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"One Issue Critics"


How do you respond to those who refer to you as “One Issue Critics”?

Our Response:

In a highly publicized article condemning the book, A Sabbath Test, a “team” of writers from the Restored Church of God, characterized Dennis Fischer and Art Braidic as obsessing (our word) over the issue of dining out on the Sabbath. They actually referred to them as “one issue critics.” But is this true? Have these men simply conjured up a contentious debate and made an idol out of it? Is dining out on the Sabbath their sacred cow? Does this topic mean more to them than all others? Or, is the RCG accusation nothing more than a frivolous attempt to distract God’s people from considering the powerful message of A Sabbath Test?

It is hard to imagine anyone taking RCG’s words seriously. Even their leader contradicts this label. For example: while their article refers to Mr. Fischer and Mr. Braidic as “one issue critics,” RCG Director, Mr. David C.Pack in an Email to Dennis Fischer condemned him for a different issue altogether. This time it was Mr. Fischer taking a warning message to the leaders of the United States. In fairness, Mr. Pack’s assessment of what drives Dennis Fischer is far closer to being accurate than the assessment of those who excoriated him for writing A Sabbath Test. Mr. Fischer is immensely passionate about proclaiming an Ezekiel warning to the end-time descendants of Israel as well as to the world. Nothing more graphically illustrates this point than his book It Came Without Warning which is showcased in our library.

If the Restored Church of God truly desire to find out what drives the authors of A Sabbath Test, they need only look at their words. After all, wasn’t it Jesus Christ who said, “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Lk. 6:45)? This being the case, consider what these men have spoken out of the abundance of their hearts.

Art Braidic is one of the most prolific writers in God’s Church today. In addition to co-authoring A Sabbath Test, he has written or co-written over 15 other works. Many in God’s church regard his 300 plus page book The 144,000, to be the definitive statement on the identity of those described in the seventh and fourteenth chapters of the book of Revelation. In addition to that, Mr. Braidic has delivered virtually hundreds of messages to God’s people and only ONE has addressed the issue of dining out on the Sabbath. Furthermore, in his weekly television broadcast, The World to Come, Mr. Braidic has presented scores of messages on a wide range of topics but has yet to cover A Sabbath Test. Based on this alone, it is clear that if he is obsessing about anything, it is God’s work and not “one issue” as the RCG claims. The same holds true for his co-author.

Dennis Fischer has also stayed very busy with numerous projects that go far beyond this debate. Like Mr. Braidic, Mr. Fischer has written extensively on numerous issues impacting God’s people and the world. In addition to It Came Without Warning, mentioned above, he has written or co-written nine books/booklets as well as over one hundred articles appearing on this website alone. However, his 350-page book, A Vision, A Plan and A Destiny is truly what most animates him. This remarkable work has received numerous unsolicited comments comparing it to Mystery of the Ages by Herbert W Armstrong. Some have even characterized it as “the most inspiring work published by God’s end-time Church.”

The point here is that the “one issue critic” accusation leveled by the RCG is not based on evidence, but rather emotion. It is simply an attempt by Mr. Pack through his surrogates to define the authors of A Sabbath Test as extremists, and therefore not to be trusted. RCG’s words are tantamount to a professional wrestler calling his opponent a “pencil necked geek.” Those who employed it know full well this label isn’t true. It is simply their way of saying, “we don’t like them and you shouldn’t either.

Personally, this label doesn’t bother us at Blow the Trumpet. It is just another salvo from a group that believes their name calling is another “Biblical fact” to be employed in arguing the heretical idea that God’s people may do what is right in their own eyes on the Sabbath.


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