He that hath an ear, let him hear
what the Spirit saith unto the churches
Revelation 3:22
Over nineteen hundred years ago, the apostle John was exiled to the small island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea. While there he received an incredible vision in which he was taken in spirit to the very throne of God Almighty. There, he witnessed awesome events that would begin in his lifetime and proceed down through the centuries—culminating with the establishment of an eternal Kingdom, governed from a breathtaking city called New Jerusalem.
The Angel of the Revelation
William Blake (British, 1757–1827)
As this dramatic vision began to unfold, John was presented with seven letters and instructed to send them to seven churches located in Asia Minor. These letters were similar to other epistles in the Bible with one notable exception. Unlike the epistles penned by the apostles under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the letters recorded in the book of Revelation came directly from God the Father, through Jesus Christ, and were spoken to John by an angel.
Why did God produce these letters?
When reading the powerful words contained in these letters some very important questions emerge. For example: what was God’s purpose in giving them? Were they written only to be understood by Christians who met in these specific church locations existing in John’s time? Or, were they produced for a greater purpose? Furthermore, is it possible that the churches, and the letters written to them, are prophetic? After all, the entire book of Revelation is a prophecy and provides a graphic look into how human history will play out. Why would it be any different here? Why wouldn’t these letters reveal the future history of God’s people as well? Finally, if these letters are prophetic, is it possible that one of them was written to convey a vital message to His end time church today? And if so, what is that message?
Three Views
Currently, there are three major views regarding these churches and their letters. The first view believes that the message to each church is applicable only to the specific congregation to which it was addressed. In other words, those who embrace this belief contend that each letter was written solely for the purpose of addressing the circumstances, strengths, and weaknesses of God’s people living in one of these seven cities during the later first century.
A second view suggests that these letters reflect seven attitudes that would exist within God’s church at any one time. Those holding this conviction believe that since our attitude is a reflection of our spiritual state, we are never at the same level of commitment or conversion. Therefore, there may be points in our lives when we find ourselves reflecting the moods, standards, or spiritual condition of any one of these seven churches. For this reason, Jesus says, “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says unto the churches [plural]" (Rev. 2:29). Thus, whatever time we may live in, we are to hear the message given to each church and weigh it against our own spiritual condition.
The third perspective believes that the churches identified in Revelation represent specific prophetic periods, beginning with the first century church (Ephesus) and continuing down through the ages to the time of the end (Philadelphia and Laodicea). Under this view the letters are seen as messages describing the predominant spirit, and the specific circumstance God’s people would experience during a unique time in History. Proponents of this teaching hold to the view that, while the first two interpretations are valid, the primary purpose of these letters is to encourage, as well as to warn and correct God’s people living during one of seven specific eras occurring throughout the history of the New Testament Church.
The Voice of Opposition
Those who oppose this third belief often claim that there is no biblical evidence suggesting that these letters were written for a later time. Some even declare that believing in church eras can be harmful. They argue that this teaching causes many COG groups to identify with a particular era and as a result leads them to judge other COG associations. Other opponents argue that the issue is irrelevant altogether because [they believe] it has little or no affect on our salvation.
However, is it possible that this is an issue of immense significance—one of the most crucial facing God’s people today? Consider the incredible value to modern Christians if these letters were written as warnings and corrections to specific people living at different times. If that were the case, this issue is not only important, but enormously significant! Furthermore, if these letters were written to specific eras of God’s Church, then there is a letter addressed to us today!
A Personal Letter from Jesus Christ
Imagine reading a letter from Jesus Christ, directed specifically to those living in the end time. Such a message could have a huge impact on God’s people. Now consider the unthinkable. What if that letter does exist and God’s people ignore it and its warning? Such a mistake could be catastrophic and threaten, not only our immediate future in this life, but our eternal destiny—even our salvation!
Eras on Trial
It is undeniable that the doctrine of church eras is on trial today among many in God’s Church. For this reason, The Seven Letters was written. This critical end time study examines this topic and presents seven compelling arguments, offered as exhibits, proving that God’s word speaks with great force concerning the existence of seven specific periods that would define His people and the challenges they would face, down through the ages. As each exhibit is presented, this truth will become more obvious, more profound, and more convincing. When taken together, they will leave you with only one conclusion—church eras are not only real, but stand as critical proof that God’s plan for His people is sure.
Additionally, this booklet will present a sobering look at the time [era] in which we now live. It will encourage, exhort, and yes, warn God’s people of the great danger they face in this end time. This is because our world, including the church, has now reached a point the scriptures refer to as the “last days.” And although the church should be intensifying its march toward God’s Kingdom, it actually seems to be more complacent and even slowing down. Such an approach places this particular era in great peril and these seven letters bear this out.
As you progress through each exhibit, we encourage you to seriously consider the message being conveyed. For indeed this issue is not simply about what the Almighty was conveying to seven churches, it is about what He is saying to YOU.