What is Satan's Fate?

Argument XIV
His Mercy Never Fails
If God’s mercy NEVER fails, why wouldn’t it be extended to Satan and his demons?
In one installment of an extensive argument attempting to prove that Satan and his demons will die, as opposed to suffer eternal torment as the scriptures require (See: Revelation 20:10), a team of prolific Church writers contend that God’s mercy exerts a force on Himself that is so powerful it cannot be withheld from anyone—even those receiving His condemnation, including the devil and his fallen angels. In other words these leaders claim that God’s final judgment on those whose names do not appear are not in the book of life, as well as rebellious demonic spirits, will actually be rendered as an act of kindness not contempt. There are absolutely no exceptions whatsoever. These men even go so far as to assert that Satan’s “execution” in the Lake of Fire, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, (Matthew 13:42, 50, 22:13, 25:30) is actually a “mercy killing,” and as such, is the only compassionate justice God would ever administer, because His intent is driven by a genuine desire to end the Devil’s suffering and put him out of his misery as opposed to being an imposition of great consequence for the horrific evil he has perpetrated since his fall from God’s government in the third heaven (See: Isaiah 14:12-14, Luke 10: 18).
When advancing this point, these advocates present what is arguably one of the GREATEST DISTORTIONS of Scripture I have ever seen proffered in God’s Church—an opinion I do not offer lightly. Although they quote the Bible, they completely MISREPRESENT what it is saying. They even PERVERT one of Christ’s most powerful utterances when doing so. I realize these words are harsh, but as you read this particular argument, this assessment will become painfully obvious.
Presenting the Argument
Here is how this argument is presented by advocates of this new doctrine followed by my response.
For the purpose of clarity their position is broken into two parts. Part I addresses the mercy of Jesus Christ and how these Church leaders claim it is even extended to those who sin willfully (with purpose and dedication), including Satan and the demonic realm. Part II addresses the mercy of God the Father and how these advocates are convinced that it is compassionately dispensed in His final judgment of those who are consigned to the Lake of Fire. Each is presented independently.
Please read both very carefully.Part I
Christ the Merciful
Advocates of the New Doctrine:
“Consider the example of the mercy of Jesus Christ. Our Savior was brutally beaten—even beyond recognition (Isa. 52:14). He was dying in agony as His weight hung on nails pounded through His limbs and into the wooden stake. Blood flowed from the wounds in his body as He suffered the rejection and torment of men. During this tragic and terribly painful experience, Jesus found it nearly impossible to breathe. Still, He used what little breath He could muster to pray and ask the Father to forgive His tormentors.”
My Response:
Here, these Church leaders suggest that because Jesus is merciful, His mercy even extends to the architect of EVIL—Satan himself—which is the entire point these men are attempting to make with this new doctrine. However, in all due respect to these ministers, this is a horrible distortion that has absolutely NO basis in Biblical fact. Furthermore, the very example they cite actually contradicts their conclusion. To better understand this truth, consider what was taking place when the Messiah uttered the prayer to which they refer.
“Father Forgive Them”
During the initial hours of His crucifixion, Jesus appealed to His Father to have pity on those whose transgressions were responsible for making His sacrifice necessary. Here are the Messiah’s exact words. Notice the qualifier.
“Father, forgive them; for they ‘KNOW NOT’ what they do.” (Luke 23:34)
The term “forgive” used by the Messiah in this prayer is significant in the context of Satan’s fate. Literally translated it means “to put away”, “to set free”, “to remove,” and “to let alone.” It represents a state of total restoration in which the recipient is no longer bound by a debt. This is what Jesus was petitioning His Father to do—ERASE a DEBT incurred by sin—and allow Him (Jesus) to take personal ownership of it and its consequences. Thankfully, we know the answer He received.
However, the advocates of this new doctrine now assert that the Savior’s approach to all those who are cast into the lake of fire, including Satan himself is not without its own form of mercy—one that ensures that although the recipient will receive DAMNATION it will not be without COMPASSION. But does such an idea actually exist other than in the minds of these advocates. Furthermore, does the Messiah’s prayer they refer to make any provision for such a thing?
