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Thirty Excuses for Dining Out on the Sabbath Day

Excuse IX

Hating Sin


Isn’t it more in keeping with Christianity to show compassion for those who sin out of ignorance than to show contempt for their trespass?


In one of the most stunning arguments in defense of dining out on the Sabbath, the Advisory Committee for Doctrine of a major COG association stated that although they would never dine in a restaurant that knowingly profaned the Sabbath, they wouldn’t hesitate dining in one that was unaware they were doing so. Here are their exact words as expressed in a letter to a member who questioned why they don't hate what takes place in a restaurant on the Sabbath and holy day.

We would not patronize the business of anyone who is knowingly and defiantly breaking the Sabbath. But in most cases, this does not apply to unbelievers.

So we do not agree with your assessment, nor do we hate what is done in a restaurant. Rather, we feel sorry for those who do not understand the Sabbath and look forward to sharing the truth of this gracious gift of God to these people when God opens their minds to understand.

Minimizing Sin

The comment regarding not hating what takes place in a restaurant on the Sabbath may be the most disingenuous ever offered in this debate. Consider what these distinguished Bible minds are saying. Although it is appropriate to hate the sin but love the sinner, they don’t hate the sin either. This comment reflects a HUGELY liberal view of a trespass God specifically identified as a CAPITAL CRIME (Ex. 31:14). Sadly, these ministers are not the slightest bit offended by it.

The obvious reason they don’t hate God’s Sabbath being trampled on by restaurant personnel is because to do so would totally contradict their own behavior. Therefore, instead of changing their behavior they adjust the way they think about sin. In other words, instead of seeing this breach of God's law through the eyes of their Creator, these men have concluded that in their view profaning the Sabbath is not worthy of anyone’s contempt.

But is this the proper response? For example, how would this prominent team of COG leaders answer the following questions, all of which relate to sins that are done because people don’t know better?

Does this COG hate what is done in abortion clinics? Does this COG hate pornography? Does this COG hate the lies taught by false ministers? Does this COG hate witchcraft? Does this COG hate greed and idolatry? Does this COG hate pagan holidays and customs? Does this COG hate pedophilia? Does this COG hate prostitution? Does this COG hate drug trafficking? Does this COG hate man's attempt to redefine marriage? Does this COG hate child abuse? Does this COG hate gang violence? Does this COG hate divorce? Does this COG hate obscene speech and profanity? Does this COG hate terrorism? Does this COG hate racism and bigotry?

What Does God Think?

There are literally thousands of sins that are committed simply because of Satan's power to deceive this world (Rev. 12:9), and every one of them God HATES. He hated what took place in the garden on Eden. He hated what took place during the days of Noah. He hated what took place in Sodom and Gomorrah. He hated the bondage inflicted on Israel by the Egyptians. And the list goes on and on.

Furthermore, does this COG honestly believe that Nehemiah didn't hate what the men of Tyre were doing on the Sabbath when he actually threatened to use physical force to keep them out of Jerusalem on that day? They were unbelievers who also were deceived, just like those who work in restaurants today. And what about the gentile city of Nineveh, who God described as "not knowing their left hand from their right" (Jonah 4:11)? Does this COG believe that God didn't hate the sin taking place there (Jonah 1:2), when He actually threatened to destroy them if they didn't repent (Jonah 3:4).

Human history is filled with acts that insult our Creator and Sabbath-breaking is high on that list. This sin deprives man the opportunity to know who God is, and to know about the wonderful Kingdom He is going to restore to this earth. Tragically, Satan has blinded the minds of unbelievers (2 Cor. 4:4). He has persuaded them that God is irrelevant and that His Sabbath doesn't matter. Does this COG actually refuse to abhor what Satan has sold to unbelievers every time they prepare and serve them their Sabbath meals?

While these learned men argue that what takes place in a restaurant every Sabbath and holy day does not warrant their contempt, God’s approach to this sin is far different. He even offered His remedy to those who think they can pollute holy time.

But the house of Israel rebelled against me in the wilderness: they walked not in my statutes, and they despised my judgments, which if a man do, he shall even live in them; and my Sabbaths they greatly polluted: then I said, I would pour out my fury upon them in the wilderness, to consume them. (Ezek 20:13)

Here, God declared that He would pour out His fury on Sabbath breakers. Our question for this COG group is this. Do you think the Almighty was threatening to take this action out of pity? Or does this reaction sound more like rage?

Hating the Sin and Not the Sinner

It is true that it is appropriate to pity the sinner, but this does not mean that we shouldn't HATE the sin. Sadly, in the case of these COG leaders, no real sin takes place in restaurants every Sabbath, because those who labor on this day are unaware of God’s law.

The real tragedy is that until God’s people can see what takes place in restaurants every Sabbath the same way God sees it they will continue to embrace this sin. In that regard, they advocate a practice simply because they DON'T WANT to know better.

Excuse #10
Fine Dining