What is Satan's Fate?

Argument XV
Loving the Devil
If God hates sin but loves the sinner, wouldn’t His love also be extended to Satan and his demons by allowing them to die as opposed to being tormented forever?
In a stunning attempt to prove that Satan and his demons will die, the leaders of one COG fellowship actually claim that God LOVES the devil. That’s right! He LOVES Satan—and because of this He can only do good to him. Therefore, given a choice between this despicable foe suffering eternal torment as the Bible indicates (See: Revelation 20:10), or, permanent death, the later seems more compassionate to them—because it minimizes the length of suffering he will be subjected to when his final sentence is carried out.
Like so many other arguments offered by advocates of this new doctrine, this one relies on human reasoning and supposition. In other words, nowhere does the Bible actually say God loves Satan. However, these Church leaders overcome this hurdle by demonstrating how other Scriptures can be manipulated so as to prove their point. In this particular case, they contend that because Christ admonished His followers to “love their enemies and do good unto them” (See: Matthew 5:44 & Luke 6:27-35), it would be hypocritical for God to do otherwise to His enemies—even Satan himself.
Here is how this view is expressed followed by my response.
Advocates of the New Doctrine:
“The Almighty God is the embodiment of love, and He wants us to become like He is. For this reason Jesus said:”
“Ye have heard that it hath been said; Thou shall love thy neighbor, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you…Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect (Matthew 5:43-44, 48).”
These advocates then claim that this passage stands as incontrovertible proof that God’s love even extends to Satan himself and because of this He would never permit him or his demons to suffer the eternal torment prescribed in Revelation 20:10. They even reason that the Lake of Fire, complete with its weeping and gnashing of teeth (See: Matthew 13:42, 50, 22:13, 25:30) is actually an expression of the Almighty’s compassion and goodness. This despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
See if you can follow their logic and where this PERVERSE thinking can invariably lead.
Advocates of the New Doctrine continued:
“It is unimaginable to think that God would expect us to love our enemies, to bless them, to do good works toward them, and then He would turn around and act differently toward His enemies! If we grasp anything about God, we should recognize that He is a being of supreme love.”
My Response:
If these Church leaders are correct in their assessment, in which they also claim that God “wants His children to be like Him,” then not only does the Almighty love the devil, but He must want His human family to love him as well. After all, is there anything our heavenly Father would ever think, or do, or say, relative to his compassion, that He wouldn’t want children to emulate? Why would it be any different here? Add to that is the fact that Satan is specifically identified in Scripture as our enemy too (See: 1 Peter 5:8). Therefore, Christ’s admonition must also apply to our behavior toward him as well. Wouldn’t it? Additionally, if Jesus would exhort His followers to love their enemies, why wouldn’t He do the same to His enemies, including the devil himself? Finally, if Loving the devil is good enough for the Father, as these advocates assert, why wouldn’t it also be good enough for the Son?
But is this understanding CORRECT? Does the ALMIGHTY actually want His people to love the most EVIL being in existence? Furthermore, does this Architect of Eternity and the Holy One of Israel Himself love Satan as these advocates claim?—and if so, is there ANY empirical evidence in Scripture suggesting that the great heroes of faith down through the ages concur with this understanding?
For example:
Is there any evidence suggesting that Elijah believed God wanted him to love the devil while he was confounding (and later killing) the priests of Baal on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18:41)? Or, does the Bible suggest that God wanted Moses to love the devil while the children of Israel were practicing debauchery before a golden calf (Exodus 32:19)? And what about the two witnesses?—do the scriptures teach that these men will love the great dragon who gives power to the beast and false prophet (Revelation 13: 1-4)? Mind you, this is the same dragon who orchestrates the brutal slaughter of God’s people (See: Revelation 6:9, 12:17).
Additionally, can these advocates provide even one example where Jesus ever extended a blessing to Satan? Can they cite an instance when the Messiah actually prayed for him? Do they believe He ever once cried out to His Father to comfort this ENEMY in his distress?
Jesus Concerning Satan
The Scriptures reveal that the Messiah was acutely aware of the grave danger Satan posed to God’s people and for this reason He specifically instructed them to seek the Father’s protection from this evil predator (See: Matthew 6:13). Furthermore, our Savior made that very petition Himself on the eve of His crucifixion (See: John 17:15). With this said, do these Church thinkers honestly believe our Savior ever invested one second of His prayer life expressing compassion for Satan and his demons?