The Answer
To discover the answer we must return to Jesus’ prayer and consider what He specifically said as well as what He DID NOT say. We already know His exact words. Now consider what He never uttered. Notice He did not say: “Father, forgive them; for they KNOW what they do.” This is because to do so would require Him to reject everything about God’s RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE—not to mention His VIRTUE and HOLINESS, each of which define who He is. It is true that our Savior is merciful, but He is not GULLIBLE, nor is He FOOLISH. Furthermore, contrary to what these advocates FALSELY claim, His mercy is no more extended to the defiant than His sacrifice is offered to the unrepentant. At this point, it is important to understand that God’s Word is very clear regarding this truth. Here is how the author of Hebrews expressed it.Hebrews 10:26
“For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains NO MORE SACRIFICE [a product of MERCY] for sins,”
The point here is that God’s mercy, as reflected in Christ’s sacrifice, does not extend to those who consciously set their will against Him and toward EVIL—which is exactly what Satan has done. The devil was fully aware of the gravity of his defiance when he first rebelled. In other words, he had a “knowledge of the truth.” and because of this, he most assuredly knew what he was doing. In criminal law this is referred to as “Conscientiousness of GUILT.” Furthermore, he continues to defy his Creator to this very day and doesn’t care one bit what God thinks of it (See: Isaiah 14:12-14). Tragically, this once magnificent creature has nothing but contempt for God’s mercy and because of that, he will NOT receive one ounce of it when he receives HIS FINAL JUDGMENT (See: James 2:13). Despite any protest from the advocates of this new doctrine, there is nothing in the Scriptures that suggests otherwise. However, God’s word does reveal how Christ judges such matters.
Something to Think About
In what is arguably the most famous sermon ever given, Jesus once instructed His followers to not cast their pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6). The point He was making was that we must cherish the things that possess great value and not capriciously give them to those who would treat them like garbage. With that said, there is nothing of greater value than Christ’s SACRIFICE and the love that inspired it (John 3:16).
But there’s more.
Although many true Christians, including some leaders, believe God’s mercy is extended to everyone, it most certainly IS NOT. The Kingdom is a great gift—but not everyone will receive it. Christ’s sacrifice is a great gift—but not everyone will claim it. God’s compassion is a great gift—but not everyone will embrace it. These wonderful treasures are only offered to those who will cherish them. Satan does not fall into that group. HE IS THE SWINE!
A Relevant Question
In light of this great moral principle the advocates of this new doctrine would be well advised to ask themselves a question—one they should find familiar. This is because they will employ a similar stream of logic themselves in their final argument coming up in the next chapter (See: Argument XV). Here is the question.
If the Messiah would instruct God’s people to not cast their pearls before swine, why would anyone think His Father in Heaven would turn around and do just that to Satan?
Rehabilitating Evil
What the architects of this new doctrine have attempted to do is to minimize the severity of an execution in which the victim is intentionally deposited into an inferno and burned alive, writhing in pain and portray it as an expression of mercy and thus a compassionate end to Satan and his demons—while being consigned to a place of total isolation which the scriptures reveal to be his ACTUAL fate (See: Jude 13) is somehow unbearably cruel and DEGRADING. Sadly, the assessment by these advocates is not only FALSE but CONTRIVED.
Part II
God the Merciful
We now come to Part II which addresses the mercy of God Almighty as it relates to His final judgment as rendered by Jesus Christ from a Great White Throne.
In this section of their attempt to prove that Satan’s condemnation will never be completely deprived of some measure of pity, advocates of this new doctrine even go so far as to manipulate Scripture in a desperate attempt to represent it to say and/or mean something it never, ever, ever intended. Furthermore, when doing so they must pervert the clear words of one of the most exquisite passages in all the Bible.
Notice how this is done followed by my response.
Advocates of the New Doctrine continued:
“Jesus Christ was a reflection of God the Father. He literally did on earth as He had seen His Father do in heaven (Jn. 5:30, 8:28, 10:38). He judged righteously, showing love and kindness toward others. Even in the most horrible of circumstances, he continued to show enormous compassion. This multi-faceted act of Christ reveals the essence of God’s nature. He is the epitome of mercy. As the Psalmist states:”
“For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations” (Psa.100:5).
