What is Satan's Fate?

The Last Word
A Brief Review
Dear Friends,
Can spirit die? Furthermore, is DEATH the ultimate fate of Satan the devil? According to a growing number in God’s Church, including some of its leading figures, the answer is an unqualified YES. But is this true? Let’s review the arguments they present.
Those who embrace this new doctrine claim that because Paul wrote that only God has immortality, angels are somehow subject to corruption and therefore can be eradicated. What they fail to acknowledge is that when Paul wrote those words he wasn’t contrasting God to angels. He was contrasting Him to mankind. Furthermore, Paul’s proof that mankind wasn’t immortal was the fact that humans couldn’t see God or His spiritual realm—something angels are fully capable of. In other words, they passed that test. (See: Argument I)
Those who embrace this new doctrine claim that because man can destroy everything he creates, God must be able to do the same. Therefore, He will always be able to destroy spirit. What they fail to acknowledge is that God is perfectly capable of creating the infinite—something beyond destruction. He has done so in the past and He has given His word He will do so again in the future. (See: Argument II)
Those who embrace this new doctrine claim that because Paul said that “The wages of sin is death,” Satan must die—because he is the “original sinner.” What they fail to acknowledge is that Paul specifically stated that his words ONLY pertained to human beings—NOT spirit beings. (See: Argument III)
Those who embrace this new doctrine claim that the spirit in man is no different than a spirit being. Therefore, if God can destroy both the body and soul (spirit), as Jesus said, then He can destroy all angelic creatures as well. After all, spirit is spirit. What they fail to acknowledge is that when Jesus spoke of God destroying both body and soul He was ONLY speaking of the human body and its mind and He made that point abundantly clear. (See: Argument IV)
Those who embrace this new doctrine claim that because Christ became mortal, the same thing can happen to Satan. What they fail to acknowledge is that God’s word specifically states that the only way a spirit being can become mortal is to be BORN into the corruptible realm (“BORN of the flesh”). Furthermore, they fail to acknowledge that such a birth has ONLY and will ONLY happen to Christ—a point the apostle John made unequivocally. (See; Argument V)
Those who embrace this new doctrine imply that death came by Satan even though the scriptures say it came by Adam. (See: Argument III & V)
Those who embrace this new doctrine claim that when God told Satan that a descendant of Eve would “bruise his head,” He meant that the Messiah would kill him. What they fail to acknowledge is that virtually every Bible commentary on the subject states that God was referring to Satan’s rule over mankind being crushed—not that he would die. (See: Argument VI)
Those who embrace this new doctrine claim that when God expelled Satan from the third heaven, He pronounced a death sentence on him. What they fail to acknowledge is that Messiah specifically stated that He (Jesus) was an eye witness to this event and that the extent of God’s action was Satan being CAST OUT of GOD’S KINGDOM—not that he was threatened with execution. Additionally, when revealing this truth, Jesus was conveying the same authority to the apostles—the authority to cast out demons, not KILL them. (See: Argument VII)
Those who embrace this new doctrine claim that when God said “Never shall you be any more,” He was speaking to Satan. What they fail to acknowledge is that God was actually referring to the prince of Tyre (a man) and the fate of a city—NOT the king of Tyre (Satan) as these advocates incorrectly assert. (See: Argument VIII)
Those who embrace this new doctrine claim that Satan will die in the second death. What they fail to explain is why he never dies a first time. Furthermore, they NEVER explain why every human being who is cast into the Lake of Fire will have died at least once during their normal (MORTAL EXISTENCE) while every demon will ONLY have experienced prolonged confinement—NOT death. (See: Argument VIII)
Those who embrace this new doctrine claim that when demons asked Jesus if He had come to “torment” them before the time, they were referring to their impending death in the Lake of Fire. What they fail to acknowledge is that the demons themselves specifically stated that their torment actually came from the futility of confinement—not death. (See: Argument IX)
Those who embrace this new doctrine claim that Jude 13 is addressing the issue of apostate teachers as opposed to fallen angels. What they fail to acknowledge is that it was Jude himself who specifically likened these apostates to the “wandering stars” mentioned in the book of Enoch and that Enoch specifically revealed them to be “fallen angels whose [ultimate] fate is to be imprisoned FOREVER.” (See: Argument X)
Those who embrace this new doctrine claim that Jesus’ intent when He said angels cannot die was only that God’s saints in the resurrection will be made of spirit—not that angels are immortal. What they fail to acknowledge is that the Messiah NEVER mentioned the composition of angels but did specifically mention their IMMORTALITY and directly likened it to what man would experience in God’s Kingdom. (See: Argument XI)