Here is a hint—and it comes from the pen of the apostle Peter. Here is how he saw the Messiah in this regard. These words were expressed earlier but bear repeating.
1 Peter 3:12
“For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and His ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that are EVIL.”
Other Examples
And what about men like King David, who fasted for his enemies (Psalm.35:11-14)? Do these advocates believe he also fasted for history’s greatest enemy? Then there is Peter who warned that Christians should be “VIGILANT” because Satan wanted to “devour” them (1 Peter 5:8). Do these leaders believe he also encouraged Christians to extend charity toward this “adversary”? And what about Paul who wrote that God’s people should “not give occasion to the devil” (1 Timothy 5:14). Do they think he also taught that they should seek occasion to do good to him. Then there is James, who specifically exhorted Christians to “RESIST the devil” (James 4:7). Do the advocates of this new doctrine think he also taught that they should love him?
Finally, if God’s word provides such an abundance of cautionary warnings concerning this sinister creature, why would the advocates of this new doctrine claim that the Almighty, or His Son, would ever think of ignoring every one of them in their own lives—thus throwing caution to the wind by showing compassion to him despite its clear and present danger?
A Diabolical Creature
In truth, the Bible speaks prolifically about Satan and every bit of it is bad. This diabolical creature has been instrumental in every evil ever perpetrated. To suggest that the ETERNAL somehow loves him is inconceivable—but that is EXACTLY what these advocates teach. Why? Because according to them, HE would be a hypocrite to do otherwise. But is this claim true?
Can God Hate?
Contrary to what a growing number of people of faith now believe, the Almighty is perfectly capable of HATE without ever compromising His VIRTUE. Furthermore, that hate can extend to both the SIN and the SINNER. First, consider sin and how it sickens Him. The book of Proverbs identifies seven specific transgressions that hold particular disdain in His heart. He actually refers to them as “abominations.”Proverbs 6:16-19
“These six things does the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaks lies, and he that sows discord among brethren.”
Now consider these moral defects in the context of the devil. Satan is the embodiment of every one of them. The Scriptures declare that pride led to his fall (Ezekiel 28:17) and that treachery (a lying tongue) is his weapon of choice. Not only has he deceived the whole world (2 Corinthians 4:4 & Revelation 12:9), but he has specifically targeted God’s people for destruction (See: Matthew 13:19, 38, & Ephesians 2:2). Satan has been called a liar, a murderer (John 8:44), and a PERVERTER of scripture—and to be sure, he is all of that and MORE.
In short, there isn’t one thing about this diabolical being that God doesn’t loathe—and for anyone to suggest that the Almighty feels any obligation to show him even the smallest measure of compassion is inconceivable. But don’t believe me, here is how King David saw God’s opinion of the devil in this regard
Psalms 5:4
“For you are not a God that has pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with you [in any form including thought, word, or action]”
When speaking to the children of Israel, here is what God Himself said He would do when dealing with His enemies. See if you can find compassion in His words.
Deuteronomy 32:41
“I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward [by consequence] them that hate me.”
'The point here is that God is TOTALLY aware of the destructive power of sin and because of this fact, He views lawlessness as vile and disgusting and a threat to everything He stands for. In truth, God can’t even look upon sin, let alone love its chief architect (See: Isaiah 59:2 & Habakkuk 1:13).
Loving Your Enemies
When Jesus exhorted God’s people to love their enemies, He wasn’t sending the slightest signal concerning how His Father felt about Satan. Quite frankly, there is a HUGE difference between our worldly enemies, who, out of ignorance and human weakness, do wrong to us, and Satan, who knows full well what he is doing. The point the Messiah was making was that His followers should be thoughtful in their dealings with others—who are engaged in the same moral struggle they find themselves in—even allowing themselves to suffer wrong in the interest of Christian forbearance (See: 1 Corinthians 6: 1-7 & 1 Peter 2:20-23).
The apostle Paul actually instructed Christians’ to “esteem others better than themselves” (Philippians 2:3), while the gospels reveal that God Himself shows kindness to people who are humanly weak and sinful (See: Matthew 5:45 & Luke 6:35). However, nowhere does His Word provide one example where He comforts those whose heart is set toward evil, let alone the great dragon. If you have any doubts concerning this I would recommend you refer to the words of the apostle Peter cited earlier (See 1 Peter 3:12). If you do it should be abundantly clear where your Savior’s countenance is inclined.