“O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever.” (Psa.118:1)
The Argument Continues
These Church leaders then offer what they believe is conclusive evidence proving that God’s mercy is also expressed in His condemnation—even His condemnation of the devil. Notice the lack of authenticity in this argument when compared to what the Almighty actually said in the verses they cite. Remember, these leaders claim that because God’s mercy ENDURES FOREVER it must be given UNCONDITIONALLY to everyone regardless of who they are or what they have done. There are no exceptions—even the devil is not deprived of it. Furthermore, they claim that those who fail to accept their wisdom concerning this assertion reject what the Bible clearly says about God’s nature. They offer this even though God WORD forcefully contradicts their claim.
Here is how they express this view followed by my response.
Advocates of the New Doctrine continued:
“Psalm 136 also echoes this theme in each and every one of its 26 verses. At the end of every single sentence, it is declared that His mercy will never end. God’s mercy exists for all eternity! How could anyone believe that His mercy fails when it comes to Satan and the demons? Such a thought goes against all that we know of His nature.”
“Understanding this, there is no doubt that the merciful fate God has planned for the devil and his demons is to do what is best for them—to end their life and torment—not prolong it. Those who are filled with envy, anger, hatred and hostility are truly unhappy. They will therefore be put out of their misery—not be FORCED to experience even more unhappiness for all eternity.
My Response:
What is a Mercy Killing?
While the advocates of this new doctrine assert that the Lake of Fire constitutes a “mercy killing,” this is light years from reality. In truth, despite any opinion to the contrary, a real mercy killing is what takes place when a family pet has to be put down or a close relative or friend taken off life support. In each case a genuine concern for the recipient is paramount and the love for them self-evident—including a sincere regard for their physical comfort.
Even criminal executions in the United States are considerate of the victim. In most cases the condemned are granted special privileges such as the choice of a last meal as well as the visitation from clergy and even family members. Additionally, they are given an opportunity to speak “last words” to those witnessing their final moments. Furthermore, in virtually all cases they are afforded the quiet respect from those in attendance during the procedure. There are even times when the condemned are offered medication to assist them in dealing with the anxiety and stress of the moment.
With this said, do the advocates of this new doctrine HONESTLY believe that if God’s motivation in carrying out His sentence of the condemned was to ensure the execution would be merciful He would EVER select as its method consigning them to an inferno and burning them alive while they writhed in agony? DON’T BE SILLY.
Being Honest About Satan’s Fate
Personally, I don’t think for one minute these COG leaders sincerely believe that God’s condemnation is an act of mercy and compassion as they claim. However, they offer this assessment because they cannot bring themselves to accept the fact that if given a choice between consigning the condemned to a fate of eternal torment (outer darkness) as opposed to eternal peace (death), a loving God would ever select the former. Thus, the only way their opinion can be justified would be for Him to extend some degree of pity to His enemies in their final judgment even though common sense as well as God’s very own WORDS declare otherwise (See: Deuteronomy 32:43).
In all due respect to these fine men and those who agree with them, this assertion is the product of wishful thinking not Biblical insight. Furthermore, I am fully persuaded that their opinion would NEVER change regardless of the method of execution. In other words, if God determined that the fate of the condemned was to be tied down and dismembered by a chainsaw, they would still attempt to make the same “MERCY” argument. Why? Because they lack the moral courage to accept the obvious—fearing their honesty might somehow hurt God’s feelings and portray Him as cruel.
Well, these advocates may attempt to manipulate the fate of those cast into the lake of fire, as an act of mercy, intended on putting them out of their misery, all they want, but an infinite and Loving God knows full well where DIVINE justice demands His mercy be placed and where it requires it to be denied.