Those who embrace this new doctrine claim that God would have to be held personally responsible if He “CAUSED” Satan to be tormented for all eternity as opposed to being mercifully put out of his misery. Additionally, they claim that only a cruel and “vindictive tyrant” would subject him to an eternal existence of pain and suffering. What they fail to acknowledge is that both Paul and God Himself stated that the sinner is TOTALLY responsible for the consequences imposed on him—NOT God. Furthermore, these advocates fail to acknowledge that Satan’s fate is specifically articulated in the Scriptures as being “tormented day and night for ever and ever.” (See: Arguments XII & XIII)
Those who embrace this new doctrine imply that when Jesus asked His Father to forgive His tormentors, He was also appealing to Him to have pity on Satan and his demons as well. What they fail to acknowledge is that Christ’s prayer was ONLY directed for the benefit of those who sin out of ignorance “Father forgive them for the KNOW NOT what they do.” Furthermore, these advocates fail to acknowledge that Christ’s sacrifice, and the mercy that inspired it, was never intended for those who sin willfully despite the fact that the book of Hebrews makes that point very clear. (See: Argument XIV)
Those who embrace this new doctrine claim that God bestows mercy on everyone—including the devil. They even assert that Satan’s ultimate fate, which they falsely claim to be death is actually an expression of God’s compassion on him to “end his suffering.” What they fail to acknowledge is that it was God Himself who declared that the ALMIGHTY only extends mercy to His people while He exacts vengeance on their enemies. (See: Argument XIV)
Those who embrace this new doctrine claim that God’s mercy and compassion are also expressed in condemnation. What they fail to acknowledge is that God’s Word says just the opposite. The Bible declares with GREAT FORCE that mercy and compassion are ONLY expressed in forgiveness and redemption. Furthermore, God’s Word states with equal FORCE that these wonderful gifts CANNOT harmoniously coexist with judgment (Damnation). You either receive one or the other—NEVER BOTH. (See: Argument XIV)
Those who embrace this new doctrine claim that not only does God love Satan, but that He desires His people to love him as well and when doing so they are to bless him and pray for him. What they fail to acknowledge is that every syllable in Scripture not only expresses God’s utter contempt for this despicable monster, but also warns His people to have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with him. (See: Argument XV)
What is the Truth?
Virtually every argument promoting the belief that Satan’s ultimate fate is DEATH is built on personal theories disguised as Biblical truth. This is not to suggest that the advocates of this new doctrine are deliberately misleading God’s people. Unfortunately, the result is just the same.
With that said, is there a reliable narrative regarding Satan and his ultimate destiny—one that doesn’t require spin? Fortunately, the answer is yes. Consider the REAL FACTS concerning the spirit realm and how God will ultimately deal with Satan and his demons.
Real Fact 1
At some point in the vast expanse of eternity God created the angelic realm. Furthermore, He made them from spirit and as such they were incorruptible. In other words, they were created out of the very fabric of God’s eternal domain. At this point it is interesting to note that there has NOT been one fatality in the angelic kingdom. This is even more remarkable when one considers that they have been alive for possibly BILLIONS of years.
Real Fact 2
At some later point God created the physical realm and eventually the human family. When doing so He made mankind out of corruptible matter (Gen. 2:7)—He made animals out of corruptible matter as well (See: Genesis 1: 20-21, 24-25). In other words, like the angels, mankind was made out of the fabric of his realm. At this point, it is interesting to note that as corruptible beings, virtually every physical creature ever created has or will eventually die. (See: Hebrews 9:27)
Real Fact 3
God’s Word reveals that the ONLY way man can enter into the spirit realm is to be BORN into it (John 3:1-3). When that birth takes place, His human family will shed the mortality of the physical realm and put ON the immortality of the spiritual dimension (1 Corinthians 15:51-53). In that state, mankind will be like every spirit being in existence—he will be incorruptible (Luke 20:36).
Real Fact 4
God’s Word also reveals that the ONLY way a spirit being can become a literal member of the physical realm is to be BORN into it as well. Furthermore, despite any argument to the contrary, there is absolutely no provision in the Scriptures making it possible for spirit beings to be supernaturally “transformed,” “transferred,” “changed” or “converted” into corruptible beings, and thus subject to death. Furthermore, it is absolutely certain that no such thing ever happened to Christ as a part of His incarnation. On the contrary, God’s Word BOLDLY declares that every physical birth must be of a woman (including the Messiah’s) (See: Genesis 3:20, 1 Corinthians 11:11).