What About the Sinner?
This now brings us to God’s attitude toward those who willfully defy Him. And although it is popular to believe that God hates the sin but loves the sinner, this is NEVER the case when it comes to His FINAL judgment of both man and spirit, regardless of what the advocates of this new doctrine FALSELY claim.
Conditional Love
One of the greatest misconceptions among Christians today is that God’s love is unconditional—that it is offered with no expectation of anything in return. Some who embrace this belief even contend that those who are cast into the lake of fire are not deprived of His Kindness. But is this true?
Contrary to this view, everything about our relationship with the ALMIGHTY comes with conditions—whether it is His mercy (Matthew 7:2, 18:35, James 2:13), His forgiveness (2 Chronicles 7:14, Matthew 6:14-15, Luke13:3-5, 1 John 1:9), His friendship (John 15:13-14), or His Lordship (Matthew 7:22-23). The Scriptures shout out that God doesn’t give these precious treasures away causally. Furthermore, when it comes to compassion, His infallible WORD declares that there is definitely a point when God’s love will cease and in its place will be nothing but contempt. Furthermore, that contempt will be focused directly toward the sinner. If you have any doubts regarding this TRUTH, consider the following.
A King’s Perspective
King David often wrote concerning how God viewed iniquity. On more than one occasion he proclaimed that His disgust of lawlessness can even extend to the perpetrator (law breaker). Notice his words.
Psalm 5:5-6
“The foolish shall not stand in your sight: You HATE all workers of iniquity. You shall destroy them that speak leasing: the LORD will ABHOR the bloody and deceitful man.”In another psalm, David expressed it this way.
Psalm 11:5-6
“The LORD tries the righteous: but the wicked and him that loves violence His soul HATES. Upon the wicked He shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and a horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup.”
It is not by accident that the term “cup” is used prolifically throughout the scriptures as a metaphor for Gods judgment (See: Isaiah 51:17, Jeremiah 25:15, 49:12, Zechariah 12:2). Even Jesus employed this term at the end of His own life in an appeal to His Father to be spared from the condemnation He knew He would have to bear as the Savior of the world (See: Luke 22:42).
Returning to David
With these particular Psalms, David was putting a king’s perspective on God’s view of evil. Simply put, the Almighty will NEVER accommodate lawlessness, or those who commit it. It is true, that as an act of LOVE, HE offered the unblemished life of HIS Son as a ransom for the human family (1 Corinthians 15:3, Hebrews 9:28), but that sacrifice and the love that inspired it (John 3:16, See also: Psalm 103) does not extend to those who set their will against Him and refuse to repent (Hebrews 10:26). To believe otherwise is foolish
At this point, it is also interesting to note that the word “abhor” used by David in the first Psalm cited above, comes from the Hebrew term ta’ ab (Strong’s H8581) and means: “to detest”, “to loathe”, and “to regard as an abomination.” This is how a A RIGHTEOUS GOD sees those who show utter contempt for His moral authority—including everyone consigned to the Lake of Fire, including Satan himself.
God and the Sinner
A Lesson from the MessiahTo best understand God’s perspective on sin and the sinner, consider how He viewed the sacrifice of His Own Son. The Scriptures reveal that as Jesus was suffering the final moments of His torturous execution, He would have to bear the sins of all mankind—taking them upon Himself. In other words, all the evil ever perpetrated by the human family would have to be conveyed to Him. In this state, Jesus BECAME SIN (II Corinthians 5:21). He now felt the ugliness of every act of depravity as well as every nuance of error. He also knew that in this state He would have to become everything His Father despised. The book of Hebrews actually reveals how Christ saw himself in this condition.
“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, DESPISING THE SHAME, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Defining Terms
The word “shame” in this verse comes from the Greek Aischyne and means “ignominy, disgrace and dishonor arising from guilt” (See: Strong’s G152). The source of this shame was sin—and Jesus ABHORRED every drop of it—He “DESPISED” it because He saw it the way His HOLY Father saw it.