An Examination of Testimony
Contrary to what these advocates assert, God’s mercy, although everlasting and unfailing is NOT given to everyone. But don’t believe me, believe the very Psalms these men cite in their argument. For example:
Psalm 136 is a declaration of adoration and praise to God as a Creator and Deliverer (Redeemer). The first nine verses of this exquisite passage acknowledge His strength and wisdom when fashioning the universe—and declare that this act was an expression of His mercy. Verse 10 then transitions to Him as a GREAT RESCUER of His people. However, here is where their argument completely disintegrates. According to the reasoning of these advocates, God must have killed Egypt’s firstborn as an act of mercy toward Egypt—to put them out of their misery. He must have also drowned Pharaoh’s armies in the Red Sea for the same reason. After all, God’s mercy never fails.
Is This Possible?
But is this understanding correct? As you read the verses below ask yourself if there is even a remote possibility that God wants you to see Him expressing mercy and compassion toward Egypt—the enemy (oppressor) of His people as these advocates claim He does when it comes to the devil (their SUPER oppressor). The answer should be obvious.
Psalm 136:10-16
10 “To him that smote Egypt in their firstborn: for his mercy endures for ever:
11 And brought out Israel from among them: for his mercy endures for ever:
12 With a strong hand, and with a stretched out arm: for his mercy endures for ever.
13 To him which divided the Red sea into parts: for his mercy endures for ever:
14 And made Israel to pass through the midst of it: for his mercy endures for ever:
15 But overthrew Pharaoh and his host in the Red sea: for his mercy endures for ever.
16 To him which led his people through the wilderness: for his mercy endures for ever.”
In truth, EVERY stanza of this passage declares God’s mercy toward HIS people—NOT their enemies. And for any true believer to employ this Psalm as proof that mercy belongs to everyone—including the DEVIL, is guilty of theological malpractice. Their conclusion is nothing short of vulgar and constitutes a reproach to God’s word and is an insult to mercy itself. Furthermore, it reflects a brazen attempt to subvert TRUTH. There isn’t one scintilla in Scripture even hinting that this Psalm can be reconciled with the point these advocates are attempting to sell. There is however an opposing position that was expressed by none other than God’s FAITHFUL SERVANT Moses. Notice who receives His mercy and who doesn’t.
Deuteronomy 32:43
“Rejoice, O ye nations, with his people: for he will avenge the blood of his servants, and will render vengeance to his adversaries (enemies), and will be merciful unto his land, and to his people.”Here, God’s word specifically identifies how the ALMIGHTY dispenses His judgment and despite the assertions advanced by advocates of this new doctrine there is absolutely no ambiguity in this pronouncement.
But there’s more.
King David put it this way.
Psalm 3:7
“Arise, O LORD; save me, O my God: for thou hast smitten all mine enemies [upon] the cheek bone; thou hast broken the teeth of the ungodly.”
I’m just curious, but do these COG leaders sincerely believe that breaking the teeth of the ungodly is an expression of God’s mercy toward them. Furthermore, do they believe that David would concur with their assessment? In other words, do they honestly think that this king, a man after God’s own heart (Acts 13:22), would ever declare God’s mercy toward the ungodly, let alone Satan the devil?
A Significant Note:
At this point it is significant to note that when citing Psalm 118 as proof that God’s mercy is all encompassing, these particular advocates only quote verse 1. However, if they would have continued Author’s thoughts, it would become obvious that he actually identifies who receives God’s mercy—and it certainly isn’t those who defy their Creator. As a matter of fact the opposite is true. Notice his words.
Psalm 118: 2-4
- “Let Israel now say, that his mercy endures forever.
- Let the house of Aaron [the priest] now say, that his mercy endures forever.
- Let them now that fear the LORD say, that his mercy endures forever.”
Notice those who are exhorted to proclaim that God’s mercy endures forever are the ones who actually receive that mercy. In this case the nation of Israel, not Egypt, nor Assyria, not Philistia, nor Edom nor the city of Tyre nor Babylon, nor the plethora of godless nations dedicated to the destruction of His people.
Also included in this exhortation is the Levitical priesthood of the house of Aaron, not the priests of Baal or, Dagon or, the false prophet or, the Antichrist or, a host of other apostates.