Real Fact 5
The Scriptures also state that in order for man to be BORN into the spiritual realm he must first be begotten by God’s Holy Spirit. The same is true for a spirit being and their birth into the physical realm.
Real Fact 6
God’s Word declares that ONLY one spirit being in history has ever experienced such a begettal and subsequent birth—Jesus Christ. Furthermore, the apostle John stated unequivocally that He was the ONLY incorruptible being that will EVER have been BORN into the corruptible realm. (See: John 1:14)
Real Fact 7
The Scriptures declare with GREAT force that the Almighty is a RIGHTEOUS God. As such He requires moral purity from all His subjects. This applies to both angels and humans.
Real Fact 8
The Scriptures also reveal that those who refuse to submit to God’s moral authority will ultimately be cast into a Lake of Fire where they will suffer God’s eternal judgment. Once again, this applies to both human beings and spirit beings. Furthermore, the result of this judgment will be overwhelming and INFINITE. Mankind will PHYSICALLY experience the effects of this inferno, while Satan and his demons will experience its impact on a SPIRITUAL level. In both cases God’s judgment is permanent and unwavering. This now brings us to the CORE of the issue.
What actually happens to those who are cast into the Lake of Fire?
If one relies solely on the authority of Scripture, this question isn’t even difficult. However, if one relies on personal theories DISGUISED as Biblical absolutes, there is no telling where he or she might wind up. With that said, here is the PURE UNADULTERATED TRUTH straight from God’s Word—beginning with mankind.
Real Fact 9
When speaking EXCLUSIVELY of the human family, the apostle Paul revealed that “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). Although some claim that Paul’s words actually apply to everyone who sins (human or spirit), this is TOTALLY FALSE. Furthermore, those who believe this myth can’t find ONE verse that makes such a claim. In truth, when Paul wrote this pronouncement, he specifically stated that his words ONLY pertained to mankind, NOT spirit kind (See: verse 19).
The bottom line is this. The eternal consequence of HUMAN sin is DEATH. It is actually referred to as the “second death” (Revelation 20:6). This is because every human that suffers this fate will have already died once before (Hebrews 9:27).
What about Satan?
This now brings us to the fate of Satan and his demons—and as much as some contend that they will be changed into physical beings and burned to death in a Lake of Fire, God’s Word TOTALLY rejects this theory (See: Argument V). With that said, HERE IS SATAN’S FATE.
Real Fact 10
The Scriptures declare that like defiant humans, Satan and his demons will also pay an eternal price for their rebellion. Furthermore, God’s Word declares what that price will be—and like man it involves a massive inferno. These defiant spirits will be cast into this inferno and forced to watch the absolute destruction of every evil they have ever perpetrated. This will be their first moments of what the Bible calls ETERNAL TORMENT (See: Revelation 20:10).
The apostle John expressed it this way.
Revelation 20:10
New English Translation
“And the Devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet had been cast; and they, Satan and his demons, shall be tormented day and night into the ages of eternity.”
One Last Pronouncement
Ultimately, the Lake of Fire will burn out. At that point, Satan and his diabolical cohorts will be consigned to a place beyond the new heavens and the new earth—a place literally outside the universe. The Scriptures refer to it as “the blackness of darkness” (See: Jude 13). It is there, that this insidious enemy and his evil companions will wander without purpose for all eternity (See: Enoch 18:11-15, 21:7-10). This is the divine justice that awaits these once majestic beings. Sadly, it is a fate of their own making. (See: Jeremiah 2:17, 19)
A Final Thought
Finally, as the last chapter of history’s most evil villain comes to an end, GOD’S ETERNAL FAMILY may rest assured knowing that they will never have to deal with this despicable adversary again. In truth, once the ALMIGHTY’S final judgment is imposed on him, Satan will play no part in eternity. Furthermore, he will leave absolutely no legacy. His tyrannical rule will finally be destroyed. His governments crushed and every scheme he has ever imagined decimated. His merciless fate will be eternal exile in a desolate place—a place where there is no hope. However, one thing is for certain, it is there that he will be as good as dead.
P.S. As for the Father’s Beloved Saints, their GLORIOUS Fate is only Beginning.
Copyright © Dennis Fischer