The word “despise” is translated from the Greek kataphroneō (Strong’s G2706) and means to “condemn”, and to “hold in disdain.” The point to this verse should be obvious. As the bearer of man’s sin, Jesus knew what he would have to become in order to redeem the human family from the guilt and consequence that would be exacted on all those who were condemned to the second death—which, without a savior, would mean EVERY HUMAN BEING that has ever lived (See: Romans 3::23-24). He also understood how His Father would ultimately view Him in that role, and the thought of it was absolutely heartbreaking to Him because He loved His Father so much.
At this point, it is hard to imagine the enormity of stress our Savior was going through when He appealed for relief from His Father’s impending condemnation and although the Scriptures do not say, in all likelihood His words were accompanied by copious tears during what may very well have been the most vulnerable moment of His life. It is interesting that just a few hours earlier Jesus informed His disciples that the burden of His emotional condition was so great that it actually reached a level of being LIFE THREATENING (“My soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto DEATH.” Mark 14:34). When describing this moment, the gospels indicate that the Messiah had become so depleted by this experience that His perspiration “became as it were like great drops of blood” (Luke 22:44).So intense was this moment that an angel from Heaven was actually dispatched to strengthen Him (verse 43).
A Heartbreaking Reaction
The Scriptures reveal that as our Savior hung suspended in this sinful state, His Father turned away (IN DISGUST), leaving Him to die alone. This act prompted Jesus to cry out, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken Me?” (Matthew 27:46). The term “forsaken” comes from the Greek egkataleipō (Strong’s G1459) and means “to totally abandon”, “to desert”, “to leave in straits”,”to leave helpless”, and “to utterly forsake.” The point here is that God didn’t simply step back and observe Christ’s final moments from a distance—He literally walked away and “TOTALLY ABANDONED His Son—and there was a reason He reacted this way—one that relates directly to the fate of all those He condemns, including Satan himself.
The Ultimate Reconciliation
As hard as this might be to comprehend, as the atoning sacrifice for humanity, Jesus actually became abhorrent to His Father. He was repulsive and THOROUGHLY disgusting to Him. As a result, all the intimacy they had experienced throughout eternity was completely severed. In essence, Jesus became TOTALLY estranged from the Father. With that said, it is ironic that while the Messiah had become estranged from His Father, God’s human family was becoming reconciled back to Him (Romans 5:10).
In essence, Jesus took upon Himself the penalty reserved for mankind. This was the “cup” He would have to bear. In other words, He accepted His Father’s CONTEMPT in order that His human family would not have to. In that state our Savior was deprived of any mercy or compassion. His fate was ABSOLUTE REJECTION and TOTAL CONDEMNATION—which is the fate of all those who are cast into the Lake of Fire, including the devil (See: Revelation 20:10). In other words, those who are condemned receive absolutely no mercy or compassion (Not ONE Speck) as the advocates of this new doctrine FALSELY assert.
Something to Think AboutThe price Jesus paid to redeem the human family from the consequences of sin is far more remarkable than many may realize. Perhaps the following explanation will add some perspective to this extraordinary act of courage.
The Price of LoveThose who ultimately repent and claim their Savior’s sacrifice, will one day be a part of God’s Eternal Family. At that time they will celebrate their infinite DESTINY with the King of the Universe forever. At this point it is interesting to note that during their physical life God never TOTALLY abandoned them. Even in their wicked and sinful state He was mindful of their circumstance and weakness and His LOVE for them never completely abated. The scriptures tell us that Christ died for us while we were yet sinners (Romans 5:8), and that God so loved the world he offered the life of His beloved son as a ransom for sin (John 3:16, I Timothy 2:6).
The point here is that when God’s Eternal Kingdom is finally established and everything made NEW (Revelation 21), Jesus Christ will be the only one in it to have ever experienced the full weight of His Father’s judgment. For all eternity this one fact will set Him (and His sacrifice) apart from all others. This is the price He was willing to pay for the redemption of His Father’s children and His bride, the Church (See: Ephesians 5:25).
At this point, it is important to understand that our SALVATION was not achieved through capitulation or compromise but rather purchased with blood—the ultimate measure of our Savior’s devotion to His Father and His PLAN. Furthermore, the Messiah NEVER flinched In the face of the enormous sacrifice required of Him before the foundation of the world (See: I Peter 1:19-20 See also: Expositors Bible Commentary concerning the word foreordained recorded in this passage).