Finally those instructed to proclaim the enduring quality of God’s mercy are people who “fear” (from the hebrew word “Yare” meaning literally “to stand in awe of the ETERNAL")—HIS PEOPLE, not those who hold Him in CONTEMPT and certainly not the devil.
But there is more related to how God allocates His MERCY as well as WHO receives this PRECIOUS GIFT. For example.
King David also wrote that:Psalm 130:11,13
“For as heaven is high above the earth so great is His mercy toward them that FEAR (“YARE” meaning to stand in awe of) HIM.” [not them that defy Him.]
What Can Be Learned?
Here is the point—and tragically it is one that is completely rejected by the architects of this new doctrine. The notion that God’s mercy is expressed unconditionally in acts of kindness to everyone without any expectation in return is wrong on so many levels. Sadly, it is offered by COG leaders more interested in promoting an indefensible hypothesis with trickery and manipulation than to humbly accept the wisdom of God’s very own WORDS. In TRUTH the Scriptures are filled with examples of the Creator unapologetically withholding His mercy.
For Example;
The great prophet Jeremiah was actually used by the ALMIGHTY to make this very point concerning His judgment of those who willfully defy Him—a point these Church leaders adamantly reject. Notice these are God’s words—the very God whose mercy never fails.
Jeremiah 13:14
“And I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together, saith the LORD: I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but destroy them.”
How About Christ?
In the New testament the apostle Peter crystallizes the wisdom of the Messiah relative to His obvious opinion of the devil and the role of mercy this diabolical monster can expect in judgment. And despite the opinion asserted by advocates of this new doctrine, that claims it will be compassionate, this great apostle sees it much differently as evidenced by how he views the Savior’s JUDGMENT being righteously allocated.
And for Satan the news is NOT good.
1 Peter 3:12
For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and His ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that are EVIL.”
An Indictment
Denying the Obvious
Instead of accepting the obvious TRUTH reflected in God’s Word, including EVERY Psalm cited in this particular argument, these advocates have twisted them at every turn, in an attempt make them say what they want them to say, after which they accuse God of being “A Vindictive Tyrant,” (A THUG) who “FORCES” the suffering imposed on the devil—and as such is not worthy of their worship if He fails to accept their wisdom over that of His own (See: Argument XIII).
A Great Truth about Mercy
Contrary to what some people of faith now believe, the Almighty's Word DECLARES with GREAT FORCE that mercy and condemnation CANNOT harmoniously coexist—you either receive one or the other—NEVER BOTH—ABSOLUTELY NEVER! This is because one is the EXCLUSIVE product of COMPASSION while the other is the exclusive product of CONTEMPT and WRATH. In truth, they are polar opposites and any teaching that goes contrary to this BIBLICAL ABSOLUTE is rank heresy and an insult to a RIGHTEOUS GOD and His MORAL CORE. This is why those who are cast into the lake of fire WILL NEVER, EVER EVER receive even the smallest measure of compassion with their condemnation, despite what these advocates FALSELY teach.
To illustrate this point consider the words of the Messiah in one of His most powerful parables. It addresses God’s judgment as it relates to His Kingdom and those who will be a part of it. as well as those who won’t. It is actually referred to by scholars as a “Kingdom Parable” (See: Matthew 18:23). As you consider the Savior’s words ask yourself if there is any doubt in His mind that His heavenly Father is perfectly capable, and even more than willing to withhold His mercy from those who defy His GREAT MORAL LAW even though His mercy endures forever. The answer should be obvious.
“The Unmerciful Servant”
Matthew 18:21-35
In the parable of the “Unmerciful Servant,” Jesus tells a story about a Lord who is taking account of his servants (Matthew 18:23). The Messiah would later reveal that this Lord pictures His Father in heaven (v. 35). During this accounting it was discovered that one of His servants owed Him an insurmountable debt—ten thousand talents (v. 24)—an amount that has been estimated by authorities to be as much as twelve BILLION dollars today. Enough said?
