sabbath. But neither will there be a need as there is today.
Advisory Committee for Doctrine
Response from Dennis Fischer
Dear Friends,
Well, the United Church of God has finally done it. They have officially declared that the labor taking place in restaurants every Sabbath is necessary because it satisfies a "NEED" in today's world. It is not a sin as originally believed. It is a real end-time necessity for God's people. This assessment explains why they are so committed to promoting the idea that God is pleased when His people seek out those who profane His Sabbath, even though the fourth commandment prohibits such a thing.
At this point it is important to understand that UCG's idea is not new. Others in God's Church have advanced similar beliefs when justifying this sin. One advocate of this behavior actually suggested that dining out on holy time was "a gift from God in the current distress." Another prominent COG leader suggested that restaurant-like facilities will actually operate on the Sabbath in the millennium. Some have even suggested that restaurant personnel are actually performing a Levitical function when they serve God's people. Can you imagine such a thing?
Although the UCG is convinced that their understanding is based on God's word, I am still puzzled by it. What is it about making dinner reservations for a Friday evening, that falls into the category of a "need?" I understand the need for food on the Sabbath. But that need has always existed--even when the children of Israel were delivered out of bondage in Egypt. However, God had a way of satisfying this need without compromising His law. He specifically commanded His people to acquire and prepare their Sabbath meals on the sixth day. My question is: why can't God's people today do the same thing? Why can't they simply follow God's instructions? What is it about today's world that makes it a necessity to seek out unbelievers to prepare our Sabbath meals on holy time?
Furthermore, although the UCG characterizes dining out on the Sabbath as a need, why doesn't everyone have it? In other words, how are some of God's people able to satisfy their food requirements on the Sabbath without seeking out unbelievers to acquire and prepare their food for them?
The argument that what takes place in a restaurant on God's Sabbath is a necessity today, is absurd. Dining out on the Sabbath is a luxury--one that goes totally contrary to God's law. To try to cloak it as a necessity represents a desperate attempt to legitimize sin. God's law specifically forbids such work to be performed on the Sabbath. To suggest that soliciting this labor is endorsed by Him is brazenly arrogant, whether the UCG believes it or not.
The UCG also offered the following observation about the Sabbath
"It is a wonderful gift of God to enjoy, not a legalistic set of restrictions and requirements (which is what the scribes and Pharisees had devised and laid upon the people). It is a special day to rejoice (Isaiah 58) and to feast (Leviticus 23:1-3) as well as to rest and draw close to God."
Dos and Don’ts
Although I agree with these COG leaders that God's people are to rejoice and draw close to their Creator on the Sabbath, I also believe that God Himself has defined how that can be done. When one reads the scriptures regarding the Sabbath, there appears to be a great deal said concerning what the Almighty desires of His people. One might even call His instructions a list of “do’s and don’ts.” The following are just a few examples.
1. Don’t work (Ex. 20: 8, Dt. 5:13-4))
2. Don’t compel servants to labor on your behalf (Ex. 20:10, Dt. 5:14-5)
3. Don’t compel unbelievers to labor on your behalf. (Ex. 20:10, Dt. 5:14-5)
4. Don’t compel your livestock to labor (Dt. 5:14)
5. Don’t compel your family to labor (Ex. 20:10, Dt. 5:14-5)
6. Don’t prepare meals (Ex. 16:23-5)
7. Don’t go outside your place (Ex. 16:29)
8. Don’t gather your daily food (Ex. 16:22-3)
9. Don’t engage in business (Neh.10:31, 13:15-21)
10. Don’t do your own pleasure (Isa. 58:13)
11. Don’t speak your own words (Isa. 58:13)
12. Don’t think your own thoughts (Isa. 58:13)
13. Do assemble with God’s people (Lev. 23:1-3)
14. Do call the Sabbath a delight (Isa. 58:13)
15. Do call it honorable and holy (Isa. 58:13)
This appears to be a fairly comprehensive list. Furthermore, it was not created by those who refrain from dining out on the Sabbath. Every one of these “do's” and “don’ts” was given by God Almighty through His servants. It is this standard that drives those who refuse to seek out unbelievers to labor on the Sabbath for their benefit. Furthermore, it is abundantly clear to us that if these instructions were truly honored by all of God’s people today, we wouldn’t be having this debate.
Dennis Fischer