A Great Tragedy
The real tragedy with respect to the Messiah’s sacrifice is that some will actually refuse to claim it. As a result, the sin and subsequent condemnation that Jesus took upon Himself, on their behalf, will be conveyed back to them and they will have to pay the full price for their own transgressions. Hence, they will become TOTALLY estranged from the Father. In that state, God will completely REJECT them—and turn His back in disgust. Furthermore, the scriptures shout out this truth.
A Prophet Speaks
The great prophet Daniel once wrote of God’s final judgment on man. When doing so he revealed that there were two broad types of resurrections—one for those who are redeemed and another for those who are condemned.
Notice his words.
Daniel 12:2
“And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.”
A Dark Pronouncement
This is indeed a dark pronouncement. However, it graphically conveys how God truly sees those who are cast into the Lake of Fire (human or spirit). Consider what is being said here. The word “shame” comes from the Hebrew term cherpah (Strong’s H2781) and means “a reproach” and “disgrace.” It pertains to the full weight of sin the defiant must bear in judgment. There isn’t even the smallest measure of relief from the horror of this moment. They had their chance, but sadly rejected it. Now they are left with NO HOPE—ABSOLUTELY NONE.
But there’s more.
“Everlasting Contempt”
We now come to the state of “everlasting contempt” referred to by Daniel. The word “contempt” is translated from the Hebrew dĕra'own (Strong’s H1860) and means “averse”, “abhorrent”, and “repulsive.” The contempt spoken of by Daniel is GOD’S CONTEMPT. Contrary to the view embraced by the advocates of this new doctrine, God doesn’t love those whom He has condemned. He ABHORS them. In their defiant, sinful state, they are vile and disgusting to Him—and so is everything and everyone who consciously sets their will toward EVIL (See: 1 Peter 1:12). For physical MORTAL human beings the result is a horrible death (Romans 6:23). For Satan and his demons, who were created IMMORTAL, it is total exile to a place of infinite darkness (See: Jude 13, See also: Argument X “Wandering Stars”).
The Conclusion of the Matter
We now come to the conclusion of the matter.The belief that God actually loves the Devil is a heresy of immense magnitude-—one born out of a grotesque perversion of the Sacred Writings and is an insult to love itself. In truth, its assertion is TOTALLY ANTITHETICAL to everything God is as well as everything His Royal family will become. God doesn’t want His children to pity evil or its practitioners. He wants us to “eschew” them. In the words of the apostle Peter:
1 Peter 3:10-11
“For he that will love life and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile. Let him eschew evil and do good...”
The word “eschew” in this verse, means “to avoid”, even to the degree of “shunning” (See: Strong’s G1578 G575). In other words, to block, to prohibit and to deny any access to one’s life. This is the Almighty’s injunction to the body of Christ and is unquestionably a practice that defines His righteous judgment in the third heaven as well as when His Son executes His final judgment from a Great White Throne (See: Revelation 20: 11-15). Furthermore, GOD’S PEOPLE should want this as well because they have experienced firsthand sin and its destructive impact and brutality in their own lives.
Now consider just a few reasons this particular argument should be REJECTED.1) Contrary to what its advocates assert, nowhere does the Bible ever describe the Lake of Fire as a place where God’s mercy is dispensed. On the contrary every mention of it reveals it to be TOTALLY devoid of God’s compassion. Demons even referred to it as a place of “TORMENT.” Furthermore, the book of Enoch actually describes it as a place of unspeakable horror and suffering so much so that this preacher of righteousness was genuinely terrified by it—requiring the comfort of an angel from heaven (See: Enoch 18:11-15, 21:7-10).
2) Contrary to what its advocates assert, NOWHERE does the Bible ever define the second death as a “Marcy Killing.” Actually the opposite is true. God’s Word reveals it to be a period of great anguish and suffering. But there is good news. When the advocates of this new doctrine actually observe God’s final judgment first hand, as born again witnesses in His Kingdom (which is exactly where I believe they will be), they will have absolutely no difficulty understanding this ETERNAL TRUTH and Satan’s ultimate fate.
3) Contrary to what its advocates assert, nowhere does the Bible teach that God’s final condemnation of the defiant provides even a small measure of compassion with it. In truth, both the law and the prophets, as well as the gospels themselves provide tangible examples of the Almighty meeting out His judgment without even a faint hint of pity. (See: Deuteronomy. 32:41, Jeremiah, 13:14 & Matthew 18:21-35). Furthermore, in an epistle that bears his name, the half brother of Jesus Christ specifically wrote that condemnation is a verdict totally incompatible with mercy as opposed to a companion of it. (See: James 2:13)
4) Contrary to what its advocates assert regarding Jesus’ admonition to His followers concerning loving their enemies, His words aren’t even an oblique reference to God’s approach toward Satan and for anyone to butcher one of the Messiah’s most sacred utterances as was done in this particular argument is disgraceful. There isn’t one syllable in the Scriptures in support of it.