The Story Continues
At one point, the Lord demanded that payment be made (v. 25). Upon hearing this demand, His servant became overwhelmed with the enormous burden of his obligation and prostrated himself before His Lord imploring Him for MERCY (v.26). Jesus then reveals that the Lord was entreated of His servant and actually FORGAVE the ENTIRE debt (literally erasing it). This now brings us to a very important question.
What moved the Lord to extend mercy to His servant?
The answer is found in the very next verse. Notice what Jesus says.
Matthew 18:27
“Then the lord of that servant was moved with COMPASSION, and loosed him, and forgave him the debt.”
Notice that there is a direct link between mercy and compassion. But does that link also exist between mercy and condemnation as advocates of this new doctrine claim? Fortunately, the Messiah provides the answer in the very same parable. Let’s continue.
God Withdraws His Mercy
As it turned out, the servant who was forgiven his debt had an opportunity to forgive someone who was indebted to him. Furthermore, his debtor’s obligation was only a minuscule fraction of the one his Lord had forgiven him. Unfortunately, this servant wasn’t the slightest bit interested in extending the very mercy he had received from his Lord. Instead, he threw his debtor into prison (vs. 28-30).
When word got back to his Master concerning what had transpired, He summoned His servant and demanded an explanation. He then unleashed a blistering indictment against him—and actually withdrew the mercy He had extended to him earlier—leaving His servant, once again, hopelessly in debt. As a result, that servant was delivered to the “tormentors” (vs. 31-34)—an interesting term when considered in the context of Satan’s fate. (see: Revelation 20:10)
The Lesson Continues
This now brings us to the question of the day—one that weighs directly on this particular argument.
What moved the King to take the action He took?
Was it MERCY?Clearly these are qualities that define his Lord and according this new doctrine are expressed in virtually everything God does so it must be what He did here. Right? Or, was it? Here is what Jesus said when quoting the Lord’s OWN words.
Matthew 18:33-34
“Should you not also have had compassion on your fellow servant, even as I had pity on you? And his lord was WROTH, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him.”
Notice that when the Lord originally extended mercy He was moved with compassion (v. 27). But now, when He levels His condemnation, He is moved by RAGE—He is “WROTH” with the man. This word is synonymous with “wrath,” which means, “hot anger,” “indignation,” and “violent emotion” (See: Strong’s G3709). There isn’t even a faint hint of mercy in this term. In truth, the unmerciful servant was actually stripped of every drop of pity he had received earlier from his MERCIFUL LORD.
With this said, does anyone reading this parable honestly believe that there exists even one fragment of mercy or compassion in the Master’s reaction—let alone in Satan’s fate?
The Parable Concludes
Jesus concludes this timeless lesson by warning that God will do the same to those who refuse to show mercy toward others—He will consign them to torment (the Lake of Fire). In other words, although His mercy NEVER FAILS, IT IS NOT EXTENDED TO EVERYONE. IN TRUTH IT COMES WITH CONDITIONS. Notice the word “if.”
Matthew 18:35
“So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses.”
Here is the point:
For anyone to claim that God is going to show mercy to the most merciless being in history is mind-boggling. And for a true minister of the gospel to take such a position is INCONCEIVABLE.
Satan is diabolically vicious and cruel, and he has made a career of showing absolutely no pity on God’s people. He is their relentless accuser, not their passionate advocate. Here is how the apostle John described him.
Revelation 12:10
“And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.”
A Final ThoughtThe argument that God will have mercy on the devil himself is a HORRIBLE distortion of His Word and reveals a complete lack of understanding concerning who He is and how He thinks. The Scriptures tell us that the Almighty’s judgment of Satan will be totally devoid of mercy. In other words Satan will receive just what he has given. Perhaps James, the bishop of the Jerusalem Church and the half-brother of the Messiah said it best.
James. 2:13
“For he shall have judgment (condemnation) WITHOUT mercy, that has shown no mercy; and mercy rejoices (triumphs) against judgment [Not the other way around].
This is Satan’s fate—judgment WITHOUT mercy—a judgment that results in eternal torment beginning in a blazing inferno (Revelation 20:10) and culminating with confinement in the “blackness of darkness” forever (Jude 13).
Argument XV