Furthermore, while these advocates make every attempt to redefine how the Almighty executes His final judgment of Satan by portraying it as an “act of love intended on putting him out of his misery for his own good,” the apostle Paul offered a far different picture. When writing to the Church at Rome he stated dogmatically that:
“LOVE abhors that which is EVIL
and cleaves to that which is GOOD.”Romans12:9
These words should leave little doubt concerning God’s opinion of the force behind every atrocity ever committed. Simply put, God HATES the one responsible for each and every one of them and His contempt will be graphically expressed in Satan’s merciless fate—Eternal TORMENT beginning in a blazing inferno (Revelation 20:10) where he will be forced by divine justice to watch the fruits of his evil go up in smoke followed by his exile into a place of infinite darkness (and silence) throughout eternity never to be seen or heard from again (See: Argument X).
A Cautionary Warning
With that said, it genuinely pains me to offer the following to anyone who has succumbed to this particular argument not to mention this entire doctrine. In truth I cannot emphasize enough that after an exhaustive and thoroughly objective investigation of this NEW THEOLOGY it simply does not comport with Biblical orthodoxy. Simply put, it is TOTALLY FALSE.
A Final ThoughtPerhaps the greatest indignity proffered in this particular argument is that It actually diminishes the immense value of LOVE itself and how the Great God of Eternity expresses this wonderful quality as well as on whom it is rightfully and righteously bestowed.
The Scriptures speak prolifically about LOVE. They reveal what it is and what it is not. God’s WORD also explains how one may receive it as well as lose it. It identifies those who have it and those who don’t.
The apostle Paul explained that this one quality held the highest position among all spiritual gifts even eclipsing faith and hope in preeminence (See: I Corinthians 13:13). He also referred to it as a “bond of perfection” (Colossians 3:14). Jesus once identified it as the GREATEST commandment (Matthew 22:36-40) while the apostle John wrote that it was a one word definition of God Himself (I John 4:8).The Scriptures tell us that David LOVED God’s law (Psalm 119:97) that GOD the Father LOVES His human family (John 3:16), that Jesus LOVES His Church (Ephesians 5:25), and that His saints can be identified by the LOVE they have for each other (John: 13:35). When writing to the Church at Corinth Paul described LOVE as the ultimate SUPER POWER (See: I Corinthians 13). When presenting its extraordinary features, he confidently proclaimed that it is more formidable than the gift of prophecy or the ability to command the forces of nature (verse 2). It is more valuable than wealth—even wealth dedicated to philanthropy (verse 3).
Paul went on to say that love is greater than intellect and wisdom combined (verse 2) and has a staying power greater than prophecy, knowledge and language itself (verse 8). He also revealed how LOVE is manifested in the lives of those who have it and how it is demonstrably evident in what they CHERISH as well as what they HATE (Romans 12:9).
Add to this is the fact that genuine LOVE is reflected in the lives of the saints and can be observed in their patience and kindness, their humility and modesty, their deference toward virtue and their respect of truth (I Corinthians 13: 4-7).
However, perhaps love’s most powerful endorsement comes from the pen of Saint Paul himself who wrote that:“LOVE NEVER FAILS”
I Corinthians. 13:8
The reason for this timeless axiom is really quite simple. Contrary to what the advocates of this new doctrine falsely assert, mercy and compassion do not come in lower grades in order for them to be conveniently dispensed to those who will never be a part of God’s Kingdom. In truth, the only thing the condemned will ever receive in judgment is SHAME and EVERLASTING CONTEMPT as the scriptures require (See: Daniel 12: 2)—a consequence God declared they had “procured unto themselves” (See: Jeremiah 2:17,19).
The plain Biblical truth is that God’s love, His mercy, His forgiveness, and even salvation itself is always bestowed in full measure by an infinite God—and those who receive these priceless treasures will always have reason to be thankful and rejoice—knowing that each one of them will be employed in the service of an infinite KINGDOM and its infinite KING.
A Final Thought